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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Are the faded memories from years ago or yesterday? There are still lots of ladies in the streets - even if the bars are closed.
  2. There are lots of people in Thailand who are willing to spend a lot of money on food and wine. About all you can eat buffets: Aren't all buffets "all you can eat"? At least in the places where I go they are only called buffets and people know that they can go several times and can eat all they want. In my experience those buffets are often a better value than ordering al la carte. I.e. if I go to a "normal" restaurant and eat a soup, a main course and something sweet then the bill might be 1500 THB. For a buffet it's maybe 1000 THB with more choices and some drinks included. Some have also good free flow packages.
  3. I know from a good hotel with nice buffets which are often full of people that they get few bookings if they are not allowed to sell alcohol on that day. And that is the same for Thai guests, farangs who live here and tourist. It seems for lots of people a nice dinner is no nice dinner without alcohol.
  4. Next thing someone will suggest to make gambling, like playing cards, legal. Can't do that! Thais are good people! They don't gamble, would never pay for sex, etc. ???? And someone should think about all those police officers. Imagine they had no reason to collect some extra money to look the other way...
  5. I ride motorcycle. I want to get an award for reporting lots of people who try to drive while they play with their so called smart phones. Most of these drivers are easily recognizable from far away because they obviously don't pay attention to the road and other vehicles.
  6. I basically gave up even trying to find logic in Thailand. But sometimes I still think: Why? What do they think is the point of this? Do they want to make sure fewer people visit Thailand? Do they think more people will get infected when more places, with close contact, will open? Is it just to pi@$ off people? What is the real reason for this? I think even those people who make the decisions must be aware that nightlife is a major attraction for people who live in Thailand and who visit Thailand.
  7. I wish you were right. But how many Trump supporters do you guess would not support him anymore if that would be proven? And even if he would have declared martial law then I am sure most of his supporters would still support him. Remember, he won the election - at least that is what those ignorant people believe.
  8. Does it really matter? More than 70,000,000 Americans voted for Trump. And the majority of them still think he won. And the GOP politicians are more interested to support Trump lies than holding up the US constitution. The whole country is a total mess. And even if half the Trump supporters would change their mind then there would still be more than 30 million people who support a serial liar who tried to overthrow the election. IMHO there is not much hope for that country for the foreseeable future.
  9. Obviously a decent sound system with real speakers on the floor. That's one of the few things which I know about. ????
  10. Thanks Every 1.2 meters (in each direction) are a lot of bulbs. And that is the distance which I had originally in mind but then I thought that might be too many bulbs (or down lights or whatever). Do you ever have them all on on full brightness? Would you recommend the 1.2 meter distance? Of more or less?
  11. Thanks You confirm my thoughts about colors. The electric installation is one of the few things which I don't worry about. I have lots of experience with electric and electronics. Currently I plan to have all "smart" with Home Assistance. What I don't know until now is how many (LED) lights I need and which color temperature (probably different in different places).
  12. I find it amazing how many unsuitable tiles are used all over Thailand. It seems many people only care how they look. Many tiles which are installed outside and in bathrooms are slippery. IMHO that should be one of the first things to consider. What's the point of nice looking tiles if it is impossible to walk on them if they are wet? But it seems many designers, contractors and decision makers ignore such basic questions. I spent already some time learning about the different types of tiles and slowly I get an idea about them. But tiles are obviously only a small part of a renovation. There is a lot to learn and unfortunately too many people who don't know or don't care or just (try to) sell to get the highest commission.
  13. Thanks in my opinion decent cost at least 4 digit USD amounts. But those are "real" speakers, not just for the PC. I had something in the range 2000 - 5000 THB in my mind. But I still didn't make up my mind. It would obviously be good to hear them somewhere and not just read/watch some so called reviews from want to be specialist.
  14. Same same in my rented apartment. With a new digital converter aircon the electricity bill is half of what it was previously.
  15. Thanks! I definitely will involve a professional who tells the contractors what to do and looks if they do it right. But I also want to learn myself about some of those things. I.e. some contractors say yes to anything the client (me) suggests. And sometimes that is good. But sometimes it's even better if the designer and/or contractor tell me that this and that is a terrible idea for this and that reason. On the other hand only because a Thai contractor tells me "we do this like that and always have done it that way" does not mean that is the best way to do it. I.e. floor tiles. Looking on the internet how European or Americans tile floors seems to be often different how Thais do that. It would be good to understand what the best way is to do things here. I.e. in Thailand we don't have to worry about subzero temperatures or cold feet on tiles. But maybe we have to worry about high humidity and things like that.
  16. I live already in such a place. Currently I rent and the layout and furniture is not how I would do it. I love the view at day and at night and most of the time the curtains are open or they don't exist. Sure, the aircon bill will be more expensive. I am willing to pay for that to have a beautiful view. This is an example from the top floor of the Landmark Hotel. I like a view like that and I know apartments for sale with a similar view.
  17. The good news is that I have a good contact to someone who can arrange and control the workers. The bad news is that I know the name IKEA better than Divani, Poro, Villeroi u Boch, Eckersmann kitchen, Lignet Roset But to be fair apart from a computer table I never bought any furniture from anybody. And just spending money on expensive companies is not my plan. Like I wrote above: I want to understand the basics. Part of that is also to understand the differences in design and quality between i.e. IKEA and the companies you mention.
  18. Good idea. But I have to admit often I don't pay attention to details. I.e. I like a place, but if you later ask me for details like what was the color of the floor or this or that I don't know. It's more the impression of the whole place. And that is also why I like to learn about these things. Because I am sure there are "rules" like balance, what to combine with what and what not, etc. I think I have to learn first what to look for.
  19. I think about buying an apparent in Bangkok to live there (I know renting is probably cheaper in the moment but I don't care). Instead of buying an expensive new apparent I prefer the idea to buy an old one, rip everything out, and renovate it exactly like I like it. My idea is to have about 100m² mostly open space somewhere in a high floor with (as much as possible) windows from wall to ceiling. It seems my current ideas are contrary to most existing designs. I.e. I want - only one bedroom - only one bathroom - a storage room to put all the things which I like to keep but don't need in daily life - a big room for everything else like: living, working, kitchen, eating, etc. Now my challenge is how to design such a space and all the little and not so little things which have to be considered. I guess at some stage I will involve an interior designer (maybe just a few hours or maybe more). I don't want to just believe everything such a designer tells me. I want to have some basic knowledge myself. So I have to learn and study. But how? A few books? YouTube videos? Websites? Obviously I looked for books and I watched some videos. But what I found until now is often about renovating a house in North America (wood frame), cold climate, lots of idea from designers which are way above beginner level, etc. I have basic questions like: - how many lights and what kind of lights do I need? I.e. LED lights in the ceiling corners and down lights - type, size and positions of air-conditioners - where to eat, work, live (i.e. one should be near the windows, something else better away from the windows) - which floor tiles? I like tiles. But which color and texture? - how many and what kind of cabinets, desks, chairs, sofa, etc. How to learn about those things and make good decisions? I don't plan to finish all right away. Some things like floors have to be installed before moving into the place. But other decisions, like where to eat and where to work can be made later. Same with decisions about furniture. What are your ideas how to learn these things? Can you recommend some books? Or videos? Or would you talk with designers or look at existing apartments about ideas what you like and don't like? Just an example
  20. Thanks I just want small speakers left and right of my computer monitor and nothing in front of it. Base needs a box with volume, that is why I want the .1 Subwoofer. Anything small is not able to produce any even half decent base. The subwoofer can be below the desk and it will do it's job.
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