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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. I'm running 12. The web site version is a complete joke and I can't get the app. Thanks.
  2. Yes, I took a shot at it and don't seem to have got anywhere. I'll try again though. Yes, it's not easy. It's such a long time since I used it, can't remember all the little gotchas and howtos.
  3. I checked my Google account. It's set up in Thailand so I don't know what the problem is. Feel a trip to Jomtien is in the offing.
  4. That's very interesting. I was there today checking out their checkup prices. For almost an identical set of tests as up the road in the Pattaya branch, which charges 24,000 THB, they charge 5200 THB. Throw in liver and prostate cancer screening, it comes to approximately 6500 THB. Available on a walk in basis any time of any day. Seems a vastly underused resource judging by the numbers there. And you don't feel you've just checked into a 5 * hotel like in the Pattaya branch.
  5. It occurs to me this "person", if they aren't a bot, probably doesn't even live in Thailand. Maybe Cambodia. Maybe Philippines. More than likely doesn't exist at all. I think I'd do whatever you feel you can do, and then drop it. You'll be chasing shadows. It is only 2500 THB. Thank your lucky stars it wasn't £ or $ or €.
  6. Convert THB from your THB bank account here, into your £ Wise account then. Buying and selling currencies on Wise is simplicity itself. All the fees and the exchange rates, plus the amounts are put on screen before you make the transfer. I sent $ from my $ Wise account to my destination $ Wise bank account in the EU. No fees. No costs. There in seconds.
  7. You can, but I think only to another Wise account or to an acceptable bank. Certain transactions on Wise have been an absolute non starter for me, very small $ amounts to online Indian pharmacies for instance. But large amounts of £ and $ to overseas banks, no problems at all. I find them oddly inconsistent so have asked the FSO in the UK to get clarification. They're registered there, and regulated by them.
  8. That I don't know as yet. They're checking with my insurers (Wrlife) and a few other details. Not sure what. I wasn't interested in making any snap decisions, so will await their email.
  9. I just got quoted 95-100k THB for one cataract at Bangkok Pattaya hospital, today, being 13th March, 2023.
  10. Agree. Wise will open a £ account with a UK sort code. No need for a high street account. But what currency are you holding? I guess THB. Wise is still about as good as it gets I think for fees and exchange rates. Just link your THB account here to your Wise account, and you can move the THB almost anywhere you like.
  11. What social media platform did he find you on? Googled the Wise account name? You never know. Is he on Facebook? LinkedIn? All the other places I never go, maybe?
  12. Report it to Wise then.
  13. How did you pay? Got the bank details, account name?
  14. Link doesn't work on my phone. I think maybe I'm set up in the wrong geographical zone, or whatever. Had this problem before with Mor Chana.
  15. What's the name of the app? It doesn't appear on my Android Play Store
  16. Well, technically not a farang that got fined. But I used to live in a house which I claim I own - my name is on the building permit. But my Thai daughter, who lives in London, owns the land. I got a visit from my local IO, who are a truly beastly lot. They didn't buy my ownership story. They tried to demand they speak to her. It was 1am in the morning in London. Long story short, I asked what she had to pay. 1600. I got a receipt. Owned and lived in the house off and on since 2006.
  17. Dead by daylight?
  18. Yeah, that's if you can get to open a deposit/interest bearing account with a book. It's a joke, the whole system. I've no idea who the schmxxx was who thought this little scheme/scam up. Probably a banker on the payroll.
  19. The guy who pays the bribe = 50,000 ex pats. The immigration officer = every IO office in Thailand. The agent = 1000s of working Thais. The "problem" all stems from the absurd 800/400k rule. Who benefits? The banks. My bags are packed if they ever enforced it. I'd simply take my money elsewhere, and become an occasional visitor, if I still felt it was worth it. I don't remember who brought it in, or when, or why. On average, I spend that 800k every year. In Thailand, almost all of it going to Thais. In the bank? You've got to be joking! I lose 10s of thousands in depreciation. My 12.5k would feed a family of 4 for a month, at least - if I chose to go down that route, of course.
  20. Plus, no 800k in the bank requirements, saving you a possible 40k in depreciation, with 5% inflation, in a non interest bearing savings account, and you get your annual UK pension increases. Definitely more fun!
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