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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    "In the meantime, please visit the links (media platforms) we have provided you on the earlier email for vaccine update."


    what links were these?


    I received a very similar email form them (minus the "sorry you feel this way"). I had replied to an earlier email by them and specifically asked them what the links / process were for BMA vaccine, they did not answer this.


    Did your earlier email from them contain a link? Mine did not, only a statement that "Please be advised that the current COVID-19 vaccination booking with the Office of Health BMA requires a Thai ID number.". To which I replied that I HAVE an I+D number, how do I book with BMA? and instead of an answer got an email similar to yours.

    There were no links to vaccine related issues, just to services offered by BRG, so you're not missing anything. Like everybody, I have to apply a noise filter to all this stuff. Very little signal, a lot of noise. 


  2. UPDATE!

    I had previously posted an extract from an email from the below mentioned hospital. I complained it was confusing, and received this in clarification. Some hope on the horizon maybe! I have to say, their admin is impressive!



    Greetings from Bumrungrad International Hospital.

    Referring to your message, we apologize if you feel that way. Please note that in order to give each and everyone an equal chance of getting vaccinated, foreign and locals alike, Bumrungrad has made sure that the vaccine roll out will be a smooth process for everyone therefore; we will be informing you once vaccines have been procured by the hospital. In the meantime, please visit the links (media platforms) we have provided you on the earlier email for vaccine update.


    As of now, the government, through the assistance of the Ministry of Public Health, has begun administering COVID-19 vaccinations to those first in line, which include medical professionals and frontline healthcare personnel (both in the private and public sectors), those with chronic medical conditions, and those over 60 years of age. The government plans to gradually provide COVID-19 vaccinations to the general public according to the number of vaccines that are supplied. 


    Bumrungrad has received immense interest regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. Out of concern for you and your family during this pandemic, please know that we have already completed the process of ordering Thai FDA approved COVID-19 vaccines, having followed government regulations and procedures. Additionally, we have been coordinating with other private hospitals in obtaining more vaccines. 


    We will inform you when we have received the vaccines and are ready to provide the vaccination service.


    Thank you for your trust in Bumrungrad International Hospital.  


    We are constantly striving to provide excellent service, to support our aim and continuous improvement, please let us know your satisfaction at http://email_bumrungrad.questionform.com/public/external 



    Best Regards

    /End quote


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. On 4/24/2021 at 12:30 PM, Toolong said:

    I am a 61 year old male foreigner in Thailand, married to a Thai spouse, staying by use of yearly 'marriage visa' extensions.


    I would appreciate some info about MAKING A WILL here, in order for my wife to more easily deal with matters here in Thailand when I die.


    Does the making of any will HAVE TO involve lawyers? (Pefer not to if not necassary.)

    Can I simply type it out in English myself and then my wife makes a directly-translated Thai version?


    Or does it have to involve lawyers and legals stamps etc? 


    By the way, I am already familiar with the need for witnesses and so on. What I would like to know is the format of the will and what is required for it to be legal.


    Hope some of you kind folks can help.





    I made a will here in Thailand, as I did back home. The Thai one was because I have a Thai bank account, and winding the estate up in that regard can I heard get complicated without a Thai will. I have property here too, but it will automatically go to my daughter who is Thai as she owns the land the house is built on.


    The will consists of 5 pages, 2 containing the details, bequests, executors etc etc, a page of signatures and witnesses, a very high resolution glossy photograph of myself signing the will, flanked by the two witnesses. I thought that was a nice touch. Also, photocopies of my passport main pages, including the page containing my last 12 month extension of stay based on retirement.


    They issued 3 copies. One he kept. One for my daughter and one for me. Total cost 4,000 THB. A snip if you ask me. A lawyer in Pattaya Nua who speaks excellent English and has probably drawn up more wills than I've had hot Tom Yam.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 3 hours ago, digibum said:


    This has been my question from the first day Phuket started crying about how bad things are.  You built a large part of the island on one single type of business.  Was Phuket sharing the wealth when times were good?  No.  They only cared when times are bad and they wanted the country to risk another infection outbreak so they could open back up to tourism. 


