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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why would they do that? And with they I mean: Why would the Chinese want such a war? And why would the Americans want such war? It would be stupid.
  2. I just ordered a few HDDs and enclosures from JIB and I am impressed. After ordering and paying online I received within 40 minutes a link from them per email. The link shows a video of them packing my items into a box. And now they want to deliver it (within Bangkok) within 3 hours. I didn't pay anything for the delivery. That is impressive.
  3. Should we prefer American warships? I have to admit I didn't follow every war on this earth in the last centuries. But it seems to me the Americans invaded more countries then the Chinese - obviously officially only to bring them democracy.
  4. Will there be any corruption involved in these evaluations? 555
  5. Good that the Americans lost that war. Obviously losing one war was not enough for them to learn. But after 20 years of wasting lives and money in Afghanistan maybe they will learn one day not to invade other peoples' countries - maybe
  6. I used to buy a lot of PCs and accessories at Jet Computer. And they used to have an up to date website. Now their website jetcom.co.th shows old or no information anymore. The shop in Fortune still exists. Which good websites from computer shops in Bangkok do you know? I prefer a website from a shop which I can actually visit if I want to see some parts or buy them cash at the counter. I am mainly interested in Desktop PC parts and accessories. For some parts I am not interested to buy them from Lazada or similar online shops. I.e. Intel CPUs and ASUS motherboards. I want to buy them in a "real" shop which I can visit and trust.
  7. How about domestic violence against men? It seems lots of Thai women think kitchen knifes are not only for kitchen work.
  8. I know an American woman who lives in such a building, maybe it is the same building. According to her there will be nothing. She has to move out and that's it. No compensation. But according to her in her building that situation was clear from the beginning. When her husband bought the unit maybe 20 years ago they were aware that they will own it only for a limited time. And in this specific building the name of the owner of the land makes sure that nobody will even think about arguing...
  9. Long time ago in a country far away I tried to analyze and understand the thinking of my girlfriend at that time. I tried hard and for days but I just didn't understand it. Finally I asked her: what is the logic behind your behavior? She looked a me, a little confused, and told me: Why do you think there is any logic? In the hindsight I thank her for that moment. It helped me a lot in Thailand - and not only with the girls.
  10. If you pay for it and they are smart enough to have it in their name then maybe someone in that equation is just stupid...
  11. Imagine your ex just dumped you. And then you find out she did it because of a Chinese guy. I guess that would hurt. ????
  12. Long time ago I worked for a software company which developed software for refineries. It seems many refineries have so many pipes that basically nobody knows anymore which of these pipes are (sometimes) used and which not. So if they need a new pipe they don't even try to look if they can reuse and existing pipe. Because nobody wants to be responsible for reusing the wrong pipe. I guess with Thai electric wires the principle is the same.
  13. Did the Americans invite all those people so that they can learn how democracy is supposed to work? Or do those Americans still have the delusion that they are a sample democracy? 555 Stop the steal and all that - it almost worked and the guy who incited it all is still running around free and still supported by many million Americans. What a strange country.
  14. Maybe some of these people should try the actual MENSA test. Yes, it is difficult and it is supposed to be difficult. If someone is not even smart enough to enter Thailand then maybe they shouldn't try that MENSA test. They might be disappointed when they get the result.
  15. Yes, I agree, But even in Thailand there is a certain logic to pipes and wires. Waste water flows from somewhere into the vertical main pipes. It is relative easy to get an idea where those pipes must be. Fresh water flows from the water meters to bathrooms and kitchens. That is also easy to follow. And for electricity there is one main box for each apartment. The wires from the building to that main box can't be touched. The wires insider the apartment can be changed, no problem.
  16. And will he now live happily ever after? I have my doubts. At least he has another chance to think about his options.
  17. Thanks for your answer. Do you have any personal experience with that or know about problems from reliable people? Or is this just a guess of what might happen? If a wall is no load bearing wall and there are not pipes in it then it should be easy and fast to rip it out. And if there is no load bearing then it shouldn't matter when that wall is gone.
  18. That's good news. Because now all those phones are owned by the tax payers. So the tax-payers, we, should get regular updates from the data of those phones. Where did they go? Show the GPS coordinates. Publish the meta data of their phone conversations, text messages, etc. I am sure that would be interesting information.
  19. There are lots of different version of the A7, including some smart phones.
  20. Thanks for all of your answers. Frist I guess I will talk to a committee member who I know and who completely renovated a unit in that place a few years ago. He will know from whom he got the permission and how that worked. To address a few points: The building which I am looking at the moment has > 30 floors. I borrowed from the the manager construction drawings of the whole building (not just one unit or floor). I can clearly see there are no columns but thick walls in a pattern every 8 meter. I know that in different units people added doors and windows in the internal thin walls. But until now I didn't see if anybody removed such a wall completely. About wires and water pipes in those walls: On the construction drawing I can see clearly see where the fresh water and wastewater pipes are. And a shaft with lots of big wastewater pipes. I am aware that I can't touch those areas - and I don't plan to do that. All in all I am still looking at what's available. And when I think I want to buy one unit and renovate it by ripping out a wall or two then I will make sure I confirm that in writing before I buy that unit. Asking the building manager might be a first step. But it seems many managers don't even know the size of several units (off my more than 10%). So I definitely don't want to rely on the verbal information of one of those manager. I don't want to end up "he told me I can do that" and then I can't.
  21. Thanks In the building plans which I looked at there are no pillars at all. There are some "thick" walls mostly between the units every 8 meter. I am 90% sure those are load bearing walls.
  22. Yes, you are right. But it also has the name A7 - and that's what I saw in your headline. Maybe that reminds others here that there are different models of Samsung A7. Look careful what you buy (and if that is the one which you maybe read a review about).
  23. Do you want to work in your own business? Then you need a work permit. And that makes a huge difference about setting up and running that company.
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