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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. You obviously don't work with computers. You would be surprised how many computers don't do what they are supposed to do. ????
  2. But then, how many parties with celebrities did you attend? I never was at such a party. I have no idea if it's fun.
  3. What do they do in whatever country you come from? I don't think there is any country or religion or even people without religion without any funeral rituals. It's not about the money. It's about remembering the deceased and maybe to show off what kind of party they can organize or pay for - not just in Thailand. My future funeral director knows already that I want that she plays this:
  4. Just for clarification: Life Insurance and Death Insurance (or whatever it is called) are two different things. The idea about the death insurance is to pay for the funeral. The idea about the life insurance is to provide the bereaved with money to continue to live (maybe without the main person who created income in the family).
  5. It seems in some hospitals the most important reason for these packages is to sell medical procedures. If you make 100 tests, it's almost impossible that there is not something which is not perfect. Let's sell him xyz. And like you wrote, it's not that they present it as a possible issue which could be a problem maybe in years. It's like: We found something, anything, let's commit now!
  6. Is sex with a pretty (and/or intelligent, well educated, etc.) woman better? A long time ago when I came to Thailand, I visited the bars all the time. And I wanted the best-looking girls. Some of them were fun, others not so much. Over time I managed to find what I want. I still wouldn't have sex with an ugly woman, but she doesn't have to be the prettiest of all of them. It's a question of compatibility or chemistry or whatever you call it. And the best sex which I had was definitely not with the best-looking girls. In fact, I remember a few super good-looking girls were in the hindsight I thought it would have been better if I would have continued to dream about her instead of being disappointed. And I am sure for women, well-educated or not, it's also more a question of chemistry how things work out. Guys and girls have to be compatible to each other. And, as far as I see, this is impossible to check out according to a list or description. It's chemistry - or whatever you want to call it.
  7. Make sure you keep those bikes away from your wife. If you ever split up, then you still have 1 of 5. ????
  8. You have an interesting way of thinking. I don't have a gf to go to parties and I don't care if other people think this is beautiful or a star. I want to be happy with her. And of course, when I met my gf it was important that she was hot in my eyes. I had the bedroom in mind, not parties. My gf told me at one time that people in her village told her already when she was a teenager that she will have a farang boyfriend. That was the Thai way of telling her that no Thai guy wants a brown and small girl. Personally I like small and brown and cute. She is perfect for me. I think in a way it is even better when other men don't think she is desirable.
  9. There are no clear rules. Some families spend little, some want to have a big and long party. IMHO you should contribute, but you don't have to be the big spender. Sometimes part of the cost is also covered by some kind of death insurance which many Thais seem to have.
  10. I doubt that, if we are talking purely aesthetics then a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman. We see all the time comments about Miss something. It seems often people disagree about who is pretty. I think Taylor Swift is a good example to disagree. It seems many people think she is beautiful. I think she looks like a lot of headache.
  11. Nit Noi May Faa Lek The list might change tomorrow, but you get the idea. ????
  12. Bad driving, and it seems it gets worse. Especially when I see motorcycle riders who play with their smart phones in the middle of the traffic. I guess one reason the phones have this name is because they are certainly smarter than many of their users. Another problematic issue are all those incompetent people, especially craftsmen, who know little, are not interested to improve their skills, and don't care. And obviously they are upset if anybody dares to tell them about this situation. How much I am irritated by things depends very much on my mood. Sometimes it is just amusing, but sometimes I really hate it.
  13. If you would have such an IQ, then you would know that your sentence doesn't make sense.
  14. Maybe you can explain to us how sex with well educated women with high paying jobs is better than sex with just a hot girls/women? Normally I don't talk much when I have sex. And definitely no talking which requires a good education or a high paying job. You must be one of those guys with hundreds of fb-friends. Wow, I am the guy, I have so many friends. Personally, I need maximum two hands to count my good friends. But maybe that's just me.
  15. Luckily there is still Swenson, in case I don't find Mars anywhere. ????
  16. AI won't break bank codes, that is not what AI does. Breaking bank codes is for quantum computers.
  17. I am sure it will be used to scam even more money from the people with low IQ. Same as now, but on a bigger scale. And that is obviously only part of what will happen.
  18. Thanks for your information. I saw some videos on YouTube about mixed neutrals and the problems with that. It was scary enough to remember it. It seems two RCBOs are not recommended in some countries to that only "half" of everything is off. I.e. a light in one room is off but in the next room the light is still on. I never thought about that but obviously it makes sense. A 6A or 10A MCB won't make a difference to safe a human life. That's the job of the RCCBs. The smallest cable which I intend to use are 1.5sqmm.
  19. I am sure it can get scary. But not just because of AI. If we look at the two likely US presidential candidates: Who would have predicted that years ago? And Putin invading Ukraine. And the possible use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of the world as we know it. I don't know how likely it is. But it certainly possible. So AI is just one of those things which might ruin the day - and future.
  20. I never had a big problem with this, but occasionally relatives and friends of my long-time gf needed money. I did the following: I told her I am willing to help them. But obviously we all need money, so I want to limit how much I give. I also told her that when people borrow money then I expect to get it back. So I asked her what she thinks about how much money we should make available for those people. She didn't ask for a huge amount. I think we settled on 20,000B. I said something like: Ok, I will have a budget of 20k for those people in need. If the first one wants 5k, fine, the second person wants 15k, ok. And then, there is only money available when the first people pay it back- like they promised they would. Obviously, as expected, many didn't pay it back. So now, if Noi asks for money, my gf can tell her: We gave Somchai and Nit 20,000B, and they promised to give it back last year. We are still waiting for that money. When they pay the money back like they promised then we are happy to help you. That system worked for me - at least mostly. And it also worked for my gf. Because she knows I helped her family and friends. And she knows that they promised to pay it back but never did. First she thought the 20k budget should be more than enough. 5k here and 3k there, no problem. And it would have worked if the people would have paid the money back. Now she had herself the experience that the 20k is gone and probably will never be returned. She learned from that. And if anybody asks again, she can tell them about Somchai and Nit. Convince them to pay it back and they you can have it... To be fair there are other situations. I.e. my gf's father was involved in an accident and the other guy, who caused the crash, didn't pay as much as he should. I helped her father. And it was a present. I don't expect to get it back. But situations like that don't happen often.
  21. But when you grow up in Thailand and learn to respect your parents and elders for many many years, then it's not so easy to change that behavior.
  22. The following is a general reply, but maybe still helpful. When men hear about a problem, then they want to present a solution. When women talk about a problem, they want mostly moral support and are not necessary looking for a solution. With this in mind it is probably the best that you listen to her and tell her something like "I understand you are under a lot of pressure from your family" etc. Hold her hand and make her feel better. Presenting possible solutions is probably not what she expects. I know this is very general, but often it is true.
  23. It seems there are mostly two options: a) she gets pressure, and she goes right away to you and gives you pressure. b) she gets pressure, and she manages it herself without telling you, or maybe she tells you just sometimes. I don't think there is option c in real life in Thailand.
  24. I don't really look at the prices. There are many other chocolate products in the same price range and some more expensive. They all seem to be in stock - except Mars.
  25. That's what I though a month ago. They never arrived.
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