    Likewise, now they are begging to hoard all of the vaccine so they can vaccinate the entire island so they can open back up.  But this as as stupid an idea as their proposal to allow people in quarantine to walk around outside of the quarantine hotels and mix newly arrived quarantine patients with people on Day-14 of quarantine.   


    Who will come staff all of the hotels and bars and other tourist businesses if they open?  Probably a lot of people from other parts of the country that weren't vaccinated yet. 


    Also, who are the people suffering?  For sure many locals are suffering but is their plight being blown out of proportion so that business owners and landlords can start raking in the cash again?  How many police aren't collecting tea money?  How many politicians aren't able to supplement their government income?  That's why they're desperate to open back up.  Not to help poor people. 


    And what happened as soon as they allowed people back?  Did they exercise caution?  Did they consider that another outbreak could jeopardize their economy again? 


    No, they threw maskless beach club parties with people packed together like sardines.


    I don't care about taxi mafias, double pricing or any of that other stuff.  It's not led to a decline in tourism in 30 years and is unlikely to impact it in any meaningful way going forward.  


    What I care about is Phuket acting as if anybody should care about them.  All of Phuket's wounds are self-inflicted and when finally given a chance to start getting back to normal, they decided to shoot themselves in the foot again. 



    Yeah, som nam na

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, bradiston said:

    Here's the follow up response to trying to register for a jab at Bumrungrad:


    "Greetings from Bumrungrad International Hospital.

    Taking care of our patients during the covid regardless of their nationalities is our utmost priority 

    Please be advised that the current COVID-19 vaccination booking with the Office of Health BMA requires a Thai ID number

    However, if there is any major development in vaccination booking, we will update you in due course. 

    Best Regards" etc etc


    So it doesn't look like some private hospitals will be offering it.

    Having reread this, I'm wondering if the hospital was simply trying to highlight the difference between their system and the BMA's, in that the BMA requires a Thai ID number, whereas theirs doesn't. Only time will tell I guess.

    • Like 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    What app? I thought not yet released?


    Samitivej hospital has a wait list you can get on, just email them.

    I did. I registered with 4 all told. They all initially replied saying I had been added to the list, but Bumrungrad then followed it up with the above.


    The app I mentioned was in fact a Line group, so not really an app. But it works like one. It's the one you asked about before. You said you couldn't find it using the English translation. I replied with its Thai name but the mods here removed it. Not very helpful.

  7. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


    A rather odd response, suggests that one has to book through the BMA for vaccination at a private hospital? Also I was of the impression the government registrartion isn't coming online until next Month.


    Wonder if foreigners with a Thai ID card (pink card) can register?


    Edit: on second thought I think what they are referring to are the COVID vaccine doses currently available in a special set aside for people exposed to the Thonglor cluster.  Not the vaccines that private hospitals will be procuring.




    Pink card is useless I think. If the holders can read Thai they can try registering with the app. I got through to the point where it asked for a Thai ID number and gave up.


    Maybe Bumrungrad is linked to the BMA database. It would make sense if a central database of vaxees is to be kept, which it obviously needs to be. I've asked for clarification but got none.


    In any case, let's see what happens May 1st, which of course just happens to be a holiday, as is 2nd and 3rd (and 4th?) I believe. 

  8. Here's the follow up response to trying to register for a jab at Bumrungrad:


    "Greetings from Bumrungrad International Hospital.

    Taking care of our patients during the covid regardless of their nationalities is our utmost priority 

    Please be advised that the current COVID-19 vaccination booking with the Office of Health BMA requires a Thai ID number

    However, if there is any major development in vaccination booking, we will update you in due course. 

    Best Regards" etc etc


    So it doesn't look like some private hospitals will be offering it.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Lockdown or not everything is lock after 9 pm. Yes you can go running middle of night if you like but cant buy coffee or get gas!

    Here in Pattaya, 7s are closing at 11 or 12, but up til then their coffee is definitely well drinkable. Large capu for 45 THB! Can drive around town, hardly any traffic. The odd joint here and there is still open. Massage still available after 12pm. Small groups of Thais on the beach, Thai style. Life goes on!

  10. 1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

    Has that locally manufactured AZ vaccine been tested properly?  Have they published results?

    Major questions worldwide about this vaccine a big no go for me.

