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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Remember, this is Thailand. Obviously it would be nice if all people would be civilized and they would sort out their disputes peacefully. But that is not what is happening here, and everybody who lives here for some time knows this. Personally I never experienced any random violence in Thailand. Maybe a robbery, but that is not about violence, it's about robbing a person. It seem with violence the attacker(s) are often provoked or at least they think they were provoked. I.e. use one of those 4 letter words with the wrong person and you are in trouble. Or (try to) play with their girlfriend and many other such things. Just don't do it!
  2. It's no report. Those are interviews with questions and answers and lots of opinions. Nobody claims to know everything. You could just look at it...
  3. If you want to know lots of details and are willing to spend two hours on this then I can recommend these videos. I watched them both and I am sure there will be further updates.
  4. I like the idea of democracy. But looking at Trump and Boris and others I find it frustrating that so many uneducated stupid ignorant people vote for guys with a big mouth who are obviously incapable of doing any important job and definitely absolutely incapable of doing the top job in their country. Or in fewer words: Democracy doesn't work when idiots vote for idiots.
  5. There is more than enough information out there for anybody who wants to know more about that war. And at the same time we all must realize that there is nothing we can do to make a difference. To be able to change the mind of Putin it would be first necessary to understand him. Is he thinking rationally? I don't think so because if he would do that then he wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. How to convince a madman to change his mind and behavior? Good luck with that one.
  6. For what? Listening to her father? Or does she really think she will be able to decide anything by herself? 555
  7. Put off-road tires on a normal bike and that will solve 80% of the problems. I.e. I have Suzuki Raider 150. With the right tires that should be able to handle lots of bad roads.
  8. In the next months I will buy lots of items for my new apartment, i.e. for the kitchen, bathroom and more. In the moment I look at websites from i.e. HomePro, Boonthavorn and others to get an overview what is available in Thailand and how much it cost. I also look at the manufacturer websites and written and video reviews to get a better idea about the differences. One thing which I see and which, in a way, confuses me, are special prices. I.e. sometime appliances and sanitary ware, and probably many other things, are offered with huge discount, i.e. 50% discount. In your experience, why does that happen? And is there some kind of rule that only the old models from last year (which are maybe very good) are discounted? Or things which nobody wants to buy? Or are these special prices to get customers into the shop so that those customers buy also other things? And are those special prices often only at certain points in the year or all the time? I.e. does it make sense that I buy now something for a good price because maybe in 3 months, when I really need it, it will be considerable more expensive? At least for me the issue is not to get the cheapest. I want good quality and I pay whatever I have to pay to get good quality. But if I can get one item for i.e. 20k which normally cost 40k then obviously I am happy to take it for the special price. P.S.: I never know where to post questions like this: DIY or property or which section of the forum.
  9. Yes, and maybe he will find a teacher, and maybe the teacher won't be successful. And I am sure his solution will be: Look for another teacher. But maybe that is not the problem...
  10. I think I have a good group of dentists (several specialists for root canal, extraction, crowns, etc.) who all work in a small clinic. But they still cost a lot of money. It seems the Thai version of a cheap dentist is to fill all the holes and if that is not possible anymore then remove the teeth. And maybe use a denture. Root canal treatments, crowns, and implants are just too expensive for the average Thai person. At least that's the way I see it. Many doctors work in hospitals and in (their own) small clinics. The patients pay a lot more in the hospitals and the doctors earn a lot less in the hospitals. If you want a good price then don't look in a hospital.
  11. Obviously she must be motivated. Is she motivated? Because it should be easy for her to find a teacher who she likes if that is what she wants. So maybe she is not motivated to do what you want...
  12. When will people in this forum stop arguing Prayut is bad and this is why we need Thaksin or one of his family members back? There is not just A and B. A and B can both be bad and people should vote for C, D, or anybody else, preferably honest and competent. I know that it too much to think for some farmers out there. But "west" educated farangs should be able to understand this concept.
  13. The big problem is that this wouldn't work if not millions of stupid voters can be convinced to vote for one person only because of their family name. Does anybody asks for qualifications? Experience? What did they do until now in their life? And will they obey the laws? Or are they planning to use their influence to free or pardon certain criminals? Smart people don't vote for people with no experience who are family members of well known criminals.
  14. Red Baron is a big bike shop and service center on the way to Minburi. I only asked there because they checked another bike. I never used their service. But I used often the service of Suzuki dealer to pay my taxes each year and if necessary they bring the bike to a place for a check. I think I pay 500B for the service. I don't think it would be more expensive with many years because it's basically the same job. I suggest just ask in a motorcycle shop which you know and/or near to your home.
  15. That is your interpretation. I never said and never thought Thaksin was the only corrupt politicians. IMHO what set him apart from the others was that he was doing the corruption so obvious in the open. Like: look, I can do that, I am above the law, and there is nothing you can do about it. And then there was something done about it. Now he can cry in the desert and think about what he did wrong.
  16. It's up to you to allow yourself to fall in love. There are lots of beautiful and very nice girls out there. And it is easy to fall in love with them. But then we should consider that for many of them it's their job to be nice. And they do a fantastic job. Obviously it is not difficult to dismiss many of them because it becomes soon obvious that they are more interested in money than a relationship. But with some of them it still looks good, and it feels good. What then? Darling I love you and all will be fine? Or: I don't trust her, she only wants my money. Both ways are open to you and all of us. And maybe all will be fine, and maybe not. And in some cases it was never love from her but a longtime plan. But I am sure in many cases the girls also wanted a happy long term relationship. But it didn't work out. Maybe too many cultural differences, maybe different goals. You can fall in love, and it can be like heaven. But it can also hurt, a lot. Are you willing to take the risk?
  17. I don't find the number, my bike was transported by such a service when I had a problem with the engine. At that time I called my KTM dealer and asked them if they can pick up my bike and bring it to their garage. They told me they don't do that, but they have a number of a guy who offers such a service. I called that guy and he did a very professional job for a reasonable price. So maybe just call one of the big bike shops for a guy who can pick up and transport your bike. I am pretty sure you will get a number.
  18. Just ask any of the taxi-no-meter drivers on the street. One of them will have a buddy with a pickup who can do that. Another option is to ask one of the motorcycle taxi guys to ride the bike to Pattaya (if they bike works). Problem solved.
  19. Yeah, they are good at aggression and following orders from their criminal boss. It's sad enough that they are small minded like that. It's even worse that some farangs "think" they should support those thugs.
  20. I am happy inside Bangkok. All the cute Buriram girls come to Bangkok, why should I ever travel north? And please keep all those red villages and red-shirt in the north (obviously seen from Bangkok). We won't miss them in the city.
  21. It seems that guy will sort out all those problems sometime soon, and permanently. Problem solved.
  22. I think the easiest solution is to tell them to slow down because you are scared. Obviously they laugh about that scared farang but in my experience then they do slow down. And if not tell them to stop so that you can get out. That should focus their mind.
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