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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 11 hours ago, moogradod said:

    This is from the homepage of the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya today - 19:14:


    "Important notice from Bangkok Hospital Pattaya: Despite some "News" items, BHP has not ordered or reserved private or alternative COVID vaccines. We will notify you officially when we are fully prepared."


    This sounds to me as if it might have been a reaction to this thread here and / or its sources.


    In one word: Nothing has changed and we are left in despair. No idea when they will realise that there are thousands waiting (my assumption) for Moderna to be available and would refuse AstraZeneca or Sinovac. Or if they do and do not care.



    Homepage BHP.pdf 155.56 kB · 1 download

    I tried at the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya. I'm a high risk. You have to understand. This hospital had absolutely no clue what I was on about. No have. Cannot. They were in NO WAY prepared. No waiting list, no registration process. Wake up people!

    • Thanks 1
  2. 13 hours ago, perconrad said:

    I'll wait and see, if my appointment is cancelled I'll opt for the Moderna at the private hospital I use for health check


    Don't people realise? They don't have anything at the private hospitals. They don't even have enough to vaccinate themselves. You should try registering at one. Everybody should. People seem to think it's just a question of turning up and choosing the vax they want and hey presto! Just try it!

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Expat Tom said:

    Thailand is known for medical tourism. That implies non-Thai people. So, put 2 and 2 together....if you are not Thai, the Thai hospitals who make a fortune administering to non-Thai people will see this as just another product or service to sell. Having said that, I am happy with my medical experiences here in Thailand and will gladly visit my favorite international hospital again for my covid vaccine needs. 

    You have no idea!

  4. 19 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    So a couple months...what's the hurry...you in a high risk group?

    Yes. I was doing what the government advised me to do if I couldn't register on MorProm, ie got to a hospital. But really I don't think it's ANY hospital, just one where you have been treated for whatever qualifying underlying problems you might have. I visited 4. I'm happy to say I did get registered at one private hospital but drew blanks at the other 3, including Banglamung and 2 other private hospitals, for a variety of reasons. 

    • Haha 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


    Sorry,  it appears they're now only collecting email addresses for future notification.



    Yes, somebody else pointed that out. They obviously took down the original link. I visited 4 hospitals here in Pattaya this morning. Got on the list in just one. Had to insist at the door. They always assume you've come for a jab right away. A lot of calm talking required. Banglamung, Bangkok and International unable to help. But YMMV.

  6. 4 hours ago, TimBKK said:

    Received the following from Bangkok Hospital:


    Dear Sir or Madam,

    Warm greetings from Bangkok Hospital!

    We are pleased to inform you that we are in the process of acquiring the Covid-19 vaccine. At the moment, please download our Bangkok Hospital Line Official (@Bangkokhospital), once the vaccination is available, we will announce the news on the Time Line. Please find the link to add  Bangkok Hospital Line Official by QR code;
    https://page.line.me/bangkokhospital?openQrModal=true “


    I visited Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya this morning. No waiting list, no vaccine, no registration procedure. I was treated there a month or two ago. They know my medical history and obviously my age. They simply weren't prepared in any way.

  7. 22 minutes ago, bangsaenguy said:

    I think he meant a reliable source. Facebook? Pattaya News i

    21 minutes ago, fleccer said:

    I've already read it but Facebook is just a social media, it's not a television or newspaper. Anyway I don't have Facebook

    s hardly reliable considering it's ownership

    Look at the original in Thai using the link below. It's a pdf file. The translation was posted on the Pattaya news Facebook page, as it is an English language news service. The below link was also posted the end of the translation.






  8. 1 hour ago, fleccer said:

    That's right, no mention of that in any media Furthermore many people are just travelled due to 1st May and many of them entered in Chonburi, do they will stuck in there and so can't return to their homes? When has this order been issued? During last night? So I have to believe that they never sleep .The source please!


    Paragraph 5.4 of the order says roughly (via Google translate)


    5.4 People must refrain from traveling outside the area without necessity. To reduce travel That may be at risk of contracting the disease And if there is an unavoidable necessity, notify and request a certified document Necessity at the district, local government organization, local village headman According to the government Set to show to the staff

  9. 21 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:


    The Pattaya News

    1tS0ponlsoonlhred  · 

    Final new Chonburi orders. There is not much change from the prior orders and CCSA orders and what we announced this afternoon. We will give a brief overview on tomorrow mornings video and daily Covid19 update but as very little has changed besides the national and prior directions we won't translate it tonight due to the late release. We will talk about checkpoints, beaches, outdoor exercise areas tomorrow morning.


    สำนักงานประชาสัมพันธ์จังหวัดชลบุรี - Chonburi PR

    1tS1ponlsoonlhred  · 

    The order of the Kor Kor. The epidemic of Chonburi province, 20/2564th, dated 30 April 2564

    1. to cancel the order. The epidemic of Chonburi province. The 1/2564th is dated at 4 m. July 64 at 11/2564 dated 29 m. July 64, 18/2564th, dated 16 April. Nov. 64 and 19/2564 dated 17 Apr. Nov. 64

    2. close the following locations

    2.1 Entertainment service, pub, bar, karaoke, business, shower, massage.

    2.2 rooster field. Practicing for boxing chicken everywhere.

    2.3 cinemas, cinema, algae theater.

