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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, that's the idea. Obviously it would be wonderful if all would be right from the beginning. But I guess that is unrealistic. So as long as it's good at the end of the day, or several months, that is acceptable for me.
  2. If you have a little time maybe visit this: https://architectexpo.com/ I was there last year, and they have many interesting products. Be aware that many exhibitors are only interested in contractors and not in house owner's enquiries. If you can't wait look at their website and list or products and companies. I guess you will find something.
  3. What can anybody expect from a fugitive criminal who doesn't use his real name calls himself Tony Woodsome? Nuff said.
  4. Not necessarily. Many people met at work, maybe became a couple, had sex, and maybe even married and had kids.
  5. Hopefully she will get better soon. Apart from that I find it fascinating how many people think dating apps are a good idea to find sex partners. There was a time when people meet other people in the real world. They had mutual friends or co-workers or frequented the same places. And then they got to know each other and then, normally some time later, maybe they had sex. Now: Wow, this guy/girl looks great in that picture. Let's meet and have sex. What can possibly go wrong?
  6. In a democracy fugitive criminals don't lead a political party. And in a functioning democracy nobody would vote for such criminals.
  7. As usual, they don't care about the laws. Otherwise they wouldn't care what that criminal fugitive wants to say.
  8. Please publish your name when you support terrorists. Otherwise I have to ask the moderators to report you to the authorities.
  9. Imagine Nattawut in Jail and no Pheu Thai anymore. Celebration time!
  10. I remember this one. I think I was maybe 14 when I watched it late at night on TV. How exiting!
  11. A little update: Today I saw my contractor and he saw the problem and he agreed they will redo the plastering (not sure about that term) of some walls. He knows it's his responsibility and I don't have to pay anything extra. Good. Let's see.
  12. Thanks, they look very much like what I had in my mind. Do you know how they are called in Thai or Thai English for search on Lazada etc.?
  13. Like mentioned above. Google: 4 inch hole saw.
  14. Soon I will get a big fridge for my new kitchen. It weighs about 100kg. In a perfect world I would get it delivered and installed in the correct place and all would be fine. But what if I have to move it a little in or out or to the sides? Are there any sliding pads or something like that available to do something like that? Until now I don't have my fridge, but I would be surprised if the floor or the "feet" are designed to move it around. The fridge will be similar to the picture below. Any ideas?
  15. And I can assure you, that those uneven walls even "happen" when you have a well-paid contractor with teams who worked in 5-star hotels in Thailand. Many people, including me, are willing to pay good money for good work. But it is still very difficult to find those workers who are willing and able to do a good job.
  16. Maybe some Sun readers, or should I write Sun watchers, overestimate how many people care about the Sun or what's in it.
  17. I am definitely no fan of that Kardashian clan. But some of them are billionaires. So they can't be completely dim.
  18. That reminds me of a friend. Mostly we had about the same taste for girls (in gogo bars). But sometimes he told me something like: Wow, that girl looks great. From my point of view the only great/large things were on her chest. The rest was definitely not exiting. But it seems he didn't see the rest. And it seems he is not the only one with that preference.
  19. Looking at her I wonder why anybody would care. I don't know if maybe she was hot 20 years ago. But now she should avoid pictures like that.
  20. It seems now in politics we have the choice between the extreme left who seem to think it's up to each individual to think every morning what gender they like to be on that day. And the extreme right who pretend gays and lesbians don't exist. Is it really so difficult to accept that gays and lesbians do exist but that it is madness to decide to change the gender from time to time? I suggest if a guy wants to be a woman then the first thing he should do is cut off that thing. That shown good intentions.
  21. How about cease and desist from all unfair practices? Because if they do that then they won't allow a XY compete to against a XX. Because that is not fair.
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