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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I live in lower Sukhumvit since 25 years and I love it. And until now only one person tried to rob me. It was a farang...
  2. I just heard an interview with the guy. He said he realized 10 minutes later that the chain was gone... And about why: Probably he felt the love so much in that kiss that he fully concentrated on that sensation. ????
  3. Remember, no more Shinawatra , probably no more coup. Problem solved.
  4. At least I don't put stupid smilies everywhere. Did you learn that from tiktok?
  5. And then there is the Dunning-Kruger Effect. You can look it up. But I don't have much hope that you will understand why I mention it to you. Think harder!
  6. Are elected people always better? Remember, Hitler was elected... And about the current bunch: Collect evidence and prosecute them. And if there is evidence and if they are prosecuted and guilty then they should be punished. Obviously it would be nice if we would have independent judges now. But that is not reality the case. Just like there were no, or at least few, independent judges when Thaksin was in charge. So keep the evidence and prosecute them in 5 or 10 years from now. Slow justice is better than no justice. But most important: Thai people must realize that there is not just Thaksin and the military. There are many other choices. And if the majority of Thai people really want competent and honest politicians then they can have them. Just vote for them and don't vote for those thugs. It should be easy to understand. Until the next election...
  7. I think one of the problems is this left and right thinking. In general I guess I am somewhere left from center. But looking at those radical left wing people (see video above) I don't want to have anything to do with that part of left. And for those radical left people, lets say the 5% most left all the others are right wing. From the 5% radical left 95% of the others are right wing or radical right wing. It's time that the many people in the center realize that many of them are drawn more and more to the left and others are more and more drawn to the right. Then there is not much center anymore. We should realize that we can live happily in nuances of the center together and we should "fight" against the radicals on both left and right. They are the people who try to make our lives miserable.
  8. They try to remember the time when they were young and had those loud bikes. ????
  9. Did you live in one of those red villages? I like it now, no red-shirts on the streets since years, peace, ...
  10. True. But it seems many of us forget that we were also young some time ago. I also had a small bike at that time. When I was 16 I wasn't allowed to have anything faster. So what did I do? I made it louder so at least I though it is faster. I am not a fan of very loud bikes. But I think it is not too difficult to understand why mostly young guys do what they do - not only in Thailand.
  11. And it gets worse all over the world. This is one of those horror stories from Canada.
  12. You are obviously a smart guy and you tell us you live here since about 30 years. Even if you only remember 10% of Thaksin's crimes, that should be enough to remind you that he is a criminal. Or do you put your head in the sand and pretend he wasn't a corrupt criminal? Or do you think others are also corrupt and that should be reason enough to let Thaksin get away with his crimes?
  13. Did you consider that maybe I am as long in Thailand as you are? I have to admit I didn't follow the political news since the day I arrived. But I remember a little the time before Thaksin. Yes, they had corrupt politicians. And then this super rich guy Thaksin told the people he is already rich and he does not need more money so he will be the perfect PM. And people believed him and they voted for him. And then, soon after he was elected, it came out that he was hiding his assets in the name of his maids, drivers, etc. And Thaksin told the people that was just an honest mistake. And he got away with that. That was the beginning of the end. He should have been jailed at that time and history would be different. But obviously you know all this if you are in Thailand for so long. Did you forget his honest mistakes? Or did you never care?
  14. Who stupid must someone be to not understand that if you vote for corrupt people then you will get a corrupt government. But then, millions of Thai buy lottery tickets all the time because they want to get rich fast...
  15. Does the world understand? Does the world care? Look at the infamous Ferrari cop killer, does Interpol work to arrest him? Were Bush and Cheney prosecuted for their war crimes? Lots of international criminals get away with murder. When they are not arrested doesn't mean they are innocent. With Thaksin lots of what he did can be easily be researched in newspaper archives - if people want to do that. But it seems for many it is so much easier to listen to Noi and Nit. If they say he was good then he must have been a good man. 555
  16. Obviously the following is only my humble opinion: I lived in Bangkok all the time when Thaksin came to power, when he made those infamous "honest mistakes", when he ordered the killing of thousands of drug suspects, when he enriched himself, his family and his cronies in blatant ways, when he sold his company for huge amounts of money and did not pay taxes, and and and. The list goes on and on. Just reading the newspaper everyday the question came up all the time: what next? when will people stop him? And then they stopped him. And then later his little incompetent sister, he called her his clone, was the official PM and he told her what to do. More of the same. I understand when people didn't experience this time that they think maybe Thaksin was not so bad because lots of people support him. But anybody who lived in Thailand at that time and who paid attention should remember all that headache. Never again!
  17. Is it my fault when the uneducated uninformed farmers vote again for the criminal or one of his family members? I am sure if they want to do that they will do that. And if another Shinawatra will become PM and if he/she does what all Shinawatras seem to do then likely there will be another coup. I am looking forward to bring the soldiers some soft drinks.
  18. Currently nobody is convicting the soldiers. Exactly like nobody convicted Thaksin while he was in charge. Let's wait a few years and look what will happen.
  19. Anybody who is out of the blue embraced like that by a Thai person should ask himself: Why did he or she or it do that? Am I such a handsome man that they just had to do that? Or might there be another reason? He isn't even aware that he gets robbed. As far as I am concerned that is what idiots do.
  20. Translation: You and/or your wife are not willing to pay a fair salary in America. Otherwise you would be able to employ people. You want to hire (unqualified?) Thais instead and probably you would pay them less then what you would need to pay Americans. Now what is wrong with this picture?
  21. Maybe because he behaves like an idiot. Som nam na and all that.
  22. How exactly does anybody extort lots of money from an 11 year old child?
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