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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No, influential people are worse. If they work with you, then they can get things done. And if, for whatever reason, then they work against you, then you are done.
  2. Theoretically speaking, what would you do if she would return all those bikes? Would you sell them? How? They are not in your name, you can't legally sell them. Would you rent them? It seems you legally can't do that. If this is real, then IMHO try to make a deal with her. Sell them and share the profit. Ask for 50% but be prepared to accept less. Because it seems legally you have no alternative.
  3. IMHO that is the biggest problem. And it the batteries are lithium batteries there is also a risk when they are charged. And fire can't be extinguished easily. If they burn, they burn, and burn.
  4. I live in one of those high-rise condominiums. We have a nice pool and I guess I would not have moved into it if it wouldn't have a pool. But I use it very seldom. And in general, it is used very seldom. The pool is fine, it just seems normal thet few people use it. And from my apartment I can see other pools from other buildings nearby. In the hotels pools are sometimes busy. In the condominiums they seem to be almost always (almost) empty. Why? I don't know.
  5. I don't think it's funny to be driven around in a driverless car for the entertainment of others. Whoever Amanda is, I would tell her to stop that thing and let me out and never come back. Stupid woman's idea of fun.
  6. That reminds me of a friend who bought his 80+ yo father a flat screen TV. The father saw the box and that plastic thing with the glass on one side. But he asked his son: Where is the TV?
  7. I started reading the article a few days ago. It seems some feminist wants attention. Luckily in Thailand most people ignore those feminists. Good.
  8. That looks like an electric pump for the aircon drain. Depending on the installation those are necessary so that the water from the drain is pumped away. Without the working pump water will likely leak out of the aircon.
  9. The question is not if I disagree with people or politics. I.e. people can have different opinions about social supports, wars, abortion, and many other issues, I accept that. The problem with many losers and stupid people is, that they don't care about the truth and reality. I.e. if Trump would say something like: I lost the last election, and now I will work harder to win your trust so that I win next time. That would make sense. I still wouldn't like him, but I would accept that he fights for his believes. But Trump still denies reality on so many levels. And his followers should know that he is lying all the time. Why do they support a serial liar?
  10. It seems there are about 70 million losers who like to be part of a loser cult. They call it MAGA.
  11. Where does that insight come from? I am aware that there are criminal foreigners in Thailand. But is that a high percentage? Personally I wouldn't use such "service" for the same reason that I never used facebook. I want my privacy - even without a criminal background.
  12. Watch the movie Idiocracy until the end and you will know the answer.
  13. They are allowed to vote, every one of them, in their home countries.
  14. Entertaining? Or sad? Imagine you live in the USA and you have a crazy president only because too many people listen to those lies.
  15. Yes. And there is a difference between taking care and financing everything the parents want. It's not easy for some of the girls, and some (many?) would never think about going their own way. But it seems some of the girls learn that the person with the money has the power. They learn that it's up to them what they want to give and not up to others to demand it.
  16. I bought this one and it works fine, including Bluetooth transfer to the app on the mobile phone. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i396154541-s769402295.html Personally I think with medical devices it's a good idea to buy brand name products. Because we want accurate reliable data. What's the point in a cheap device with possibly wrong data?
  17. To the moderators, it's probably a good idea to move this to IT.
  18. Are they from the same brand? Hopefully, because otherwise it is probably headache. Make sure you update the firmware from everything. And try, at least at the beginning, simple settings to establish that it works at all. After you know it works at all then you can play around with additional settings, one after another.
  19. And when the daughters are far away from their families then they have time to think about that situation and decide if they want to do that. Some girls become more independent. Good.
  20. I also don't know. But I guess part of it is the religion. In so called christian countries everybody learn from early age that sex is bad and all that. In Thailand that seems not be the case. I think when people think sex is bad or prostitution is bad that is mostly a decision in their head. If nobody indoctrinates the girls with the idea that it is bad then they don't know it's bad and don't think it's bad.
  21. What does a girl in a factory make? Maybe 12k, with overtime? How long does a bg need to make that money? Max a week - if she works and not just plays with her phone. So what about the other 3 weeks in the month? If that job would be so horrible then one would think the girls would work maybe a week in a month and the rest of the time they would study to get a better education and a better job. But how many girls do that? It seems many are willing to so what they do for the newest iphone and other gadgets. It's obviously up to them if they want to do that. But I am fed up with reading about all those exploited girls who have no alternative. They have!
  22. A couple of general comments. This is a place where you can easily research prices, what's available, etc. https://www.onestockhome.com/ What you use should be very much related to what the builders know. Don't try to ask Thai builders to use material which they don't know. I don't know how many builders know each material. But as you said, there are differences, and don't trust your builders to know those differences... And from my current inside renovation I suggest: Don't use too thin blocks/walls. If you have a pipe on one side or a wall and another pipe on the other side of the wall, then you have suddenly a hole in the middle...
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