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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Because someone payed millions to promote Black Pink including her. Would anybody care about them only by listening to their music? I don't think so. Would anybody look at her and them twice without makeup and sexy clothes? A few, just like any pretty girl. Personally I think she is not bad and I would buy her a tequila or two. But just in case she is not around there are lots of girls who also look nice and know how to move their body.
  2. What do you mean by "not often"? ????
  3. I saw a test in a foreign language about these things. A couple of points to look for: - How stable is the "frame"? (I am not sure if that is the correct term) I.e. does it bend or is there too much clearance when you move it up and to the sides? - What are the dimensions which you need? I.e. if need only 100mm up then don't buy one which allows 300mm because it will be less stable - Check the tolerance of the chuck. Is it 100% straight? Does it move to the sides? - And look for a powerful motor if you want to drill something thick.
  4. Sorry to hear that. But did she betray you? Or did you make bad decisions like spending too much money for things for which you shouldn't have spent so much?
  5. When is a betrayal a betrayal? Is it necessary that she actively lied? Or is it enough that the guy's imagination was betrayed? Too many guys somehow think that if they do x and y that the outcome must be z. And if they ask their darling and darling replies: "Sure darling, up to you, I love you too much." then somehow they think nothing can go wrong anymore... Is that betrayal?
  6. Zero One reason might be that I never had lots of money. For one girl I spent more money then I should have. But I can't really blame her. I though somehow I could influence her with some presents. It didn't work. But also in that case the amount of money was not more than I could afford to lose. In a way it was just not a good investment. And I learned from that. When I met my long time gf she was young and innocent. Now she is still relative innocent but not so young anymore. I make sure there is enough money to have a nice (enough) life. She doesn't need more and she doesn't ask for more. If we ever separate I know what I will be looking for again: An innocent girl (and in this forum I have to mention it, with legal age).
  7. A QR code is just a graphical way to show text (including numbers). QR Code Generator | Create Your Free QR Codes (qr-code-generator.com)
  8. I am sure is that case this thread would be more exiting.
  9. You must really have too much time or think too much or something like that. Have a beer, have a girl, enjoy life!
  10. No Maybe Lots of error messages don't make much sense. And sometimes they happen only from time to time.
  11. Use logic. Step 1 Use the device on more than one computer. Do you see the same error message on all PCs? Connect one after the other, multiple devices to the "problematic" PC. Does any device work? That should give you an idea if the device or the PC is the problem. Then, after step 1. In case that the PC is the problem. Try different USB ports. Try different cables. Did it ever work on that PC? After step 1, if the device is the problem. Does the device get power, i.e. does a light go on? Does it get enough power? And and and. Do it logically step by step. And if you can't remember it then write down what you tested and what happened. Finally you will get there.
  12. Can we agree that lots of street creatures, often heavy drug users, would not get a job in a bar - at least not in an at least half decent bar? I am sure some girls who could work in bars prefer not to. Sure. And it seems lots of girls like to work in a bar or to be more precise they work in what they call "their bar". They are familiar with the place, know the other girls, know the customers, etc. What irritates me with some comments here when they talk about pimps and complain about all the money they make with the girls. I don't know if people who write this here don't know what pimps are or they don't care and put everybody in the same box. Thai bars for Thai guys are sometimes places where the girls have to work and can't just walk away and they have to do what the boss tells them. I know these places exist but I don't (want to) go there. Basically in all farang oriented bars girls decide to work there. They could, and often enough do, just walk away if they don't want to work there anymore. Many get a salary. (Almost?) all get part of the money which customers pay for the lady drinks. Many girls choose to work in their bar because they want it and see it as a good opportunity to meet new customers and regular customers. Obviously some girls and some customers think differently. Fine. But I find it hilarious when some guys, especially when they joined this forum just recently, pretend they know all and they think all guys must think exactly the same way as they think. No, that happens only in your imagination.
  13. I am saying that some go-go bars check their girls. And I am saying that responsible managers and owners who know that a girl has HIV won't employ her to take care of customers. Why do I know? Because I know a few bar owners and I visit go-go bars and talk with the girls since more than 20 years. Obviously I don't have an exact statistic how many bars check their girls. And I don't know how many manager ignore HIV. I know some owners and managers care and check.
  14. Some are, some aren't. A manager who wants to keep his business and his customers is interested in clean girls, including no HIV. With the ladies on the streets, good luck! At least for some of them there is a reason why they don't work in bars even if they would like to work in bars.
  15. It's always interesting to read the expert opinions of the people in the know - or at least the people who think they know.
  16. Did it ever come to your mind that lots of guys prefer bars and don't want to pick girls from the streets or online? Girls who work in bars are normally checked for STDs. If they would rip off a customer then the customer would likely complain and if that happens again and again then she wouldn't work there for long. A guy can look at many girls and decide which one he likes to talk to. And he can see every part of her in detail before he takes her out. And if he talks to her for 5 or 10 minutes and doesn't like it he can talk to the next one. And the next one. And there is a good chance that if he returns a month later that the same girl still works in the same place. Who wants to risk to pick up a (maybe) woman in a dark street corner? Or someone who used lots of filters for her photos or videos? And no place to go if she is bad. At least many guys I know wouldn't want to do that. Many bars are successful because they provide a good atmosphere and a good service. Many of us are willing to pay for that.
  17. If anybody wants to get up to date MS statements then follow on twitter: @MSFT365Status That is the official Microsoft account.
  18. That is like saying there is supply and demand. Yes, there is. But that doesn't mean there must be a logical connection between them.
  19. Being gay is not a lifestyle choice. But living together with someone and/or having sex with someone and/or marrying someone that is a lifestyle choice. And making a big issue out of it is also a lifestyle choice.
  20. And with coffee shops early opening times. And with all shops: consistency is important. If people know a coffee shop is i.e. 100m away from their work and they go there regularly before work then all is fine. But if the shop is i.e. closed for a day or two without further notice then people will be unhappy that they relied on that shop but then it was closed. And maybe next time they will go somewhere else more reliable.
  21. And do you think we should make a general rule about some incidents? I.e. sometimes I hold a door open, sometimes not. If I would see an accident at night I would think twice. But I would think. In certain circumstances I would help and in others not. I don't think in advance about those things. Let's look at the situation when it happens and then make a decission.
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