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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If you do for free for above group then don't worry. Friends will not report you to the authorities. But somehow I would be surprised if all the people who you work for are friends and friends of friends and if there is no compensation at all. Sometimes some people are not friends for a long time. And then they remember that that guy is doing illegal work which he is officially not allowed to do. And maybe someone will report you. Is the risk high? I don't think so. Is there a risk: yes.
  2. To be fair she might be funny and cute and whatever on the "net". But it seems some of those people with too many likes on the net think they are very important and everybody must love them...
  3. "the account"? People can have multiple accounts with different arrangements.
  4. And who pays for the lawyer? And imagine if the bank writes a response and the lawyer has to answer that. More time for the lawyer, a bigger bill for the lawyer. For what?
  5. Sorry, I have to laugh when I read comments like that. What will you/she do? Tell the bank: Pay 10,000B for those unwarranted costs or we go to court? And if the bank doesn't pay that (within a week), what will you do? Hire a lawyer and go to court? 555
  6. Wow, the people in the head office will be duly impressed and will do everything right away to do what the customer wants - or maybe not?
  7. OneMoreFarang


    But why don't those bicycle users don't understand that only real bikes should be called bikes? ????
  8. So it seems the "idol" was unable or too stupid to follow the signs to the exit...
  9. Yeap, TIT style. You can pay your way out of anything. ???? To be fair, what is the better option for the parking lady? That she gets 20k now or that the "net idol" will be fined and maybe go to court and this goes on maybe for years?
  10. OneMoreFarang


    They are called bicycles, not bikes! This is a bike
  11. I wonder if that is true. I.e. if there was a million dollar in that account, the husband or they together had kids. Then (at least for some nationalities) the kids will inherit some of that money. Like: 1 million assets for husband and wife together, husband dies, his half (0.5 million) will be inherited by his wife and his children - not just his wife! Obviously there might be lots of other details, but you get the idea.
  12. I don't want to hijack this thread, but it would be interesting to know what is the best procedure to setup such account to make sure the surviving person has full access without delay. I also plan to setup such an account for my gf. In case that I die she should have full access to all the money in that account right away (to pay bills, etc.). And she and I should also have independent full access to that account when we live. Obviously there is some trust involved. But it's good to have someone to get money out of the bank in emergencies. And in case she dies first, which is unlikely but obviously not impossible, then I should have full access. I wouldn't put all my money into such a joint account because I don't want that she runs away with all the money. But for emergencies it is a good idea that she has access to some money.
  13. Sometimes we hear from scams around bank accounts. And then many people ask: Why did the bank allow that? Why did it happen? Why don't I get my money back? They blame the bank(s) for doing things too fast and without doublechecking details. And then we have posts that people complain why it takes so long to get things done with banks. Too fast or too slow, people often blame the banks. That doesn't mean I am a fan of all banks and how they do things. But I learned that sometimes we have to accept that some things take longer than what we expect. And sometimes banks don't want to do certain things because they are afraid of getting later complaints why they did it. Banks have to work according to lots of regulations. And, as far as I know, many of those regulations are there to protect us, the honest bank customers.
  14. And somehow you think "a week" is a long time for such enquiry. Think again! Some official procedures take months, even if all documents are supplied and all works according to plan.
  15. There are different styles of (official) Thai massage. I like Wat Pho style. Anybody who learned in that school does the massage exactly in that way. These are maybe 10 sections with each 20 steps how to massage in which order, etc. If they learn it like that and do it like that then that's fine. It seems lot of the people who work in that business did never learn properly how to do it. Some still do a reasonable job, but others just do something. I go from time to time to places with blind massage people. In my experience in general they do a good job. And obviously if you go to one place regularly and you know one specific person does it best according to your taste then ask for that person - and don't forget to give them a tip.
  16. Do you blame the bank for doing due diligence? Obviously she should be able to have access to that account. But give the bank a little time to confirm the details. A few years ago I had to deal with some banks in Europe in a similar issue. It took months and lots of sometimes duplicated documents. Obviously it's nice if things happen fast, but sometimes we just have to wait and go through the process.
  17. Are you sure you want to buy from her if she is not even willing to give you a front and back copy of her ID card (even if it is maybe not necessary)?
  18. Wow, a thread from more than 2 years ago is active again. In case that I didn't write my two cents already 2 years ago: Ride where you feel most comfortable considering the traffic conditions, your bike and your riding skills. The official rule seems to be that motorcycles are supposed to be only on the left lane. Personally I only follow that rule if the left lane is free of obstacles. Often cars and other objects are on that left lane and it would be necessary to change the lanes constantly. Riding constantly on the "2nd" lane is in many cases a much lower risk and headache. Personally I don't mind if I have to pay from time to time 100B for not following that rule.
  19. Unfortunately for the rest of Thailand that is also the way how they decide who to vote for...
  20. I hope the "net idol" filmed herself driving around and getting angrier all the time. I would love to see that.
  21. Really? Like: 15 years, that is so far in the future. I will be rich at that stage and sure I will be able to pay everything, no problem. Reality: Great, I don't have to pay now. Let's borrow some more and buy that pickup and a new bike. Sure, soon I will be rich. And then: Hey government, give me a break. I am a poor farmer, and I don't make much money, how can you expect that I pay all that money? And another politician will promise to rescue the poor farmers. TiT And if they don't do that then the farmers will be angry and vote for someone else.
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