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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. If a guy marries such a woman, then the answer is yes. If he hires her for her services per hour or day or month or year then the answer is no.
  2. They cuddle with me every night. Is that good enough? And can I marry both of them and maybe at the same time my gf? After all, it's about equal rights and all that.
  3. Every child should have a mother who cares about the child. A father is good to have but in a way optional. I think one of the problems is that many laws were written (decades ago) with female/male couples in mind. If i.e. there is a law about adoption I am sure in most countries the lawmakers had married female/male couples in mind. But in the law is probably only written "married couples". So if now a new law allows not only male/female couples to marry that has a lot of consequences for other laws. Maybe first all existing laws should be amended to refer to married male/female couples. After that then a law can allow other couples to marry each other - without having automatically also the right to adopt children, etc..
  4. Equal right to do what? Equal rights that a guy can kiss a guy or a woman a woman? Equal rights for all children that they have a right to have a father and a mother and that they have the right to be breastfed? Rights will always have boundaries. Maybe about humans and animals or age restrictions or whatever. And it makes sense that there are boundaries. The only question is where exactly those boundaries are.
  5. They didn't allow same sex marriages. But same sex relationships are allowed and common. What's the problem? Personally I have no problem with people of all shades of LBGT+/- whatever. Live and let live and all that. But why do many people pretend those relationships are just as normal as male/female relationships? I.e. when two gay guys adopt children. Who is the mother? How about breast feeding and all those natural things? It seems some people think all people should be allowed to do anything. Really? What's next? Can I marry my favorite pet? Can we adopt children? You might think I am crazy and that has nothing to do with reality. But think twice. Not long ago nobody would have imagined gay guys marrying and adopting children. Now it's not just described as normal. Now people who don't think it is normal are attacked for their position. How about accepting people like they are. Hetero people can accept that LBGT exist. And LBGT should also accept that not everybody wants to support anything what they want.
  6. Some mistakes are obvious. But then we shouldn't have done those obvious mistakes at all. But there are lots of other mistakes which are only clearly seen as mistakes in the hindsight. Like: where did it go wrong? I think a perfect example is when farangs have this idea to share all decisions with their Thai darling. After all, we all have the same rights and we should make decisions together and all that. And then sometime later, sometimes years later, they discover that the only person in their relationship who makes decisions is the darling - that once sweet girl who he though should be integrated in the decision making. And after years it's almost impossible to reverse such a situation. Solution: a new darling. A nice girl, and because she is so nice we should make decisions only together with her...
  7. It's something that psychologists recommend since at least a couple of decades.
  8. Thanks, I just tested it. I can get a ride in 3 minutes for a decent price. I think it's a good idea to confirm the details like you described.
  9. Thanks for the follow up. That explains why it happened and not just that she decided that that is the way to do it. Much better.
  10. Yes, you can do that. But obviously someone has to transport these things to the bus and then again from the bus to the final destination. Sometimes it's just so much easier to drive from A to B and not from A to a bus station and then with the bus to another bus station and then with another car from that station to B.
  11. Why is it for some people so difficult to answer a simple question or just stay quiet? Do I really have to explain that my gf will travel alone and she does not need a driver who understands English. And she wants to take some heavy items with her which makes a bus or train a bad choice. This is why I asked for a taxi or pickup truck. I know myself where to find the bus or train...
  12. Especially in Thailand there seem to be lots of guys who fail again and again with the same type of girlfriend. And then they say things like: All women are bad. They always do x and y. But if these guys would have spend maybe an hour or two thinking about their past mistakes then maybe they wouldn't do the same mistakes again and again.
  13. Why did she have to keep them away from the diaries? Did she think he buried money somewhere and described it in his diaries? Maybe the diaries would have been interesting for the sons. I think it's not nice that the sister did what she did. But that's only my humble opinion.
  14. Enjoy it and surround yourself with other positive thinking people. There are good and bad things in any country, region, town, etc. It's up to us if we want to see the good things or the bad things. And if we really don't like one place then it's time to move on - and not complain about it constantly and stay in that place.
  15. Really? If you legally work here, no problem. If you are retired and have a little money in the bank, no problem. And if anybody complains about 90 days reporting or things like that. Just do it! It takes a couple of hours for the whole year to do what is necessary to stay in Thailand. It's easy. The only thing which makes it bad is permanently thinking about it and complaining about it.
  16. And then there is Google Timeline https://timeline.google.com/ It shows many of us for the last couple of years exactly where we were at which day and time. Scary. And in case someone suggest to turn off that service. I thought about that. But what do I really turn off? Does Google stop recording my activities? Or is it just that when I turn it off that I don't see anymore what I did but Google still knows it...
  17. I never kept a diary. But a couple of years ago I made an Excel file with a line for each year in my life. And I update that from time to time. In the columns I put information like what I did at that time like school, which work at which company. Other columns contained names of friends, which vehicle I had. It also included which mobile phone I had, which music I liked at that time, samples of movies which I watched and things like that. I.e. when I moved to Thailand I heard constantly the song That's Why You Go Away from Michael Learns To Rock. Or some time before that I loved the movie La Boum. Those things help me to remember certain times of my life.
  18. Yes, we remember things. But that doesn't mean we remember reality. Some time ago I thought about work which I did about 20 years ago. I was sure the company gave me a list of requirements and I had to do work according to what they decided. Then sometime later someone asks me about details of that job and I looked up old emails and other records which I still had in my PC. And what did I find? Nobody gave me a list with requirements. I told the company I suggest we do it like this and that and then they worked to give me what I wanted. So my memory was clearly not very good. And that was about work and no emotions were involved. I am sure if we try to remember things with emotions involved like previous love affairs or the end of those affairs then I am sure our memory will play a lot of tricks with us and what we remember has maybe not much to do anymore with what actually happened.
  19. Some 7/11 have print and scan service. Some people use USB-sticks but I would not be surprised if you can also use WLAN or email your document to that device or a person in the shop who can put it on that device.
  20. It seems that is what some people want to be. The official regulation is just a confirmation to those people.
  21. I am only used to Bangkok and 99% of the time I ride motorcycle so please forgive me my ignorance. What is the best way to hire a car/taxi or pickup truck for a one way trip from Bangkok to a village in Prachin Buri? Just ask one of the taxi-no-meter drivers? Grab? Any other services? The main criteria are that the driver is experienced and no maniac and knows where to drive. A good price would be good but I won't argue about a couple of hundred THB more or less. English language is not required.
  22. In principle you are right. But then there are those stupid people who somehow think the government is responsible when the world oil prices rise. Now the government can try to explain to those people the facts of life. But will they understand it? It's so much easier to just give those stupid people what they want.
  23. First ask your wife for how much she wants to sell you that vehicle. ????
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