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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 1 hour ago, brianthainess said:

    Yeh this ferry to Koh Chang was supposed to go to Bang Bao, Bang Bao does not have a pier suitable for vehicles, and it was going to be for foot passengers only, which would mean renting a M/C and driving on the most treacherous mountain roads on the island ????. A ridiculous idea from the start, knowing Tourists driving is, may I say not the best.

    They did one test trip to Bang Bao, I believe, and then nothing. I'm sure I remember seeing a photo of it moored up somewhere there maybe 3 years ago. It never came back. But you're right about Bang Bao. Just a fishing village servicing island hoppers. Further along the mainland coast I think they would be able to find a suitable pier, and infrastructure, at Laem Ngop. Or on to Klong Yai, where they are building/have buikt a deep water port I was told. At one time there was a plan to run a shipping route  to Koh Kong in Cambodia and then to Koh Quoc in Vietnam. A nice trip from Sattahip, or even Songkla, avoiding all roads. That's a pretty decent sized ferry they bought. They're tipping money into the EEC down in Trad, and over the border.

  2. 1 minute ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Did you bring with you and present the versions of the three documents I posted above downloaded from your account on the Intervac site?


    Also, I don't think you ever answered my question posted here before of how you managed to get a MedPark appointment via the Intervac site for June 10, when the Intervac site only opened June 7 and was largely non-operational for the first several days?


    I asked the same question and he did answer. Just by chance it seems. I got an appointment on 8th for 22nd at Phayathai 2. I've downloaded all the docs and printed them out but I'm thinking of rebooking on Monday to see if there's anything available in Pattaya. That's if the system will let me. I don't want to waste slots for other people and am happy travelling up to bangers if necessary, but it's a gamble if people are getting turned away, for whatever reason. Déja vu at all Thai government offices.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Just to be clear, the Intervac website only opened for business on June 7, Monday... And for most of the first 3 days, it was non functional for various reasons, and often didn't show any appointments available.  Yet you were somehow able to get a MedPark appointment for June 10 using that website?


    I did too, but at a different hospital, different date. Seems some of us slipped through the bug ridden swamp that was the intervac site and emerged with what appears to be a booking. But what the op is saying is alarming as I'll be travelling up from Pattaya. I'm not going to go easy if they turn me away.

  4. 45 minutes ago, chalawaan said:

    Quite, thought one has to accept that there's also a world of difference between the Asian attacks being the product of a few deranged and ignorant <deleted>, vs a government that proactively disadvantages guests with double pricing initiatives.

    All guests on long term visas should get Thai prices to recognise their contribution to the wider economy here. 

    Not sure on how that would work in practice. The pink card doesn't guarantee anything either.

    • Like 1
  5. 24 minutes ago, TooBigToFit said:


    True. Just look at the US property market with 10s of millions of illegals and foreigners allowed to buy up anything. it would be nice if the world were open to people of all, not just some nations and not just those with loads of money. Working in Thailand as a foreigner, there aren't many options to invest and save money here. And should you be out of job, you can't just start a small business like anyone else. It's xenophobia for sure. It does help Thailand's poor to some extent keeping land and jobs away from foreigners in favor of the locals. At the same time, the US is open to pretty much everyone that can get there.  Thailand also taxes imports at 100% which is unfair. It also forces the 51% Thai ownership of businesses so that Thais keep control. This helps the rich in Thailand mostly rather than their poor.


    This last semester a lot of Thai students in my class wanted to talk about or do presentations on anti-Asian racism in America. They have no real connections to the US but I think they see it as their other option to Thailand as if it were some far away Thai lands. Well, all these students getting excited about supposed anti-Asian racism out of control in the US was quite annoying to me considering the real racism and xenophobia going on here and written right into Thai law. I didn't stop them from looking into the topic or discussing it. When they did I mentioned that the concerns I had and that they consider Thailand's issues right here with human rights.

