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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That reminds me of a friend. Mostly we had about the same taste for girls (in gogo bars). But sometimes he told me something like: Wow, that girl looks great. From my point of view the only great/large things were on her chest. The rest was definitely not exiting. But it seems he didn't see the rest. And it seems he is not the only one with that preference.
  2. Looking at her I wonder why anybody would care. I don't know if maybe she was hot 20 years ago. But now she should avoid pictures like that.
  3. It seems now in politics we have the choice between the extreme left who seem to think it's up to each individual to think every morning what gender they like to be on that day. And the extreme right who pretend gays and lesbians don't exist. Is it really so difficult to accept that gays and lesbians do exist but that it is madness to decide to change the gender from time to time? I suggest if a guy wants to be a woman then the first thing he should do is cut off that thing. That shown good intentions.
  4. How about cease and desist from all unfair practices? Because if they do that then they won't allow a XY compete to against a XX. Because that is not fair.
  5. All that from reading tweets? I thought many people want free speech. Not that I am a fan of twitter, but should it really be their job to employ thousands of people or AI to filter out what some people won't like? Nobody has to use twitter. Don't use it. Problem solved.
  6. It seems they received an email about the coronation. It seems it wasn't an invitation. Maybe it's a letter like: Dear son, I thought about inviting you. But then I thought about your wife, and I changed my mind... That is also an email about the coronation. Just saying
  7. Yeah bro - at least every bro knows. Bros have a good time over there.
  8. Yes mister, have bottom floor, sure. ???? Have lift duai.
  9. Thanks I know not everybody in this forum is 100% legal. But I wonder if the majority of the members here are used to that term or condition...
  10. That was the moment when you should have told him that won't happen and walk away.
  11. Why do some people think everybody else knows all abbreviations? <deleted> is IDC?
  12. That might be difficult. What should he ask? Is the 1st floor the first floor? Or is it the ground floor? And maybe they have a staircase which makes it kind of a high ground floor, or maybe they call it 1st floor. ????
  13. Now how many Thai electricians do you think heard that before? And how many will act accordingly? As far as I see they have only one rule: It works, kind off, and that's it. Anything which might happen tomorrow is too far away in the future to even think about it.
  14. Thanks for your replies. I only noticed this today and I have/had already an appointment with my contractor tomorrow. In general, he and his teams are doing reasonable work. Sometimes very good (IMHO) and sometimes still ok. I guess if the walls, or the skimming or whatever that is called, would be 1 or 2 mm uneven, that would be acceptable. I can't really expect a wall like a sheet of glass. But when is the difference too much? If possible, I like to have by tomorrow an idea about what is considered perfect, what is acceptable, and what is so bad that it should be done again. Simply I don't know what to expect. I also wouldn't know what to expect back home in farang country. I am sure a certain amount of uneven is to be expected and acceptable. But how much?
  15. Wait until the smoke comes out. Then you have to vent.
  16. My contractor hired workers to add a few short interior walls. Until now I thought they look good. But now another team, from the same contractor, installs metal strips below the ceiling (something special, just pretend it could be crown molding). And now it is visible that the walls are not really straight. Until now I found out that on one spot the wall is about 8mm "thinner" than one meter away from there. This is near the ceiling measured horizontally. This is a picture made from about 170cm height to the ceiling. The metal strip in the picture is straight. This is a close up. Looking at the whole wall it doesn't look so bad. What is acceptable for a good contractor?
  17. Colors seems to indicate exactly nothing with Thai electricians. Any color can be anything. And only because blue is neutral in one socket doesn't mean the same applies to the next socket. You can't even assume that yellow/green is earth. Maybe it is, maybe not!
  18. Really? How many mothers dispose their babies? As far as I know that is an extreme exception. And I am sure lots of people, including monks and health workers, will help a mother in need. That doesn't mean Thailand's social system can't be improved. But the system is not to blame for this extreme behavior. Mentally unstable people exist all over the world in poor and rich countries.
  19. A general question, maybe it was discussed already: Did anybody ever try an emergency brake with one of those things? Somehow they don't look like they are built for that.
  20. Another video? It seems it doesn't matter if there are 10 or 1,000 videos out there. New arrivals, and people who think after a few months that they know it all, make the same mistakes again and again.
  21. What is ridiculous? The replies or the action? If they guy would be in his home country, would he buy 10 bikes and register them in somebody else name for any reason? Unlikely. And if he would/should do that then he would realize that there is a substantial risk involved. But coming to Thailand and investing in this business with this nice Thai girl is obviously something different. Yeah, sure. And then it seems like @Alexzweiner posted this 10 hours ago, his first post ever, and then never returned...
  22. Not bad luck, bad decisions. And only because you worked somewhere far away your whole life doesn't mean everybody does that. I realized that moving to Thailand will improve my life when I was still relatively young. ????
  23. She could still stand. Apparently it wasn't so bad. And there are obviously lots of reasons why she avoided going to a hospital, showing them her passport, paying a lot of money, etc.
  24. Looking at that picture, they should have pixelated his tattoos instead of his face. I am sure people will remember those tattoos.
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