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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Nobody, except maybe experienced system developers, should mess around with DLLs! If you know the source of any software for Windows (or any other OS) and you trust them, then maybe you want to use their software. But don't be surprised if some things don't work anymore or other unsuspected things happen. Windows, and any other OS, is very complicated. And that won't change. Sometimes some settings or toolbars are just hidden and maybe changing a 0 to a 1 somewhere in the registry will show them again. That is build in in Windows and not much can go wrong. For you, first I think you should ask yourself: Do you really need those toolbars? Is there maybe another new way which you can use without the toolbars. Windows has so many details and settings. Most people, including the so called specialists, know not even half of those details. I work with Windows since version 3.0. And since then I used all Windows versions (I think except Windows Millennium Edition). They change, they have new feature and they don't have some old feature anymore. And we all get used to the changes. And more precisely: We have to get used to many changes. Because we can't use any old Windows version after it is not updated anymore. Otherwise it won't take long before our system is compromised. Windows and the world changes. We better get used to it.
  2. Putin's war is a prime example for this: Sanctions, no-fly-zone, bank restrictions, no oil and gas from there, and and and. Lots of journalists have lots of solutions what to do. And then lots of people in the comments have lots of ideas what to do. Obviously it could be that any of them has the perfect idea which nobody else thought about, but the chance for that is almost 0. How about you? Do you think about and maybe discuss online or with friends how Putin could be convinced/forced to stop the war? Or how this or that problem in the world could be solved? Personally sometime I think i.e. sanctions are a good idea. But then I think: Who will suffer most from those sanctions? Not the people at the top. And i.e. if Europe stops importing Russian gas, who do they hurt more? Putin and Russia or are they hurting their own economy. These are just samples and I don't expect that we discuss here how to solve the problems of this world. Personally most of the time I don't even think about what can be done or should be done. Because if there is one thing that I know is that it is complicated, very complicated. Quick solutions to complex problems basically don't exist. How about you?
  3. Please let us know where you find the glass. Sometimes companies offer something online but then it's not available or something like that. I hope you get what you want.
  4. Prison is also for convicted criminals. Thaksin should come back and go to jail. He can show the nation that he respects the laws. But then, nobody expects honorable behavior from a thug.
  5. In principle you are right. But imagine if you would be a smart honest competent person and you would try to become PM. But many people would not vote for you. Instead they would vote for a family member, any family member, of the wanted criminal. That must be really frustrating.
  6. I use a K-Bank VISA card for many years and I have good experience with them. It works and if I call them they pick up the phone and have answers. Maybe two years ago I applied for a Citibank card. I got the card and I can use it without problems. But I think their service is horrible. I tried to call them a couple of times for various reason. It always took forever (think 20min) before I got anybody on the line at all. And it also happened that I waited maybe for 20 minutes and then the computer told me everybody is busy and I should try again later. It's bad when a company puts lots of effort into recruiting new members but when people signed up then there is no service anymore.
  7. What is worse? That Thaksin is willing to sacrifice one family member after the next for more power and more money? Or that those family members do what he wants? Or that people are willing to support any family member from Thaksin just because they are family members of Thaksin? It's all bad. When will the majority of Thai people start to support and elect honest competent people? When will they understand that when they vote for corrupt incompetent people then they shouldn't be surprised if they have a corrupt incompetent government? Obviously that also happens in many other parts of the world, including so called 1st world countries. But that fact this happens elsewhere doesn't make it any better.
  8. Who are of course no worse than corrupt politicians who spent tax payers' money to get themselves and their family members elected so they can enrich themselves even more.
  9. Maybe have a look at this: https://www.onestockhome.com/en/categories/glass
  10. When you write this happens then I guess it happens. But at least for me with hundred + orders it never happened. So it is definitely not something that happens often.
  11. Whos idea is it to pay them for not working? Stupid idea - at least IMHO.
  12. With above number, if a bike used i.e. 3l per 100km then a rider would pay less than 30THB for 20km, 10km to work and return. And that should be a reason that he does not work on that day to receive the minimum wage of 300 THB per day or whatever it is now? Strange logic.
  13. Almost always I use the cheap or free delivery option. Because almost always then I don't have to pay tax or duty. And most of the time I can wait.
  14. Do they also have embedded journalists like the Americans in Iraq? And I agree with your full statement from above.
  15. I wonder how his neighbors judge him. Do they say he is stupid like many people in this thread? Do they think he did the right thing so that he doesn't lose face? And what would the neighbors think if he knew she was cheating but he didn't do anything? Obviously what he did was illegal and he shouldn't have done it. But with Thai culture in mind and face and all that I would really like to know the answers to above questions.
  16. Do you think Putin asked them if they want to do that? A long time ago when I was in the military, in a so called 1st world country, you had to follow orders - or else. I don't want to imagine what happens to soldiers in the Russian army who tell their superiors they don't want to invade Ukraine.
  17. I would love to see a survey about that. Because I am sure the majority or Russians don't support Putin's war. And most Ukrainians will know that. Long time ago my parents befriended some Russian people in a holiday. They were nice people and they stayed in contact for many years. They didn't become all bad people because they have a bad leader.
  18. If you would be a healthy young Russian men, would you hurry home to fight Putin's war in Ukraine? How many Russians support that war? As far as I know very few.
  19. I ordered over the years probably hundred or more parcels from AliExpress. In my experience most deliveries are between one and two weeks to Bangkok, sometimes longer. Extreme seldom tax and duty has to be paid. I think I had it one time that something got lost. That was easy to track and I received a replacement without hassle. Another time something was not sent and I canceled the order. No problem. I try to buy local because it is faster. But I don't hesitate to buy it from AliExpress. Important for newbies: AliExpress is like Lazada not one shop. It's an interface for many shops. There are reputable shops and bad shops. Obviously it makes sense to look at the details of what you actually order. And if it sounds too good to be true than likely it is too good to be true. With realistic expectations many shops on AliExpress are fine. If I am not sure then I use the chat function to ask some question, basically any question, to see how fast and how competent they reply.
  20. 1. What is the idea about that Make App? 2. Unreasonable? You must be joking. Do you really think all foreigners will be treated in Thailand like Thais? 3. And if you think foreigners should be treated like Thais then have a look a your home country, wherever that might be. Are all foreigners treated like the locals? No!
  21. We could make a survey how often we observed that employees from bar or groups of bars attacked customers without any reason, and how often did a customer refuse to pay (part of) the bill and then got into trouble. Personally I observed already too many cases were the tourist thought they are the tough guys and they don't have to pay. Mistake! And even if anybody thinks he got overcharged he shouldn't be so stupid just to walk out. Pay and then complain to the tourist police. And don't forget to be nice. And things will get sorted.
  22. Google tells me she has a net worth of 14,000,000 USD or 464,940,000 Thai Baht I don't know about you, but if I would have that kind of money I wouldn't worry too much about making more.
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