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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think you know the answer to that. People can promise to live together with someone for years and they can promise to have sex for years. But they can't realistically promise to love a person for any length of time.
  2. Is there something like "the answer". Imagine the answer would be that the department head should have waied the master of the house first. But obviously she didn't do that. So what now? Should the master of the house tell her that she should have waied him first? Or should he just ignore her? Or forgive her? And what would the department head make out of that? In this case the boss and department head obviously expected that she should be waied first. And that didn't happen. So will she think about if she made a mistake and she should have waied first? Or will she just think: What an a#$#$, why didn't he wai me? Why is my teacher married to such a lowlife? I will let her know that I don't accept such insubordinate behavior. My personal conclusion: Don't make life difficult for your wife and other family members. Be nice. And wai the others first if that makes them happy. What do you lose? Nothing? What do you win if you insist you are right? Nothing!
  3. No! Because by definition idiots are idiots. But obviously it's difficult to explain that to idiots. Luckily Darwin takes care of some of those idiots so all in all the situation is getting better over time.
  4. More of the same without the work. It will take a some time before I will retire. Obviously then I won't "work" anymore. But apart from that I imagine that my life won't change much. More or less my whole (working) life I made sure that it is not all about work. Time for coffee, time for extended lunch breaks, working not too late to have time to go out. If possible don't work on weekends, etc. Obviously I also had some times in my life where I had to work a lot and sometimes it was stressful. But I made sure that is not "normal". I think it is sad when some people, or maybe many, work (hard) all their life because they dream about enjoying their retirement. Why wait so long? If I die today and I have a minute or two to think about my life then I can think about all the fun and good time and I don't have to think about what I would have done when I retire. Because I did that already long before my retirement.
  5. He is already a Smombie. I don't think there is much hope for him in the real world anymore.
  6. If he would use the phone as a phone then I would agree. But I know from computer (PC) games that for the relative new and exiting games a 3 year old computer just won't work. And I think few boys would like to play an "old" game which the other boys (at least the cool boys) stopped playing 2 years ago. It's not my kid and I won't waste my time thinking about if this is a good idea...
  7. My gf wants to buy a phone for one of the kids in the family. He is 12 years old. I am the person who will pay for the phone. I am willing to pay maybe 3000B if that will do the job. It seems i.e. the Redmi 9A is available for that price. I have no idea which games he (wants to) play etc. As far as you know is new a phone in the 3000 price area good enough? Or will he soon later complain that this and that game won't work? Or does it make more sense to buy a 2nd hand phone? Until now I haven't really made up my mind if I will buy that or not. But I like to have an idea how much I have to invest. I.e. if modern games, which boys like to play, run only on a 6000B or more phone then likely I won't buy any phone.
  8. And then there are the people who think they are upper class but after a while even the lower class looks down on them.
  9. I wonder how many people would be able to correctly put themselves in the "correct" category. Like: I guess I am somewhere middle class. But am I middle middle class or lower middle class or upper middle class or aspiring upper middle class or what? And does that depend or my job or if I prefer to have drinks with farmer girls or professors? I guess life can be difficult - if we make it difficult.
  10. When is racist language racist language ? I am pretty sure using the N word is not acceptable. But can I say I know this black guy? Or should I say the colored guy or the guy of color or what? And maybe one of those words was acceptable a few years ago and now it's not anymore because some fashion changed. If I say: that f$# stupid n#$% over there then there is no question that that is racist. But if I talk about that black guy over there (because maybe there are 10 white guys and that's the easiest way to identify that one person) then that is IMHO not racist. Take it easy and don't find problems if they don't exist.
  11. It is thaiembassy.com and not thaiembassy.or.th and not thaiembassy.go.th or similar .th That should be enough to know it is not an official Thai website.
  12. Sorry, I didn't read that far, I hoped for a summary at the end of the long long text. You could do what the professionals do: Use some formatting, sub headlines, etc.. Then maybe more of us would be motivated to actually read it - if that is what you want.
  13. I have to admit I read the term Sleep Apnea for the first time. But I know the feeling of having problem with breathing at night. I had that problem before I bought an air purifier. Running that air purifier at night near me made a huge difference and with it running I sleep a lot better. Another related topic is dust in the room. My eyes are ok but not perfect. I don't need glasses but if I wear them I see more. My gf sees a lot of dust which I simply don't notice because if I don't use glasses I don't see it. And not surprisingly I sleep better when all the dust is removed - even if I don't see the difference.
  14. That's the problem, not the license. If you won't get a license for that reason then I suspect you have more important problems. P.S.: I paid often enough 100B because my license was expired.
  15. Correct, at least that is what I learned in more civilized countries.
  16. I am that person. And I know a couple of good hotel who give the service charge 100% to the people who work there (the normal people, not the management). But I also mentioned that obviously I don't know all hotels or even many hotels. I know from one 5 star hotel in Bangkok that they had at the back building entrance every month a comparison of about ten 5 star hotels in Bangkok and how much each hotel paid in service charge. The last time I saw this the monthly service charge for each person was about 10k to 15k per month in all those hotels. I am pretty sure professional hotels from international chains wouldn't do that. But again, I obviously don't know all of them.
  17. Is it? Personally I never looked at the details when I had a carpet. And in Thailand I never had one. But I remember the stories from Hoover sales guys. It seems they visited people at home and asked for permission to demonstrate the newest Hoover vacuum cleaners. And it seems the usual result was that these (expensive) vacuum cleaners were able to get a lot more dirt out of carpets which were just recently cleaned with other, cheaper, vacuum cleaners. It seems that proves that there is a lot of dirt in many carpets which is never removed. And "dirt" obviously means also little crawling creatures.
  18. I agree with most of your post. But that goes too far!
  19. I didn't count. But if an "artist" has to change their clothes at least 30 times within one song then maybe the music was not good enough.
  20. I sonder how many people outside of Thailand know that she is Thai.
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