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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Many women in Thailand or Japan all over the world are masters in the art to lure in the guilable and once the papers signed For me that is the reason to never marry. Problem solved - at least with Thai law.
  2. Some time ago I saw an interview with an Arab guy. They talked about women and the Arab guy said they had a word for prostitute and another word for a slut (a woman who goes with many guys without payment). Both words were swearwords if you wanted to insult someone. The funny part is that prostitute was the milder version of a swearwords, slut was a very strong swearwords. And the explanation was/is: If she has to go with many men to make money to live, then she does that because she has no other choice. But if she doesn't have to do it and still goes with many men, then she is obviously someone really undesirable. I found that very interesting.
  3. Yes, you are right. But... I think with most bargirls it is a straightforward transaction. You pay x, she does y. And after some time, you realize if you also want z, you better ask her before you make a deal. And then there are the guys who fall in love with a girl. Or maybe they think they want to rescue her. Maybe a guy comes for holiday to Thailand, and he spends two weeks with one girl. All is fine. And then it's time for him to go home and then he thinks about what she will do tomorrow, and next week. And he doesn't like that. So, he suggests to her that maybe he could help her out so that she does not have to work in the bar. The girl likes that. He is happy that he rescued her. And she is happy that she gets extra money. And maybe she actually does not go with another guy for a week. And then she gets bored. And she meets the guy again who saw her 6 months ago. So why not, just a little, nobody knows. And then maybe that guy also wants to pay her not to work... I am pretty sure in many cases the guys are the initiators of those regular payment agreements. Do you really expect from the girls to tell them: No, keep your money, I will anyhow f around. He doesn't want to hear that, and she doesn't want to tell him. So, she just says thank you, you are such a good guy, I only think about you... Win/win - until he discovers that his dream didn't match reality.
  4. I think for many of us this is something completely different. At home is the loving wife and maybe the family and cuddling and kissing and you are my love. And in the bars it's like: I want to f&%$ that one in any way possible. And I don't care about her name, and I don't even like her. It can be something completely different. And then there are of course the few moments, when things go wrong, and the good husband falls in love with the wrong girl. It happens. But I don't think that is what usually happens.
  5. Obviously, there are cashiers who go with customers. But I wonder why a girl would sit for hours behind the cash drawer, work (often) hard all night, if she is not primary a cashier. If she would go regularly with customers, then she would make multiple times the money from that compared from counting money.
  6. It depends on the laws of each country. In Europe, with GDPR, it would be illegal for the company to use this data for anything other than what they told the customer.
  7. I knew and know a couple of cashiers who are exactly that, cashiers. One was a bartender, others started as cashiers. Not everybody is same same, some are a little different.
  8. That reminds me of the girl which I met in a bar in Pattaya and then I made holiday in Samui with her. A week later a friend arrived, who also picked up a girl in Pattaya. "My girl" was shocked. That is a prostitute!
  9. speak for yourself, Farang! bob. There are some of us who make mistakes and then they realize that they make mistakes and then they learn from that. And then there are others who also make mistakes, but they are so full of themselves that they don't want to realize that they ever made any mistakes...
  10. How much Thailand experience did you have at that time? I also believed a lot when I just arrived in Thailand. Luckily, I didn't have much money so I couldn't lose much money. Many of us fall for many lies here. It takes time to learn the "culture".
  11. Come on Bob, you are the expert here. Tell us why relationships with bar girls are bad. Or maybe just tell us why every relationship with every person you ever met failed.
  12. Maybe we just need a couple of stories from guys who married good girls and got divorced and who lost their money. So, whatever happens with bar girls, the problem exists not only with bar girls.
  13. Good point. You never know, maybe all will be fine in the future, maybe not. I find it always interesting when some people here post that after a few years together their wife showed her true self and she planned from the beginning to get all his money. Really? How many Thais plan ahead? Maybe until the next rent has to be paid, but that is as long time as it gets for many of them. We change over time. Sometimes both in the same direction and sometimes in different directions. That's life.
  14. I met my gf in a bar. She was the cutest dancer on stage. I took her out of the bar, and we are mostly happy together since many years. She had just started to work in a bar, her bigger sister decided that is what she should do. When my gf was out of the bar she didn't miss it, because she was not used to bar girl life for years. I also know other couples where the girl or woman worked in a bar, some for many years. Some of those relationships work just fine, others not so much. I think it is mostly a question of expectations. If both have a good idea what to expect, and what not, then that is fine. I think guys who live here since many years and frequent bars have mostly a good idea what to expect. Some of them know their girl a long time before they become a couple. Guys who just arrive have mostly no idea what to expect - and obviously get it wrong. And then there is the big question of what is the big difference between bar girls and "normal" girls. Lots of non-bargirls also want a rich guy and money. And some of them also f*$#^ed around with the highest bidder before they settled. IMHO the idea that a normal girl is always better than a bargirl is just wrong. Maybe she is, but maybe not. It's a question of the individual person and not a group of people. Last but not least, what I like about the idea with bargirls is that it's easy to meet hundreds of them in person. Go to a bar, look at them, make eye contact, buy them a drink, and if you like her take her out. Maybe for an hour or a night or a week on the beach and look where it goes. Obviously there will be lots of bar girls who are not what you want. Mostly you will know that before you bought her the 2nd drink. So, move on, look for another one.
  15. If you use large and especially long tiles, then make sure the installer uses a leveling system. This guy explains the details - I am not sure if in this video or one of his many other videos.
  16. Who will collect the taxes? Who will check the value of whatever arrives here? This is one of those stupid ideas which is impossible to implement. How many people will be hired to check the parcels, check the value, write the bills, and collect the money? And how much will this administration cost? Does anybody really have to think for more than a minute to realize that is just a stupid idea?
  17. Wonderful. Now do the same test with independent people. If he passes, great. If he fails, punish the family and never mention it again.
  18. I don't like Trump. But in part I agree with above. Is Trump guilty of falsifying the records of payments to a woman who he <deleted> and he didn't want that story to go public? I am pretty sure he is guilty. But is this a felony? Or maybe just a misdemeanor? It seems the judge could have given the jury these options. But he didn't. How many other politicians, from any political party, <deleted> someone and then paid to keep it a secret (because of elections or whatever)? I am sure many. How many of them were prosecuted? How many of them were convicted? IMHO nobody with a clear mind should vote for Trump. He is a serial liar, and he broke so many standards which no president should break, it's too much to count. But this trial, now, and the conviction is without doubt in part politically motivated. And that should be obvious for everybody.
  19. A few questions: Why don't you want to remove the existing tiles? What are your priorities like cheap, long lasting, etc.? You can get tiles in almost any look including timber.
  20. In Europe there is GDPR, with possible huge fines. Most banks will think twice before they misuse any data. But obviously there are regulations about money laundry, supporting terrorists, etc. So not everything goes. In Thailand there might be laws. But first, mostly nobody cares, and second, many Thais don't even understand the concept of data protection and privacy. It would be stupid to assume our data is private.
  21. If you don't own the device then I think that might be stalking or something like that.
  22. Maybe he should not have mentioned that thing. I am pretty sure that will bring him into legal trouble.
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