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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. You obviously don't like Bangkok, or maybe any big city. That is ok, not everybody has to love the city. But when a guy asks about visiting Bangkok then probably he wants to see Bangkok, and not Hua Hin or a village somewhere. Maybe he also wants to see the attractions of Bangkok which are not promoted by the TAT. I live in Bangkok, I like it, and I like Terminal 21. From all the malls this is still one for (more or less) normal people.
  2. Here are a couple of devices from Shelly: Energy Metering - Shop - Shelly Shelly has at least one App. And you can use some of them, or maybe all of them, also with Home Assistant. I use Shelly devices with Home Assistant.
  3. It's always amazing to see how gullible people can be so rich. What did they do to get so much money? It seems it didn't really involve thinking.
  4. I think the main reason for farangs to establish a company in Thailand is to get a work permit and business visa. And to be able to write invoices to Thai businesses - if you want to sell something, including services, to Thais. If you don't need a work permit and visa and if you don't do business with Thai companies, then I don't see a good reason to open a Thai company. Buying property might be another reason. I am not familiar with that one.
  5. Yes, and he can use the magnetic switches with 12V to trigger the relay. And the relay switches the 220V for the motor. It's not really that difficult.
  6. It seems your IQ is not really made for Mensa. Trump is a white guy who was convicted. And somehow you want to make this an argument for what? That a black guy would also be convicted? Maybe 68 times and not only 34 times? Or what's your point. I suggest think again, and next time a black guy will be convicted then you can tell us all how racist this world is that that could happen.
  7. Maybe you missed it. The white Trump was convicted. I know the USA has problems with race. But the Trump case is not one of those problems.
  8. You need a relay: Here are the details: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/317227/how-to-command-a-220v-device-through-a-12v-output
  9. Nuclear power is a very good alternative to oil, gas, coal, etc. But somehow many of the green do gooders don't like it. Sad.
  10. Will this verdict change anything? By now everyone knows that he <deleted> that porn actress while he was married. Some time ago I would have been sure that such a fact will guarantee that nobody who calls themselves Christian would vote for such a person. I was obviously wrong, very wrong. So now he is convicted, by a court in NY. Will anybody who supported him until now will now not support him anymore? I don't think so. Will some people, who are not sure, will now see that the effort to convict Trump in this case is totally out of proportion? Is he the only politician who ever did something like this? How many other politicians were convicted of a similar crime. And why is it so difficult for many people who see more than only black or white? IMHO Trump is a bad presidential candidate. But if he would have the better politics I wouldn't care if he <deleted> a hooker and paid her for it. Biden is also a bad candidate. But IMHO still a lot better than Trump. But all in all I could make lists od reasons to vote for any of them and reasons not to vote for them. This is not black and white. It's grey, and mostly a lot of dark grey. It's so sad that Americans are not able to find someone competent.
  11. I followed the news enough to know about the other cases and it seems to be likely that none of them will go to court before the election in November. I don't know who, except from Trump lawyers, is responsible for the delays.
  12. I don't mind if some little video starts automatically. But the sound is really annoying. It seems like whoever is in charge of this website wants to find out how far the users can be annoyed before we don't use it anymore. For me that point is getting nearer. I don't use any other website with even half as many ads. Annoying!
  13. Just arrange new elections and let the Thai people vote for the PM they want.
  14. I don't like Trump and Trump voters (in general), and I would love to see him in prison. But I understand that this guilty verdict will do little to his popularity. What did he really do? He f#$#$ someone who was not his wife and he paid to cover this up. I wonder how many politicians did that already. And how many of those other politicians were dragged to court about that and convicted? This case is totally blown out of proportion. Why don't American prosecutors spend more effort to convict him of real crimes like his involvement in the 6-Jan insurrection? And then there are his voters. Why do about 70,000,000 Americans think this serial liar is suitable for that job? How is it possible that especially the bible thumpers love him? Does he do anything according to the bible? America and Americans are just strange. I guess in that way Trump is a good choice for them. One of them, who represents them. I only feed sad from the decent Americans who have to live with that.
  15. Yaowarat is famous for food. And it is full of tourists, especially tourist with cameras. And at least some of their food cost 5 times as much as the same food in other parts of Bangkok. I was at another famous food market (something with railway-name) years ago. It was extremely overcrowded. Horrible.
  16. Did you contact the head of the school? Did you contact the police? What do they say?
  17. "Excessive tourism could jeopardize ..." Really? Could it? Or was there already excessive tourism for more than 2 decades? I used to go there almost 30 years ago. At that time, we visited a beach on the other side of the island with basically no people at all. Other beaches on the island were at that time already totally crowded. And now someone thinks about excessive tourism might do something bad in the future. Really?
  18. How does this work in other countries? I remember long time ago in my home country I asked a waitress about this, and she told me if she does not collect the correct amount of money that is her fault, and she has to pay the difference.
  19. I am pretty sure that the person who collects the payment is responsible for doing it right. If she counted incorrectly, it's her fault. And if she didn't check if the electronic payment was completed, it's her fault. I think that makes sense.
  20. How about if this Thaksin government publishes first what happened with all those tablets from a previous Thaksin government. Somehow that never came up again after the expensive purchase was done. Some people might even say the purchase and some commissions for that purchase was the main motivation. So, was it successful? What happened to that project? Do those tablets still exist? Obviously, the idea of the new scam is the same as with the old scam. Buy something expensive and collect lots of "commissions" It's so obvious. But somehow, it seems, Thai politicians get away with these scams again and again, and people vote for them again and again. Sad.
  21. Laws change, business models change. That's life. I would be very upset if my taxes would be used to compensate people who sold drugs.
  22. The pictures above show the problem. They promote the drug. It's business. And obviously they want to sell as much as possible. That makes sense from a business standpoint but not from a health for the majority of the people standpoint. IMHO people who want to take this drug should be able to buy it legally, i.e. in a pharmacy. Or like now cigarettes in shops with a license and the product is somehow hidden and not promoted. No product which is bad for people should be promoted. Young people seeing cannabis being advertised will think this is cool, like the Marlboro cowboy many years ago. It's not cool to motivate especially young people to try drugs, and then some more drugs, and more. Introduce a system where this drug can be bought and consumed from people who want to without promoting it and without making it big business. That's what Thailand should do.
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