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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A masonry drill bit only works properly in a hammer. Putting it in a little electric drill won't do the job.
  2. Maybe there is a reason for that piece of wood. Maybe someone tried to put holes in the stones and ruined them. I tell you now so that you can familiarize yourself with that possibility. So when you remove the wood that you won't have a heart attack and you won't kill the housekeeper. My personal experience with Thai construction guys is also getting worse. Until now I thought they did mostly a good job with my condominium renovation. Now I realize I should not only have asked them build a few new walls. I should have specifically asked them to build straight new wall. Because the walls which they built are not 100% straight and when I complain they look at me like: Really, you wanted straight walls? We didn't realize that... grrrrrrrr
  3. Outside the center of Bangkok those pet friendly places are called "house".
  4. Why? I didn't know this word until now buy I have such an attitude since decades. Why waste your time with negative people at any age? Obviously most of us are from time to time in not such a good mood. So I am not dropping anybody if I saw him/her one time in a bad mood. But if this happens regularly, and if the person seems to have in general the attitude to blame anybody else for their misery, there is no point to continue any relation with such a person.
  5. That reminds me of all the people who run around with some kind of "smart" device in front of their face. They walk like that on footpath, stairs up and down, and when they cross streets. What could possibly go wrong? Or: why are many people so stupid that they don't think for a second or two if maybe they should change their behavior. It seems all are waiting for the Darwin award.
  6. Were boomers the last people with common sense? Or what's your point?
  7. Should we also have those glass barriers on each side on every street? I remember when people took responsibility and didn't stand near the (holes of the) tracks. Is that too much to ask?
  8. Delivery guys use their mobile phones to make calls when they deliver items. I often "wait" simultaneously for multiple deliveries. That means at any time there might be calls from unknown numbers which I want to receive from the delivery guys. Like: I am downstairs with your parcel. So any call from an unknown number can be a wanted call or an unwanted call. And the only way to find out is to pick up the phone and listen.
  9. Imagine a Thai person in a similar situation. Would anybody write about that? Or is it just another day in Thailand?
  10. So what do I do when I expect a delivery, maybe something that I ordered from China a week ago. I expect that that will arrive, and I hope the tracking information are reasonable accurate. But in real life that one order could arrive about anytime between a week up to about a month later. In that time I expect a call. Or more than one call when I ordered multiple items from multiple suppliers... In reality for me, I receive in average maybe one sales call a week. No problem if I waste 5 seconds on that and tell them I am not interested.
  11. How was the transfer done? Did anybody go to the bank and fill out some form? Or online on the WWW? Or with a banking app? Money is not just transferred from one account to another, especially an account in another country, without someone doing something.
  12. Why shout? And why for a whole minute. Thanks, I am not interested. Hang up. Maybe 5 seconds. I receive lots of deliveries and the delivery drivers call me. Ignoring all unknown calls doesn't make sense for me.
  13. It's almost funny when Americans want that Russia and their soldiers are prosecuted for war crimes. But they don't want that American soldiers are prosecuted by the same courts. Obviously that doesn't mean that all war crimes from Russian and American soldiers are the same. But I think we also shouldn't pretend that American soldiers don't do war crimes. How about prosecuting all war criminals independent of where they come from?
  14. How about "No Violence!"? Or is it ok to be violent against men and other living creatures?
  15. Ok, accepted. And because of this the driving license should be revoked and a lifetime ban of getting a new license. It would be a public risk to let such a person ever drive again.
  16. Tell them right away you are not interested and hang up. Don't waste any time with them. The problem will eventually go away.
  17. I don't know about Mee Hokkien Noodle, but the rest is easily available in great quality in Bangkok - and probably for half the price.
  18. Same same, closed. You sit very low in that thing. It has a very low center of gravity and high corner speed.
  19. I had a Z1 for a weekend when they just came out. Great fun!
  20. I am not American but in general I like the DEMs more than the GOP. Or to be more precise I don't like most of the GOP. But with all those woke things going on I would consider voting for the GOP because they are anti-woke. I.e. "What is a woman?" It seems many (most?) DEMs have a problem with that question. And when Biden looked for a VP and it seems the most important conditions were: it must be a woman and she must be black. That excludes about 95% of possible candidates. Does that make sense? Obviously there are lots of black smart women out there. But there are also lots of white smart men and women out there. Why concentrate on 5% of the possible candidates for such an important job? And then the woke movement (or is it only part of it?) just doesn't make much sense. Like equality of all possible groups. Like there must be proportionally the same amount of people from all groups in all positions. White, black, male, female, LGBTQ, etc. Maybe next same ratios for tall and short people. And fat and slim people, different religions, and and and. It's crazy. It should be about qualifications and not belonging to one or the other group. So maybe the American DEMs should think again about how woke they want to be. Before more and more people won't vote for them because they are too crazy woke.
  21. I buy steak in Foodland, in Bangkok. As far as I know they also have at least one shop in Pattaya. Local beef, Australian beef, maybe others. It's good - but not the best. I saw steak, the raw meat, for more than 10,000B per kg in shops. Not sure if that is your definition of "quality rather than value".
  22. Maybe it's their culture to hang around outside with similar guys. Sometimes I see then alone or two together and rumor is they sell drugs. But recently there are often maybe 20 of them in front of what used to be the Amari hotel in Soi 5 opposite Foodland. I go often to Foodland, at no specific time, and they seem to be there most of the time. No idea what they are doing.
  23. Maybe you look like the type who takes drugs - whatever that type may be. I live in that area since almost 30 years, and I see them regularly. I heard they sell drugs. But they never ever asked me if I want to buy any. They also didn't (try to) talk to me about anything else.
  24. I think a pool is for many of us connected with summer and the happy times when he had summer holiday when we were young. So the idea to live somewhere with a pool with bathtub warm water is probably something many of us have as a dream somewhere in the back of our heads.
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