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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe you missed the original comment. Talent shows with talented people are absolutely fine. But some shows show intentionally people who can't sing. It's not that they try and are not very good. They just can't sing and Thais make a show out of that. That is the horrible part!
  2. It's up to you which AliExpress you use and which language and currency you select. Start with aliexpress.com
  3. Of all the Thai TV I am most surprised/annoyed by the people who can't sing contests. And it seems my gf loves them. After many years I learned to understand a lot of things about Thais. But that one is still a mystery to me.
  4. All problems are relative. Poor people are unhappy i.e. because of their limited resources and opportunities. And at the same time rich people are unhappy for various reason. But rich people don't think: Look at those poor guys, I should be happy because I am rich. That is not how our minds works. Everybody of us can have, subjective for us, BIG problems, which for other people look like small problems. It's in our minds. I never cared about social media and I don't use it. But imagine if you are a young teenager and everybody around you looks great and has this wonderful life - at least on facebook. I imagine that can be frustrating and hard to take. Some of us realize it is all show, but I am sure others don't realize that. And then maybe they go down more and more in that rabbit hole. And then it is more and more difficult to get out of that.
  5. I am sure social media and the extreme fast propagation of (true or false) information has a lot to do with it. In the moment a sample from when I was young came to my mind. A boy, maybe 14 years old, started a couple of fires in the village where I lived. He was in the local fire brigade and he was always the first to turn up to fight the fire. After he was caught his parents moved with him to another place. It was a new start for him and them because nobody knew them. That couldn't happen today. Because with social media and news they could move to the remotest village far away but the news would be available over there, social media would be there, just like in the next house in the original village. "A new start" is no option anymore. That is obviously also true for bad life decisions like publishing nude pictures, etc. It will NEVER go away. I just saw a video of a relative famous adult guy who was accused by his mentally unstable wife to mess around with their children. The police came and arrested him. She accused him of bad things. Neighbors and most of his friends kept their distance to him. His career was over. All just because of never proven and according to him absurd allegations. His life was ruined. I am sure lots of people will lose any will to live in such a situation. And vulnerable teenager are definitely in an even worse situation when "everybody" thinks bad about them and they have nowhere to go.
  6. You should have a person who can read and speak Thai and who has experience with this check the details. And obviously you have to trust that person.
  7. It seems for some people they want to sit right in the cold air stream of a normal aircon. Inverters don't produce this super cold airstream all the time. And, as far as I know, the idea is that people should not primary sit in that cold stream. The cold stream should mix with the rest of the air in the room and the result should be a comfortable temperature.
  8. Do you know where that and other numbers come from? I.e. it makes a huge difference if I want to cool down a room to 25 degrees or to 18 degrees. And it makes a huge difference if I have huge uninsulated windows with lots of sun. If someone would declare that i.e. 650 BTU/m2 i is good enough to to cool down a "normal" room with not too many windows to 25 degrees that would be interesting. So how about cooling that same room to 20 degrees? Any formula?
  9. Thanks, I thought about some of these things already. But the name Architectural Programming is new to me. I just had a first look at that link and it looks interesting. I will look at it in detail. Thanks.
  10. Maybe it's time to ask why monks are monks in Thailand. How many of them want to learn and live a humble life?
  11. Why? The glass is extreme hard. You won't scratch it.
  12. I never know the prices, my gf does most of the shopping at the fresh market. What I know is that the prices vary a lot, I guess depending on availability. The first fruits of the season are always very expensive, that is absolutely normal. But I have no idea which fruit season it is in the moment...
  13. Maybe you will like it, maybe not. I know from some people who struggled with PCs, bought a mac, an were happy ever after. I know one rich guy who always had the newest ThinkPad (Windows), he was at some Apple show and after that he was convinced Apple is the best. He bought one, the best available, and he told everybody that from now on he will use Apple and it's so much better. About half a year later he got rid of that Apple and used PCs again. Personally I only used Windows and I like Windows. But I know lots of people who are happy with Apple. Fine with me. It seems the biggest problem is getting used to the other system. That's were some people struggle, because things don't work the same as they are used to. I think the answer is: Try, if you can afford it and after you see some possible advantages for you.