    Major questions? Maybe here in Thailand with the local brew. But I think if you gave 15m people a 500mg dose of paracetamol, chances are 15 of them will have an adverse/unforseen reaction. Weigh up the risk. Catching Covid (the odds depend I guess on lifestyle, location and willingness to do everything in your power NOT to catch it) v a 1 in a million chance of an adverse/unforseen reaction to a vaccine. But each to their own. 2¢. YMMV!

  11. 10 hours ago, bradiston said:



    Good luck! I managed to navigate through the Thai language using Google lens etc etc. It eventually told me what I thought was my nearest registration point, a clinic I've been to before. Went there and of course they had no clue. Showed them the app and all the conversation. No have, cannot!


    So, I guess wait til May 1st, dl the new app and try again.






    I posted the name of the app in Thai in the post above, but the moderator has removed it. Brilliant! Yes, yes I know this is an English language forum. But Thai script not allowed?

  12. 3 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    Sorry but you are missing the point , this is about doctors wearing masks in the operating room . And you are saying even if you don't have the virus your neighbours will be happy ?? So that means you are for wearing masks forever ?? Even before and after this virus . I geuss you are a bit of a germofobe , maybe it's better for you to stay home forever then . 

    It was meant as a joke but never mind. You've completely missed the point yourself. This thread has covered a lot of topics in its 13 pages. My comment was about the efficacy of masks in preventing the spread of the virus through waterborn droplets. I stand by that as a valid comment.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

    Transfering bacteria ??? Not virusses .

    I think the masks are intended to catch the virus carrying water droplets streaming out of your mouth every time you cough, sneeze, shout, laugh or have other reason to expel large quantities of air from your lungs. I imagine even if you don't have the virus, your nearest neighbours will be extremely grateful.

    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Anyone have the link for the Line Account which it sounds like already exists? "Mor Phrom" in English doesn't work.



    Good luck! I managed to navigate through the Thai language using Google lens etc etc. It eventually told me what I thought was my nearest registration point, a clinic I've been to before. Went there and of course they had no clue. Showed them the app and all the conversation. No have, cannot!


    So, I guess wait til May 1st, dl the new app and try again.






    • Haha 1
  15. 2 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Pattaya rainfall, Chonburi, nongprue, Banglamung is officialy recorded and is the only accurate reflection of rainfall. What an individual  sees is no indicator of actual rainfall. It can rain on the darkside  but be bone dry in Pratumnak. Last April I visited the reservoir/ lake which was empty. That is another good rainfall indicator. I believe  it is fuller now

    So what's your point? The rainy season is any day it rains?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. 7 hours ago, robsamui said:

    No, I've been talking all the way through about Thailand. 


    We have 'coasts' here - not sea boards - the "east coast".


    Yeah, I think I figured out you were talking about Thailand.


    The east coast to me is the east coast of the gulf of Thailand, whereas to you it seems it is the east side of the southern isthmus.


    But here's what you said originally:


    "The whole of the Eastern and Gulf Coast, including Hua Hin, Samui and the islands, Chonburi and Pattaya, get their rainy season from October to February."


    So "the whole of the Eastern and Gulf Coast" refers to what, exactly?


    Whatever, your description of the rainy season for Chonburi and Pattaya is wildly inaccurate. I've been in Pattaya since August last year. It's hardly rained except in the last week or so.


    • Like 1
  17. Hungry Hippo on Buakhao opens at 7am. Surprisingly decent coffee and best breakfast around, IMHO. Quite close, beside Treetown, is Su Coffee. Good cup but not sure about opening time.

    • Like 1
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  18. 17 minutes ago, tgw said:


    do your own research on google, I'm not allowed to post the links here


    according to French news, the South African strain makes up over 50% of covid infection in Moselle, Guyane, La Réunion and Mayotte, and the reported effectivity of Astra Zeneca is 22% vs. the South African variant.


    with these infection rates in Moselle, it's only a question of time until it spreads through the whole European continent, and 2 AZ jabs are only 22% effective. do your math.

    Ok, did 20 minutes research. Forbes article confirms what you say, but says the az is better than nothing and recommends taking it. After all, you don't have much choice in which variant you might catch. Israeli sources say Pfizer is useless against it, American sources say it is effective. My way? Take whatever you can get, which right now in Thailand is nothing.

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