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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. With above number, if a bike used i.e. 3l per 100km then a rider would pay less than 30THB for 20km, 10km to work and return. And that should be a reason that he does not work on that day to receive the minimum wage of 300 THB per day or whatever it is now? Strange logic.
  2. Almost always I use the cheap or free delivery option. Because almost always then I don't have to pay tax or duty. And most of the time I can wait.
  3. Do they also have embedded journalists like the Americans in Iraq? And I agree with your full statement from above.
  4. I wonder how his neighbors judge him. Do they say he is stupid like many people in this thread? Do they think he did the right thing so that he doesn't lose face? And what would the neighbors think if he knew she was cheating but he didn't do anything? Obviously what he did was illegal and he shouldn't have done it. But with Thai culture in mind and face and all that I would really like to know the answers to above questions.
  5. Do you think Putin asked them if they want to do that? A long time ago when I was in the military, in a so called 1st world country, you had to follow orders - or else. I don't want to imagine what happens to soldiers in the Russian army who tell their superiors they don't want to invade Ukraine.
  6. I would love to see a survey about that. Because I am sure the majority or Russians don't support Putin's war. And most Ukrainians will know that. Long time ago my parents befriended some Russian people in a holiday. They were nice people and they stayed in contact for many years. They didn't become all bad people because they have a bad leader.
  7. If you would be a healthy young Russian men, would you hurry home to fight Putin's war in Ukraine? How many Russians support that war? As far as I know very few.
  8. I ordered over the years probably hundred or more parcels from AliExpress. In my experience most deliveries are between one and two weeks to Bangkok, sometimes longer. Extreme seldom tax and duty has to be paid. I think I had it one time that something got lost. That was easy to track and I received a replacement without hassle. Another time something was not sent and I canceled the order. No problem. I try to buy local because it is faster. But I don't hesitate to buy it from AliExpress. Important for newbies: AliExpress is like Lazada not one shop. It's an interface for many shops. There are reputable shops and bad shops. Obviously it makes sense to look at the details of what you actually order. And if it sounds too good to be true than likely it is too good to be true. With realistic expectations many shops on AliExpress are fine. If I am not sure then I use the chat function to ask some question, basically any question, to see how fast and how competent they reply.
  9. 1. What is the idea about that Make App? 2. Unreasonable? You must be joking. Do you really think all foreigners will be treated in Thailand like Thais? 3. And if you think foreigners should be treated like Thais then have a look a your home country, wherever that might be. Are all foreigners treated like the locals? No!
  10. We could make a survey how often we observed that employees from bar or groups of bars attacked customers without any reason, and how often did a customer refuse to pay (part of) the bill and then got into trouble. Personally I observed already too many cases were the tourist thought they are the tough guys and they don't have to pay. Mistake! And even if anybody thinks he got overcharged he shouldn't be so stupid just to walk out. Pay and then complain to the tourist police. And don't forget to be nice. And things will get sorted.
  11. Google tells me she has a net worth of 14,000,000 USD or 464,940,000 Thai Baht I don't know about you, but if I would have that kind of money I wouldn't worry too much about making more.
  12. My "favorite" zebra crossing is this one on Ratchadaphisek Road between Sukhumvit and Rama 4. Typical vehicles speed on that section is regularly something like 100km/h. This zebra crossing is just somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Whoever had the idea to put that zebra crossing at that place should be prosecuted.
  13. Obviously I am not half as smart as you are. And obviously all those marketing companies are just stupid to pay celebrities for ads. After all, everybody would drink alcohol also without ads. Why are those companies so stupid? Maybe they need a bright manager like you.
  14. Most of the time I see them playing with their phones. I guess they do that anywhere, at home, at work, whatever. I guess when they are in Foodland then they get paid while playing with their phones.
  15. Lisa is an idol for many many Thai teens. Many of them will see that ad and many will think drinking whiskey or alcohol in general is cool. Is that the message teens should see? Obviously lots of teens and lots of people of all ages will drink alcohol with or without Lisa. But is it really good that she promotes it? And about making money and being a business manager: Maybe if you would be her business manager you would try to maximize her and your profit. But like I said, does she need all that extra money? I am sure she would still earn a fortune without that ad. And she could be a hero for i.e. promoting positive things like don't drive and drink, etc. Many more people would admire her if she would do something like that.
  16. I find it interesting that it seems many people here support Lisa's activity to promote alcohol. I know people will still drink alcohol even if Lisa wouldn't promote it. But with her millions of young Thai fans I wouldn't be surprised if more young people would be inspired to drink alcohol. Do you think that is positive? I am sure Lisa makes enough money without this. She doesn't need extra income. She could promote i.e. don't drink and drive or similar. That would make her to a real role model.
  17. That reminds me of those old women who try to look sexy in Foodland in the spirits row. Even in Covid times they still are there - I wouldn't exactly call it work. I wonder if they ever convinced anybody to buy a bottle or two. But I have to admit if Lisa would be there then I would let her convince me to buy that whiskey. Especially if she would promise to introduce me to Jennie. ????
  18. Someone who hates them and/or wants to get rid of the bodies. Is it so much better if a murderer dumps the bodies in concrete or at sea or wherever? He killed them, that is IMHO the important part. How is secondary.
  19. Let's start by saying nobody should be forced to have sex. And no older sister should bring her younger sister to a bar to offer her to customers. Personally I think one problem is this exact age definition. And let's not forget that officially prostitution is illegal in Thailand. As far as I understand it a 20 year old prostitute is accepted in Thailand. A 18 or 19 year old is not allowed to get paid for sex. And a 16 or 17 year old it definitely underage. But then, as far as I know, the age of consent in Thailand is 15 (Ages of consent in Asia - Wikipedia). And in reality lots of teenagers have sex. That is apparent just by the number of all those young mothers who work in the business. It seems to me that many Thais, and many foreigners who live a long time in Thailand, don't take laws too serious - i.e. no smoking, traffic laws, prostitution. So if a girl who works in a bar brings her younger sister to the city, does she really care if the sister is 18 or 17? Maybe she cares about it in the sense that she knows many bars wouldn't employ the 17 year old. But otherwise, who really cares? I saw in many bar that girls who work in the bars are visited by family members and friends. If a girl brings her own 2 year old child then I guess most of us don't think anything suspicious is going on. If she brings her 12 year old sister I guess most of us will still don't think anything bad about it. But how about if she brings her 16 year old sister? Maybe she is drinking Cola outside the bar and eating somtam with the girls. Is she just a visiting family member? What if a regular customer asks the older sister if he can buy the younger sister another drink. I think sometimes the lines are very blurred.
  20. If you ignore all the pretty girls and only look at the children which maybe some girls have with them then you are in trouble.
  21. I am sure lots of us don't see it because we don't look for it. I.e. there was a time with lots of young (maybe 12 year old) girls were selling flowers in Nana. Many of us, including me, saw girls selling flower, and nothing else. Until one guy who I know told me they are available for a lot more than just flowers. I don't know if that is true but it could be true. And "we" don't see it because hey, they are just selling flowers...
  22. Murders happen all over the world all the time. It is not only Thailand.
  23. Is there any information how much his "incredible network of friends" donated already? He needs initially 80k$, that should be no problem at all for such a network.
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