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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There are many floating markets. I found one with almost no farangs. Many Thai visitors and some Asian tourist. I like it, my girlfriend likes it, and we go there every couple of weeks on the weekend. Sorry, I won't tell you which one it is, because I hope it stay like it is. But here is a hint: Do your research. πŸ˜‰
  2. No medical treatment, they all wanted to win the Darwin Award. Let them die. Problem solved.
  3. Wasn't one of his parole conditions that he doesn't meddle in politics? Lock him up!
  4. I am not surprised she had to reserve that space, or probably 2 or 3 spaces. She doesn't even know how to sit on a chair.
  5. Until now they can pretend that Paetongtarn is competent. Put her in charge, and it won't be long before she is exposed. Somehow, I don't think that is not what the owner of that party wants. But then, not too many things in Thailand make any sense. Let's see what will happen.
  6. With my limited experience from "back home" I think that over there many couples try to make decisions together and they compromise. Here, the question is who the alpha in the relationship is. If the guy doesn't take that role, then she will take it. And when he finally realizes that that happened, then it's too late for him to change that fact in that relationship. IMHO, if that happens, then say goodby, learn from that, and make sure you don't make the same mistake in the next relationship.
  7. That is definitely something many farangs do wrong in Thailand. If they say yes to everything their darling tells them, then they should not be surprised to end up in a situation which they don't like. She will always be between you and her family. Will she be more on your side or more on their side? The only way you can influence that is by showing her clearly your limits. If she accepts that, fine. If not, then you better look for someone else.
  8. I wouldn't be surprised if drugs are involved. And maybe they were smart enough not to leave (signs of) the drugs in the middle of the room.
  9. How often did you sent away the "perfect girl" because you didn't like her family? I guess I would also avoid some bad cases of people who are always drunk, always demand money, etc. But it's definitely not easy to find the perfect girl including a good family.
  10. Let's be realistic here: Do you want to see the family for many hours? Do they want to see you for many hours? The answer is probably no and no. So now it's only a question of finding a polite reason. Like: The soi dog seems to be sick. I have to look every hour if he is ok. Or something like that. It doesn't really matter what you say, any bs story will do the job. And of course, a donation from you so that they can have a good time is always welcome.
  11. That's the theory. But did they actually do that? Which brings me back to my original question: Does anybody from the condo management or similar has the right to check if I have a pet in my condo? I guess not. Or do they?
  12. A Thai jail should do the job. If it hurt: Here, take some para. If it hurts more: Get used to the idea that you will die.
  13. Yes, that is a big issue. Until now my idea was to pretend there is no cat. I don't think anybody has the right to check in my apartment if they find one. But that is just my theory.
  14. I live in a condominium which has the official policy that they don't allow pets. But there are some pets in the building. I know about at least one cat, a squirl (kind of), and some time ago someone had a small dog (which never barked). It seems to me that at least some people from the management and security guards know about this, but they don't really care. Like: If there is no noise and no complains, and the animals are behind closed doors, there is no problem. Now my gf and I think about adopting a cat. The cat would be 99% of the time in my condominium (I own it). I guess from time to time there might be a visit to the doctor or so. I don't think this would be a problem. There is no noise, no smell, and nobody sees the cat. But as we all know, there are many regulations in Thailand which are mostly ignored, until the moment they are not ignored anymore and someone complaints. And then? If nobody sees the cat in the corridors or lift, how could they know/argue that I have a cat? Does the management or anybody else have the right to inspect my condominium to check if there is any animal? I understand that condominiums have no pet rules to avoid barking dogs, etc. But if nobody sees the animal, then this is like the animal does not exist. What is your experience? And for the record: No, until now we don't have a cat.
  15. You can't. I guess in the UK there are laws that if you paid, they you paid - even if the agency did not transfer the money to the owner. In Thailand, I wouldn't bet if such laws exist and how they are interpreted.
  16. It seems to me that locals "think" this is like a race circuit where nobody has any mirrors. You look what is in front of you and you don't care what is behind you. And people behind other riders and drivers know that that the person in front of them does never look into the mirrors to check the traffic behind. Assuming that the person in front checks their mirrors is a big mistake.
  17. When I arrived in Thailand and saw the traffic on Sukhumvit Road, at that time still without Skytrain, I thought I will never ride a bike in Thailand. Then I used motorcycle taxis for about four years before I bought my own bike. In those years I learned the Thai traffic "rules" and behaviors, all the shortcuts, and all that. I think best is to just forget anything from driving school and experience from back home. Learn here from scratch, assume nothing is the same as back home. And don't try to find any logic. There is no logic. Now, I ride bikes in Bangkok for more than 20 years with no real accident (apart from very minor almost standing). I expect all the time the unexpected. Worst, IMHO, are all those stupid riders who like to squeeze left or right and then the meter space between me and the car in front of me. And when I "complain" that they try to use space which just doesn't exist, they get angry. Many of us know how to drive a car and how to ride a bike. I think in Thailand there are many people with motorcycles who never drove a car. And there are many drivers who never rode a bike. For that reason, many of them just don't understand the differences, i.e. space needed in corners, limited view from inside a car, etc.
  18. It would be fatal if I would ride on the correct side of the road like they do back home. I had to adapt fast. Now I ride on the wrong side like everybody else. πŸ˜‰
  19. So, was it just a charging station or a charging station is one or more batteries? Normally, charging stations don't make hissing noises, a failing battery might do that. And why is such a station, with possibly multiple dangerous batteries, in such a vulnerable location?
  20. Not only the military hates the criminal and his lackeys. And we have at least 100 reasons to hate him.
  21. Do regular service at places where they know what they are doing. Use quality oil, maintain the chain, make sure service like valve clearance service is done, etc. It's best if you have a reliable place where you go regularly. Let them do whatever is necessary and you won't have any trouble.
  22. What I find amazing with situations like above is that someone must have (kind of) lived in that place. There are half finished drinks, bottles of shampoo, food rests, and much more. It's not that someone just dumped a couple of bags with trash. The things in that room added up over time with a drink here and a bottle there and some spilled food and this and that and whatever. An hour and a few trash bags could have made a huge difference for whoever "lived" in that place.
  23. I think that shows us clearly that there are forces out there who don't support the criminal and his puppet show. Good!
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