    Being set on, gunned down or run over in the street because of your ethnicity is hardly the same as not being allowed to buy land. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, dsj said:

    Even if you manage to get a confirmed report and they send you an confirmation email it doesn't necessary mean that you name will be on the Hospital vacciantion. I know as this just happened to me tonight, as I got the confirmation email last night and told me to print out the documents, as my appointment was suppose to be tonight at 18.00 at MedPark hospital. I showed up at 5.30pm to check in and they didn't have my name on their list, I even showed them the email and all the documents, but it was a no go. They said it has happened to many people already, and MedPark can't contact them to fix it, the nice lady said that she will try to manually register me, but in the meantime I should keep trying. The lady also tells me that they send the appointment list around midnight. Hope this helps.

    I'll be extremely pxxxxx off if it happens to me. I'll be travelling up from Pattaya.

    • Like 1
  7. I made a lot of enquiries about this same trip. I have Thai friends who have houses there. I also have a house there. The consensus seemed to be, if you intend to stay in a hotel, you will need a recent PCR test and a travel permit. Whether it's true or not, who knows. As for road checks they seem to be nonexistent except maybe a temperature check. And for foreigners it's never straight forward. One of my Thai friends actually got a test in Trad hospital for 550 THB. I doubt that option is available to foreigners.

    • Like 1
  8. 15 hours ago, davidst01 said:

    its 10pm now and feeling better than the first 2 hours after the jab. Back then I felt a bit out of it. Its hard to describe the feeling but a bit groggy and tired. I had a quick lie down but couldnt sleep. 


    At 10pm now just have slight weird feeling in my chest. No headache. No pain in the arm. 


    Will sleep now and update again tomorrow morning if I make it through the night. 


    This vac is much better than sinovac and thus worth taking the risk IMHO. If I dont take the risk with this az jab, eg not have it.... the risk of fatality is much higher with my heart issues if I get covid. Therefore it makes sense to me to take the risk to get this jab today

    The only draw back I can see uis the possible/likely length of time between shots. It could take months to get fully vaxxed. Whereas with Sinovac, the guidance is within 4 weeks, I believe.

    • Like 2
  9. 28 minutes ago, cnxnicho said:

    I got at instant confirmation, with the same date , I think they must be back dating vaccinations !

    It's all back to square one. Got back on after 3pm and a long wait. Signed in, did the preamble, get to calendar, all greyed out. I'd love to see how they explain this away tomorrow on the daily briefing. Fluid situation? You mean, you don't have a clue what you're doing!

  10. 18 hours ago, Crossy said:

    All excellent input chaps, thanks muchly.


    The items in question are not easily counterfeited and probably not worth counterfeiting anyway (very low throughput although they are potentially high margin).


    I could get the same items from my favourite AliExpress seller but then we have the issues with duty/VAT etc etc.


    All good fun!



    I use my Thai bank account debit card. The problem with Lazada is returning the goods if there's a problem. It used to be easy, but a year or two back things got much harder. I've had lengthy arguments which I've lost, on occasion. I was living on a way offshore island at the time. Online shopping was the only means of buying a lot of stuff. A risky business.

    • Like 1
  11. 16 hours ago, KaputtAlreadyNa said:

    Just managed to register myself for the vaccine, via online, no problems at all. Was very easy and straight forward. Just received a confirmation email that my registration was successful stating that they will contact me when I am due, atm no queue number or whatsoever. Just did a quick check at the website with my passport number, there was no results. So just wait and drink tea.


    You don't mention where you registered. Online? What does that mean?

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

    I think it was Reuters or Bloomberg. This wide variance was mentioned and also that WHO didn't like the way the Chinese presented their test numbers however due to the proven real world efficacy of Sinovac this was overlooked, Brazil, Indonesia and a few other countries I can't remember produced glowing reports after using Sinovac.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved China's Sinovac Covid vaccine for emergency use. The WHO said it prevented symptomatic disease in 51% of those vaccinated and prevented severe symptoms and hospitalisation in 100% of samples.

  13. 1 hour ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

    I registered on their line application yesterday. Even though I could not fill the Thai ID number, it still went through. They said they'll contact me later to give me a possible date and how to pay. I expect to get the how to pay very much sooner than the actual confirmed date. I'm actually thinking the payment requirement will come as soon as today 555

    Sorry, who did you register with? And what was their Line app? Sure it wasn't for bitcoin?

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