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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Not only the military hates the criminal and his lackeys. And we have at least 100 reasons to hate him.
  2. Do regular service at places where they know what they are doing. Use quality oil, maintain the chain, make sure service like valve clearance service is done, etc. It's best if you have a reliable place where you go regularly. Let them do whatever is necessary and you won't have any trouble.
  3. What I find amazing with situations like above is that someone must have (kind of) lived in that place. There are half finished drinks, bottles of shampoo, food rests, and much more. It's not that someone just dumped a couple of bags with trash. The things in that room added up over time with a drink here and a bottle there and some spilled food and this and that and whatever. An hour and a few trash bags could have made a huge difference for whoever "lived" in that place.
  4. I think that shows us clearly that there are forces out there who don't support the criminal and his puppet show. Good!
  5. For whatever reason all those MAGA fans don't remember these little details. Maybe they should all drink bleach, just in case it helps against something.
  6. When I arrived in Thailand, I thought I could use logical thinking to understand Thailand. And then, after a while, I realized that it does not make any sense to try to find something which isn't there. Maybe it would have been better if I would have known this before I arrived. But not sure I would have believed it.
  7. And I thought most men want to hear that they are handsome man and tell great jokes and they make love like nobody else and all that. And when the girls tell the guys what they want to hear then some guys think: Wow, this is the perfect girl for me, I should marry her. Yeah, sure, what a great idea.
  8. One of those wonderful sentences of the self-described genius: “I’m sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the roofs of your cars and on the trunks of the cars, and it just seems like something that at some point you will come up with — I’m sure you’ll be the first — but it would seem that a solar panel on the roofs, you know on flat surfaces, on certain surfaces might be good at least in certain areas of the country or the world where you have the sun,” Trump rambled brilliantly. Minutes of the Elon Musk–Donald Trump mutual admiration society (nationalheraldindia.com)
  9. What I find so sad about this, is that Elon Musk didn't even pretend to be neutral and ask Trump a couple of not so easy questions. Like: Why do you constantly lie? Why don't you even try to behave like a decent human being? It seems the only thing Musk achieved with this is to alienate his nature loving EV customers. What a smart idea - or maybe not?
  10. SUV or motorcycle? What's the next question? Beer or milk?
  11. Are there any security procedures to follow when working on any lift? Did he follow all those procedures? If not, then why not?
  12. So, why is there now no bathtub in your condominium? Did she buy or rent it before you met her? Otherwise, you could have made sure you have a bathtub before you rented it or bought it. I have a wonderful bathtub in my condo.
  13. You started this. And you didn't start a thread just about Covid 19. You asked: "What repercussions have been forced onto China as a result of their horrendous lack of safety and virus containment that caused Covid-19 ??" That made it about politics and not just Covid 19.
  14. I use K-Bank and SCB since many years and I never had any problems. UOB took over Citibank credit cards. That was a drama, and some things are still strange. At least for the credit card I can't recommend UOB.
  15. My condominium floor was bare concrete, previously there was parquet. They didn't do any self-leveling and they did a great job with the installation of my tiles.
  16. If you like to learn about all of this, I can recommend this YouTube guy. He installs tiles since decades, and it seems he knows what he is doing.
  17. Yes, but ... Self-leveling cement is a good idea, and it is wonderful if it is done correctly. Unfortunately, it might be done incorrectly and then it makes even more problems. I wouldn't ask anybody who is not familiar with that procedure to do it, because there is a good chance they will make the situation worse.
  18. You need something like this: TILE ADHESIVE JORAKAY GREEN 20KG (homepro.co.th) And, especially for larger tiles, it is highly recommended that you use a tile leveling system. And, last but not least, make sure the gaps between the tiles are according to what is written on the tile box. Summary: You can do a lot wrong with laying tiles. And it is a lot of headache, work and money to fix it.
  19. I have no experience with caddies, but the massage ladies are a good example. If we go to foot massage, we pay 300B for an hour massage each, and 100B each for the massage people. Personally, I think the 100B is way too much compared to the original price. 33% tip! But it seems that is the normal amount which the people who work there expect. So sure, I or we could give less tip, maybe 20B or even 50B. Would that be a good idea if we go there regularly? I don't think so. Because we would pay less than "everybody" else. Would it affect the service. I guess so. In my mind I summarized that to: The massage cost 400B including tip. It's not exactly cheap, but I can live with it because the service is good and just around the corner. I think sometimes it makes sense that we adjust to whatever is the norm (in that place).
  20. Let her do the tipping in the local bars, restaurants, etc. She knows what makes sense - for whatever reason. You avoid conflict with this behavior. Watch and learn.
  21. 555 They would obviously be for my gf. If you go, then go in style!
  22. Imagine the old idiots would destroy each other. I guess it won't happen, but I like the idea.
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