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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Ok, checked the link posted by another poster. Daily Mail. 18 photos, not all of him. 2 or 3 F1 appearances 6+ years ago and partying. Since when, seems he's gone to ground. I don't know what the Thai government's position is on this, or the RTP. Have they made any statements about why he's not been brought back to Thailand?
  2. "He is regularly seen around the world especially at Formula 1 events but appears untouchable and out of reach of the Thai police." I've never seen evidence of these "sightings". And given the enormous publicity F1 attracts at every race, it would not seem an ideal place to show one's spotty mug. Maybe there should be a proper attempt at locating it. Private dicks might get the job done. Who's going to hire the shamus?
  3. NB A little bit off topic... One UK based bank, with whom I have an account, informed me there was no possibility of opening a second, interest bearing account with them if I lived permanently overseas, but made no comment about my existing account.
  4. Every year he stays away should be added to his sentence. As if! But here's hopin'.
  5. You mean I'm already a criminal? I surrendered my London cabbie's badge and licence 7 years ago, when I left the UK . I kept the pink 'un for ID purposes, but I've never used it. An unenforceable law is no law at all. This is the old pension merry go round, is it not?
  6. And living there is what, 6 months of the year? Or just enough time to tear up your non resident status. Yes, I see their point. Ok, I'll tear mine up.
  7. 185 in Makro. Good, too. Keep their crunch. And they sell really quite palatable leeks, which they call Japanese spring onions. 89 a kilo.
  8. Ah, you may be right there. I'll have to check. I mean about the 3 years.
  9. I quoted from the OP. I was asking the same question.
  10. And there was me thinking it was Bill Gates all the time!
  11. Makes me wonder what the extra passenger thought he/she was doing? Just trying it on, hitching a ride? Boarding a flight for which they didn't have a ticket? Or boarding pass? How did they get through check-in? All very odd. Captain might have decided to fly to BKK anyway, and then have the extra passenger dealt with there. But maybe computer said no.
  12. Strange couple of charges against the one they nabbed though: "... ganging up to steal property and escaping arrest". Gives a new twist to sending in the bailiffs. They should be done for trespass with criminal intent by the hospital, and/or police. Thailand needs to regulate their nefarious businesses.
  13. Amazing, isn't it? In the UK, the proposed 3rd runway for Heathrow has been what, 40 years in the making, with very little progress? Many have tried and failed to get this thing built. Got the new terminals, but nothing else. It's falling behind, or probably already has, to Frankfurt, Paris etc. And as for the management of ground staff, immigration etc. Strikes, manpower shortages, system outages, overcrowding. People complain about Swampy. Hmm. Might want to cast a glance back home, wherever that is.
  14. That was my first thought, yet they seem to be the most widely used. And Bonku? Really? ???? Next up, ShaftU?
  15. A bit early to judge. What do we know? Sure, in the west, UK for instance, there'd most likely be a commission of enquiry. Here, we have to rely on press reports and defense lawyer's statements. I guess the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Got that one, Gottfrid?
  16. My one bed ground floor condo rent in Pratamnak area went from 5500 pm to 8000 pm, but that's mostly due to seasonal adjustments, influx of returners etc, plus post COVID catch up, which kept rents low everywhere, I believe. Golden era, COVID. We never had it so good! E20 is about 33 pl. Agree meat prices soaring. Fruit market prices fairly stable I think. Avocados still at 70-120 THB per kilo depending on quality. Strawberry season just round the corner. Shouldn't quote for this, but girls steady at 1200-3000 on Thai friendly. YMMV! What's in your shopping trolley? ????
  17. I renewed my UK licence online. Free, at least fo my age group. Good for another 10 years. Sent to my daughter's address in the UK.
  18. But if all AIS traffic is routed through that server, all would suffer the same fate. The information in that link was posted on September 20th. 10 weeks ago! Is this an intermittent fault, or continuous? Does AIS send all its data over the same route, every time?
  19. I feel a quick visit to check this building out coming on.
  20. What does tracert say? How far does it get before it conks? Where does it stop? Are you using a VPN? Try, if not. It will at least reroute.
  21. There's a very good article in an unmentionable media outlet which really gives a great update on all police activity. Very enlightening.
  22. Face it mate, you're going to end up stoned whichever way you turn. My life! Such hard work already.
  23. No doubt. Or maybe just rename Waterfront, Waiting Room. A little bit of refurb on the ground floor, good to go...
  24. They raided 33 places, and this is the result? A guy named Tony? Is there a list of Chinese nationals they've rounded up since Khun Hakparn launched his operation? Where are they now? Can somebody please tell me what is going on here? ???????????? (I suspect now that APEC is only a distant memory, probably everything will go quiet again. Welcome back, Tony, whoever you are, but we'll have to relieve you of your 15 Ferraris, land titles, hotels etc).
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