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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. In an ideal world you are right. In the moment I look at two identical units in a building. The only difference is that one is two floors higher than the other. One unit is in horrible condition. Nobody will be able to live there until it is completely renovated. It is obviously empty, likely since years. The other unit is in good condition and is occupied. According to your theory I should buy the unoccupied place and renovate it. Yes, good idea. Except the unit which is in good condition and which is occupied is about 20% cheaper... I will talk to the owner of the empty place about the price but I wouldn't bet that they will adjust it. And just in case I decide to buy the currently occupied unit. I am sure the tenant will find a new place. Like you wrote, there are lots of empty places available.
  2. The police are doing something so that they can say they do something. And they ignore a lot of other problems because it might be more difficult for them to tell i.e. that Mercedes driver that she shouldn't play with facebook while driving.
  3. That might be the retail price. The value is probably more like 10% of that price. After all, someone has to pay for all that expensive marketing and the huge markup for the luxury shops in the luxury malls.
  4. Does anybody have a statistic about how many racing cars were confiscated from the owners in the last years? Or do all those luxury car drivers only use them to stay in the traffic jam? And how about all those drivers who cause accidents because the play with their phones while they are supposed to concentrate on the road? I understand that bikes are a problem. But they are not the only problem. The difference seems to be that the relative cheap bikes and the not HiSo owners are an easy target for the police.
  5. That is (the opposite) of my point. I personally want to live in a new place and this is why I prefer an empty unit. But I buy something from a seller. And if a seller thinks he can sell (in average) a unit with tenant for a higher price than a unit without tenant then that is interesting information for me, the buyer.
  6. This question, like all my property questions, is about apartments in "old" high-rise condominiums in Bangkok. I want to buy a unit and not surprisingly prices vary. And some apartments for sale are empty and others have tenants. Because I want to use it myself I prefer to buy an empty apartment. Then I can start renovating right away without delay. What is the influence on the sales prices if tenants are in apartments? Do most owners think they can sell them more expensive because they sell an apartment with steady income? Or do most owners think it's better to sell an empty unit? Or to say it in another way: If an empty unit is for sale for amount x. Is it more likely that the same unit with tenants would be sold for a higher or lower price?
  7. I am not so sure if I would support anybody who hired/organized "100,000 motorcycle riders wearing red shirts and holding flaglets"...
  8. Do they really need a file? The OP writes: "I add at this point that I have been using the same Immigration Office for 15 years for renewals and 90 day Reporting and I know nearly all the Officers who work there" I am pretty sure not only he knows the officers but the officers will also remember him - without looking at any file. Maybe some officers will just look at the documents and proceed as normal. But maybe with some candidates other officers will remember to direct the farang to Somchai, because Somchai always enjoyed playing around with that guy. And then they always had a laugh in the lunch break. There he is again...
  9. I am sure you also always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...
  10. It seems you (also) want to play some kind of game with them. Did you want to p$@# them off? Or why did you do that? And do you think such behavior will help you in the future of not? Obviously I don't know you but it seems there are many people who live here among Thais without any problems. And there are some people who seem to attract problems. What do you think why that might happen?
  11. No, they believe in god, or their version of god. And it seems most of them think their god doesn't like gay guys. But I have to admit I am not up to date with their believes and I don't really want to learn more about those crazy people.
  12. Can we agree that male and female humans are different in many ways? And I mean different and not one is better than the other. Personally I learned other things from my mother than I learned from my father. And with some issues I preferred to ask my mother and with others my father. Kids in same sex couples don't have the opportunity to ask a female and a male parent. Obviously there are always other people and not just parents. But the main contact persons, especially for young children, are the parents. We can argue if that difference is enough of a difference to allow same sex couples to adopt children. Maybe yes, maybe no. But I hope we can agree there is a difference and children have fewer options with same sex parents.
  13. Let me guess, people who support homosexuals know those bonobos, and everybody else looks at most other animals who do mostly what humans do: male/female. I didn't read "your" study because I am sure everybody can find a study which confirms what he thinks. There are even lots of studies for climate deniers. There are some things which we experience with our friends and acquaintances. We don't need studies to learn about everything.
  14. That makes sense. If you want a great wheat beer then that is what you buy. And Weihenstephaner is definitely one of the best. If you want a great pilsner beer then buy a great pilsner beer.
  15. I think if people want to have children then they should care about those children. Many of us have experienced that life if difficult when parents don't care or care too little. In a ideal world all children would have loving parents who would care about them until they leave home. Obviously I know this is no ideal world. I don't know the current laws in many countries but I know there was a time when only heterosexual married couples could adopt children. Why? Did they authorities hate single mothers and single fathers? Or were these laws and regulations set to try to do the best for the children? Obviously it's a bad idea to take away children from their loving parents - even if those parents are not heterosexual and likely not perfect. But at least we should try to give (newborn) children the best possible care. For me that means children should be adopted by male/female couples who are healthy and care and have enough money to care for their children.
  16. How to address those bullies? Pretend they don't exist? Sure, it's bad when people and children do that. But that is part of life. I was bullied in school because I was wearing shoes with 4 stripes because my parents didn't see the point in paying 4 times as much for those shoes with 3 stripes. I could solve that problem by buying those 3 stripe shoes which were in fashion at that time because I didn't like the bullying. Children with two fathers and no mother can't just buy something to solve that problem. Is it fair? No! Is it reality? I bet it is.
  17. It's just disgusting. They don't eat, they stuff (a lot of) food in their mouth.
  18. Do I understand this correct that if I have another opinion than many other people, or maybe even the vast majority of people, that I should keep quiet about that? Why? It's my opinion, not more, not less. And about disrespecting Americans: Maybe you should look at some polls what many Europeans think about Americans. It might open your mind.
  19. There are a lot more people in this world than only the English speaking. My opinions are my personal opinions and I don't change them just because (many) other people have other opinions. I am open minded enough to give people a chance to convince me that I should change my opinion. And sometimes I do that. But I don't see a reason that I have to change my opinion only because some, or maybe many people, think different than me. And I accept the laws. I.e. if gay marriage is allowed and adoption is allowed for them then that is what it is. I accept it - but maybe I still don't like it.
  20. No I don't I don't You seem to read a lot more in my post then I wrote. If you want to know my opinion then read what I wrote. I made enough comments in this thread. And none of my comments are about things you accuse me of thinking.
  21. When that is the level you want to move to then do it with likeminded people. I won't see any more of your post.
  22. So when will I have those same societal benefits with my favorite twins?
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