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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That's the great thing about being stupid. They don't realize how stupid they are - at least I think so. See also: Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia
  2. I think one of the big problems is that politicians mostly don't understand complex science - like many of us. So scientist have to make a 10 page summary of their long study. And then probably a one page summary for the politicians. And that summary is obviously often like: Which part of my study do you want for your summary (for political reasons). It's complicate - far too complicate for 5min news.
  3. Personally I think two motorcycles are enough, at least inside Bangkok. ????
  4. “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ― George Carlin
  5. And some people don't only listen to those people who shout loudest. There are some good videos with Bjørn Lomborg out there with not just one simple solution to very complex problems. And he is obviously not the only one who doesn't see the catastrophe which other like to promote.
  6. 1. Good luck we split up and I moved to Thailand. 2. Munich, in summer, not the Oktoberfest, see picture 3. Cambodia. Nepal is too cold.
  7. If we would have the hottest average temperature this year, and next years, and then then again, then I would start to worry. But that is not the case. I am sure climate change exists. But some people want to show it as a huge catastrophe. And with that they rectify lots of crazy activities. Sad!
  8. That's a good point. But I wonder how many of those influencers think after a while that they are stars and now get rich. And then, maybe sooner or later, they crash, and nobody cares about them anymore. I guess that hurts. And IMHO at least some of them deserve that.
  9. Actually, some of those rainbow activities also happen in the real world.
  10. That is something I started before Covid, at that time mostly electronics from China. Later I also bought more and more on Lazada. Now for many small and relative cheap items, I buy online. It saves me the travel through town, and it is not necessary anymore to talk to sales people who know less about their products then I know. I would really miss online shopping if I couldn't use it anymore. Years ago, I was almost the only guy in our condominium building who received parcels. When the reception received a box there was a high chance that it was for me. Now there are daily probably hundreds of boxes for (it seems) everybody in the building.
  11. Anybody who reads this forum is online. But some of us are a lot more online than others. I.e. I don't have Facebook, I seldom look at Twitter. But I watch a lot of YouTube videos, sometimes to learn something, sometimes for entertainment. I also look some parts of "shows" like Triggernometry, Lex Fridman, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher and others. Sometimes people talk about online trends, and how the world is so different from years ago because of this and that online. Interesting. But I have to admit I never noticed. Maybe because I am in Thailand and not "the west", or maybe because I mostly don't know what happens on Twitter, Facebook, etc. How about you? Do you know about all those things which go viral? Do you care? Does it enhance your life? Or are you mostly ignorant about trends and live a happy and, some people would say, ignorant life? Samples are online inspired "new" behavior of men and women. All those gender issues. The "climate catastrophe". Hollywood trends. Cancelled people.
  12. Available in Foodland. I don't know the other products so I can't comment about their availability. In general, I suggest look in Foodland, Tops, Villa Market.
  13. Just use the build in task manager. It shows all the important information. There is no need to install another program for that.
  14. I worked with one electrician company in Bangkok, mostly for network cabling. They also do electrical installations. Great quality, and they charge a lot more than most of us would expect in Thailand. Because they do a lot better work than most of us would expect here.
  15. And do you have any updates to this thread after 7 pages? I have to admit I like interesting threads, but I don't like when the people who start it never return...
  16. Then, at least if you run Windows, that is normal when you switch on the PC. Windows takes ages to check for updates, download updates, install updates, and maybe again the same. I suggest switch it on, make sure it doesn't go to sleep, and wait and hour. Then maybe restart and maybe do it again. And then all should be fine. Mostly I work on my desktop. Whenever I know I will use my notebook then I do this procedure hours before I have to actually use it. Then it is back to 0% CPU when I need to use it. I would switch it on and let it update at least once per month so that this procedure doesn't take forever.
  17. How old is that PC? Windows 8 was released in 2012, 11 years ago. Maybe it's time to retire that old PC and get a new one.
  18. Thanks I know I asked for online but on that web page they also write about getting the insurance at 7/11. That is probably the most convenient for me.
  19. Or the cameras are all fixed to 150cm height. ????
  20. Did this premier candidate ever talk about anything else? One could almost think she only has that job because of her father...
  21. Thanks. I just read it and I wouldn't sign it. Farang is fully responsible for any fraud...
  22. I can't be sure but I think that is unlikely. The idea seems to be (online) fraud prevention so that people don't transfer money to criminals. That is not relevant for incoming money. Or that is the problem of the sending bank.
  23. It would be interesting to see that document. Will it be in English? Will we be doomed if we sign it. Most of the time I can live with the 50k limit. I am relucent to sign something like that.
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