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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That reminds me of those old women who try to look sexy in Foodland in the spirits row. Even in Covid times they still are there - I wouldn't exactly call it work. I wonder if they ever convinced anybody to buy a bottle or two. But I have to admit if Lisa would be there then I would let her convince me to buy that whiskey. Especially if she would promise to introduce me to Jennie. ????
  2. Someone who hates them and/or wants to get rid of the bodies. Is it so much better if a murderer dumps the bodies in concrete or at sea or wherever? He killed them, that is IMHO the important part. How is secondary.
  3. Let's start by saying nobody should be forced to have sex. And no older sister should bring her younger sister to a bar to offer her to customers. Personally I think one problem is this exact age definition. And let's not forget that officially prostitution is illegal in Thailand. As far as I understand it a 20 year old prostitute is accepted in Thailand. A 18 or 19 year old is not allowed to get paid for sex. And a 16 or 17 year old it definitely underage. But then, as far as I know, the age of consent in Thailand is 15 (Ages of consent in Asia - Wikipedia). And in reality lots of teenagers have sex. That is apparent just by the number of all those young mothers who work in the business. It seems to me that many Thais, and many foreigners who live a long time in Thailand, don't take laws too serious - i.e. no smoking, traffic laws, prostitution. So if a girl who works in a bar brings her younger sister to the city, does she really care if the sister is 18 or 17? Maybe she cares about it in the sense that she knows many bars wouldn't employ the 17 year old. But otherwise, who really cares? I saw in many bar that girls who work in the bars are visited by family members and friends. If a girl brings her own 2 year old child then I guess most of us don't think anything suspicious is going on. If she brings her 12 year old sister I guess most of us will still don't think anything bad about it. But how about if she brings her 16 year old sister? Maybe she is drinking Cola outside the bar and eating somtam with the girls. Is she just a visiting family member? What if a regular customer asks the older sister if he can buy the younger sister another drink. I think sometimes the lines are very blurred.
  4. If you ignore all the pretty girls and only look at the children which maybe some girls have with them then you are in trouble.
  5. I am sure lots of us don't see it because we don't look for it. I.e. there was a time with lots of young (maybe 12 year old) girls were selling flowers in Nana. Many of us, including me, saw girls selling flower, and nothing else. Until one guy who I know told me they are available for a lot more than just flowers. I don't know if that is true but it could be true. And "we" don't see it because hey, they are just selling flowers...
  6. Murders happen all over the world all the time. It is not only Thailand.
  7. Is there any information how much his "incredible network of friends" donated already? He needs initially 80k$, that should be no problem at all for such a network.
  8. It seems some of those bikes have (maybe working) lights. But the owners don't switch it on. Maybe they try to save energy or maybe someone told them the bike will be 1km/h faster with the light out. TiT
  9. I am always amazed by those strategically placed shopping carts. It seems the function of the front light is to light up whatever is in the shopping cart.
  10. Just make sure you carry an orange or two in your pocket so you have an excuse.
  11. Define "fiddle around". Whatever you do, it seems to make a difference.
  12. It is always difficult to see the real width of that on a video. I rode an unprotected concrete way (I think) similar to that for maybe 200m straight and I could see that nobody was on that thing. The big difference was the "bridge" which I was riding on was about 1m above standing water. So worst case I and possibly my bike would be in water. I think wind is certainly a big factor. One I rode over the Rama III bridge over the river in Bangkok. That bridge does officially not allow motorcycles. The bridge is very wide so even if I would have crashed there was no way I would have fallen down. But the wind up there and sudden gusts was very uncomfortable. I wouldn't like to do it again.
  13. Yes, that is another option. But somehow it reminds me of a school or something like that. I better leave that one out.
  14. I like this one, no idea if it is available in Thailand. And if it is available and if I do it then my idea is to slide it completely out of the way so that it's not visible when it's open. Let's see...
  15. I have that workshop in the little room which my girlfriend suggested we should misuse as a guest bedroom. No way!
  16. Sorry, I don't understand what you are complaining about. If online order is the only or cheapest possible way to get anything then the only alternative is not to order anything, or not?
  17. In Thailand shipping is often very cheap - a lot cheaper than driving to a shop, maybe parking, driving back, etc..
  18. Thanks for all your comments. Here are some possible pros and cons: The sliding door are a "real" separation almost like a wall. And, IMHO, they can look good. The curtain looks like a curtain - I guess some look better and some worse. I think the advantage of a curtain is that it can be easily opened and closed with one hand. I.e. if the curtain is closed and I want to walk into the closed section to just get something and walk out again that is a lot easier with a curtain. I can move it on each side a little or more or maybe just move it out of the way without opening it. With a sliding wall that is (I guess) more difficult. Maybe there are also good other options which I don't know yet. Any ideas?
  19. In principle I like the idea about large open spaces. But sometimes it is nice to be able to divide a bigger room in two smaller parts. I am looking for options about what is available and what is practical and makes sense. One reason for such a divider is a visible barrier to hide one part of a big room. Another reason is to save electricity of the aircon when one part of a room that is not used is separated. Sliding panels are probably a better barrier for air circulation and noise. Curtains are easier to use. They won't really seal one room part airtight but maybe they still do a relative good job to hinder air circulation. Do you use any room divider? Do they work the way you anticipated and do you use them? Or do you think in the hindsight you should have installed another kind of room divider. Obviously the type of room divider also depends on the installation. It will be a lot more difficult to install sliding panels in an existing room. In my case that consideration doesn't matter for a complete renovation. These are just sample pictures for two of the options.
  20. Look for reputable sellers and the problem is solved. I do more and more online shopping because it is convenient. I.e. some time ago I visited Ban Moo to buy electronic parts. Sometimes I asked in several shops and maybe they had the item behind them but they didn't know or care. Now I look at online pages, see products and alternatives often with multiple suppliers. I can weed out the shops who overcharge and I can ignore the shops which offer something for an unreasonable cheap price. Then I order it and get it delivered maybe for 20 or 50 THB delivery charge 2 or 3 days later. All that takes maybe 10 minutes instead of getting to the place with the shops, run around in the shops and looking for shops, maybe waiting in the shop and getting back. Online shopping is a wonderful invention. P.S.: And I still order and drink my coffee in a coffee shop. Because there it is fresh and I can sit and relax with my fresh coffee.
  21. I wonder where this will go in the future. Maybe strict rules for dating apps like you can't just say you like this person and not that person. After all, they should have all equal opportunities. Let's say you are a 190cm 100kg guy. The dating app will match you with a perfectly fitting 190cm 100kg woman (who three month ago was a man). And you have to date her. Equal opportunities and all that... I guess some people will call that progress.
  22. Good luck that Canada explains now all the details to the kids... (no, this is not a joke, it's real!)
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