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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What made you decide that you wanted to live in Thailand? All those pretty and cute The girls, the weather, the friendly people, relative low cost of living, people live in the here and now, not in the past or future, laws and rules are not strictly enforced, i.e. it's possible to drive sometimes a little faster without constant hassle by the police. And many other reasons. How long have you lived here? >25 years And do you have any regrets ? No, no regrets at all. For the record: Sure, Thailand is not perfect and some things are annoying. But all in all those little annoying issues are minor compared to the good life.
  2. Thais could vote for honest and competent people. But for whatever reason most Thais seem to prefer corrupt criminals and their families. Amazing Thailand.
  3. So is there anything you learned in all those years?
  4. It seems he is looking for drama - and he finds it again and again.
  5. And what's the point of your post?
  6. I recently flew with Lufthansa Premium Economy. Good price, good app, good service on ground and in flight. I can highly recommend them.
  7. Is it really a problem if we are not as horny anymore? Personally I remember those days from a long time ago horny every day and almost any hour of that day. And then looking for something exiting for the night (or an hour or two). Often that included a visit to Thermae and if nothing suitable was there then a visit o to Grace hotel. Luckily I don't remember many of the women from those days but I am sure with hindsight I think now: How could I ever f$&# them? Now I still go out and I still enjoy to look at or play with pretty girls. But not all the time and it's no problem if there is nothing exiting. I think getting older and less horny makes life easier - and less expensive. If something excites me, fine, lets have fun. And if not then not, no problem. And then looking at reality how many hours which we spend with the girls are f#^&ing? For many, including me, most of the night is buying them drinks, talking, watching, fooling around. So even with reduced hormones it's still possible to go out and have some fun - even without the happy ending every night.
  8. Check that the vaccines which you received are recognized in the destination airport (and maybe stopover). I.e. Sinovac is often not recognized.
  9. Yes, that is another option. But how many people who use Windows, and especially old Windows versions, want to learn Linux? And how many of them want to troubleshoot it if there is a problem? In my experience very few want that.
  10. As far as I know there are no clear rules with clear numbers. Real spammers (try to) send thousands or millions of emails. Let's assume for a moment that you have a legitimate reason to do what you describe. Try! Send ten emails and see what happens. If nothing happens then send 20. At some stage some algorithm will stop you. If you do this a little then likely you will first get a mail like "we detected xyz activity with your account" and likely a reminder that you shouldn't do that. Listen to that reminder! Otherwise they will cut you off and if necessary in less than a second.
  11. I don't know any RAM modules with LEDs. But them I use only "normal" RAM and not some fancy overclocking watercooled RAM. Anything getting warm just means it uses some power. It is no indicator if it works or not and no indicator if the power supply to that part is working correct. Normally there is information in the motherboard manual (online) what kind of beeps happen if the CPU or RAM don't work.
  12. What exactly does the PC do or don't do? Not working RAM symptoms are not the same as dead Power Supply. Does any light go on? (Including any light on the mainboard)? Do the fans work? Does the computer beep? Do you see anything on the screen? Do you hear any noise? If you hear and see nothing then better check first the cable to the power supply. Is iT plugged in and is power on that cable and the switch on the power supply on?
  13. Good post! I think the problem for our leaders is that even if they see that EVs are not he perfect solution they have to pretend they love them. After all, everybody "knows" that EVs are great and leaders would get lots of opposition if they wouldn't at least pretend to love EVs. I think that is a worldwide problem with many issues for politicians. They often say what voters want o hear and not the truth.
  14. Probably it's not too difficult to remove it. But it might be difficult to get it precisely together again... ????
  15. Great food, many friendly people, lots of pretty girls, no cold rain, not overregulated, no stupid political correctness, and and and
  16. Lets assume for a moment the cost of living would be the same in Thailand and "home". Would you prefer to be "home"? For me the cold weather, ugly women and all those restrictions back home are reason enough to avoid it. I wouldn't want to live there even if would make a lot more money over there.
  17. I think it is amazing that some people think a place will never change. Like: I liked it how it was 20 years ago and I don't want that anything changes. But there is one little problem. 20 years ago we were 20 years younger. We also changed, like the people and the country around us. Obviously it's good to stay open minded and from time to time to evaluate if what we do is really what we want to do. And if there are better opportunities somewhere else then maybe lets move somewhere else. But everything changes constantly. It's up to us to adopt. And going back to a place which maybe we left 20 years ago hoping it will be like the place which we left 20 years ago is unrealistic.
  18. Do you want to tell us why you prefer the European girl? Personally it happens extreme seldom to me that I find an European girl attractive. And it seems (I guess) at least 90% of the farangs here prefer an Asian girls.
  19. And how many different model of batteries provide these 3 companies? I am sure many many different models - and for a reason.
  20. The problem with EV batteries is that they are BIG. And I am sure lots of different cars look different from below. It will be difficult to design a couple of batteries which can be used by many different car models. And in the moment the car battery technology is still evolving a lot. Standard batteries will be old technology in a year or two and innovative companies sure will want to use the newest technologies. Maybe in 20 years...
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