  14. I also don't like it, but, realistically thinking, what is the alternative? Should they all wear those 50B wobble plastic sun shades, which are called helmets in Thailand? They are useless. Use full face mask helmets, which are expensive, and continue to ride with sandals, etc.? Use a car? Leave this kid at home? Don't ride, order it for delivery? Sometimes the options which people have are limited. And lets face it, many of us make some stupid decisions from time to time.
  15. I see at least two reasons: If someone wants to kill himself how can he do that? Thailand has huge amounts of high floor balconies. That makes this already an "attractive" option. It is a much easier and "securer" way to go than i.e. a traffic "accident", pills, drowning or whatever alternative. And it doesn't even requite much climbing with the the low barriers . And the decision can be made an execute within seconds. From the moment "I don't want to live anymore" to execution can be seconds. If people want to die without balconies they have often much more time to think twice and change their mind. And then there are those people who are not sure about their life anymore. They take more risks. Part of that is that they don't deliberately want to kill themselves. But maybe they are still tired of life. So if it "happens" then it happens. One famous example was a former bar owner in Bangkok a couple of years ago. The story is that be wanted to climb from one high balcony to another. And he failed. And in the weeks before that he took a lot of risks. Was it an accident? Kind of...
  16. Today I saw some kind of security guard with a big red flag in the middle of a zebra crossing with red light. He walked out of the way maybe 10 seconds before the red light changed to green. But the moment he was not on the street anymore, but the light still red, everybody accelerated and ignored the red light. TiT!
  17. Pretty foolish not to have checked the drain first. We all make mistakes from time to time. I think the comment was a good reminder for us all that we better think twice and don't take things for granted.
  18. Relax! You don't have to listen to the radio. At home I hear the music which I like and when I go out then I chose a place with good music. It might happen that I pick a place with music which I don't like and then I move on. Some modern music is not too bad. I.e. I like this one:
  19. Thanks, I am aware of these things. The drains are fixed for the reason you mention. I have the original construction drawings with the exact locations. The kitchen is on the other side of the bathroom wall with the bathroom drain. And yes, some kind of trap to make sure no smell from the drains comes up is essential. I have that in my mind but I hope the professional plumbers know this without me telling them. If they don't know it then they are not professional and I won't hire them anyhow.
  20. The only favorite "color" which I have is black, like a shiny black car. That won't be a good choice for the walls and floor. ???? Probably I will go for anything between white and black, some kind of grey for walls and floor. That is neutral and I can add some color with a sofa, etc. I know about the load bearing walls and I won't touch them. And obviously whatever "I" do has to be approved by the building management. They won't approve it if it's unsafe etc.. No glossy tiles form me, at least not on the floor. I hate slippery tiles.
  21. Fair comment, Ok, let me try again. I wrote "what I miss is any evidence that the story is true. He just tells it like: That's it, I know it. I have to admit that doesn't convince me." That doesn't mean it's unbelievable or that I actively dispute it. It was the first video I ever saw from that guy and he just tells a story. He doesn't quote any sources or i.e. interviews former employees. That makes me skeptical Maybe he is an expert and maybe others here saw other videos from him with accurate information. If I see videos from people who I trust (more or less) then of course I am less skeptical. Maybe I will watch some more of his videos and let's see what else he has to say. I won't spend much time on that newspaper because they are irrelevant by now.
  22. Now I watched the video. And what I miss is any evidence that the story is true. He just tells it like: That's it, I know it. I have to admit that doesn't convince me. And that he calls that newspaper in 2022 still a successful newspaper is also "interesting".
  23. It seems the USA is meddling around in many countries. So this wouldn't exactly be a surprise. I will watch the video and just to be sure I will still find it I put it on my YouTube watch later list. ????
  24. This video has lots of samples about the weight and strength limitations. https://youtu.be/DQx5SVj0biA
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