    2.4 Snooker table, billiard, bowling, roller, blade everywhere.

    2.5 Game shop, internet shop, computer service, game cabinet.

    2.6 swimming pools, water parks, indoor and outdoor amusement parks.

    2.7 Banquet service room, catering site

    2.8. nursery, elderly care facility.

    2.9 Phra market, Buddha statue, Buddha statue, everywhere.

    2.10 Healthy Massage, Reflexology, traditional massage, spa, beauty clinic, weight loss service, tattoo, skin drill or any part of your body.

    3. Set control measures for event venture locations to open under conditions.

    3.1 Restaurant, drink cart, mineral, floating panel, restaurant, food park, cafeteria. Open for sale. Only take back to eat elsewhere. It can be opened until 21.00 pm. Refrain from eating alcoholic beverages and beverages in the shop.

    3.2 Close the stadium, gym, gym, gym, fitness, except the stadium or gym location in the empty area. Open up no later than 21.00 pm. Competition can be held without audience

    3.3 malls, commune malls. Open regular hours until 21.00 pm. Except for the game cabinet, playground, game shop and amusement park. Must stop servicing.

    3.4 convenience stores open 24 hours for service 04.00 until 23.00 pm.

    3.5 convenience stores, supermarkets, flea market, night market, river market, walking street. Open to operate normally but not over 23.00 pm.

    4. Other locations besides No. 3, the owner of the site or responsible for doing the following.

    4.1 Temperature measurement or screening of patients with pathway system.

    4.2 Wear cloth mask or hygienic mask.

    4.3 Distance between people at least 1 meters and limit the number of participants.

    4.4 Make it happen with soap or hand washing alcohol gel.

    4.5 Cleaning the place before the event.

    4.6 Register to get in and out with the government's application.

    5. Prohibited or organised events

    5.1 Let people wear a sanitary mask when outside of Kehstan or in public or into community places all the time.

    5.2 Stop using the seaside area, beach, reservoir, park in Chonburi province. It's a gathering place to eat or eat all kinds of drinks except for exercise and sports.

    5.3 Don't organize events with more than 20 people gathering.

    5.4 For people to stop travelling out of the area unnecessarily. If you need to avoid, inform about the documentation of the necessity at the district, local governance organization. The village's village's adult

    5.5 Let the public stop catering, party, party, except traditional or family events.

    5.6 Do not use the building or location of any school or school to organize the teaching, training, examination or any activity.

    5.7 Government head in Chonburi province is prohibited.

    6. Government sector that needs to serve many people and risk the epidemic. Provincial epidemic to consider orders to fit the situation.

    7. flea marketplace, marketplace that doesn't open every day to have strictly controlled measures to prevent the epidemic.

    8. Let local governing organisations in the area supervise market neatness.

    9. markets in private sector governance for local governance organisations in the area to supervise neatness according to 7

    10. measures to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic in establishments.

    10.1 In case employee comes back from landscape or other provinces and comes back to work. The establishment / employer must take the following measures.

    (1) Employees report travel information to employers. It consists of date, time, place, travel and daily activities.

    (2) Establishment / employer must assess which employee is at risk or suspect that they are infected with COVID-19 because they are close to the infected person or go to crowded places that are risky for diseases like pub barcara. Oke, dense flea market, etc. holds 14 days in accommodation or places employer provides, allowing for sick leave or annual vacations or as agreed to observe symptoms. Employers must report to public health in the area. Too.

    10.2 establishments / employers must provide public relations advice for preventing COVID-19 infections to employees. Provide alcohol gel soap or handwash points and all employees to wear hygienic mask all the time. Temperature and screening all employees before entering into their hands. Works including contact or attendants following public health measures.

    10.3 cases risk of an outbreak in establishments such as many sick employees, consider pausing all or partially manufacturing services.

    10.4 cases of establishments / employers provide accommodation for employees to prevent the COVID-19 epidemic in accordance with strict public health measures.

    10.5 Let establishments consider taking work from home (work from home) accordingly.

    11. Legalized migrant workers to travel across provincial areas under the following conditions.

    11.1 Migrant workers 2 Groups. Business is 1) Cargo and 2) Construction contractor.

    11.2 Before moving, you need to check COVID-19 by employer. Responsible and moving only for non-infected people.

    11.3 Business owners must investigate the provincial provincial measures to move and follow the provincial guidelines.

    12. Let the people, business owners, entrepreneurs take action considering working outside the location.

    13. Let every district sheriff set up the center for Disease Control at district level (Prof. A.D. )

    disobeyed, not following the orders, penalty according to the proposal. The epidemic of 2558 including the guilty of the blessing. Emergency 2548 and other laws involved

    From May 1, 2564 until the order changes.

    Download the order https://www.chonburipr.net/attachments/view/...


    Link broken

  10. 37 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    In 45 years of driving, not only have I never had brake failure in any vehicle I have been driving , I have never heard of anyone in the west who has. Its a common excuse here, trotted out every time the driver has been drunk, drugged, on his phone or driving too fast. 

    In the UK there is, or was, a charge of failing to maintain a vehicle in a roadworthy condition. I know cos I was hit with it on an old moggie. Suspension collapsed on one side. Went through the hedge and out the other side. Doh!

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Guderian said:

    Has anybody actually successfully used the online 90-day reporting website to make a report since it came to life again? Just because Immigration says that it's all fine and dandy now doesn't necessarily mean that it will work.

    I know two people who have used it successfully.

  12. 14 minutes ago, canopus1969 said:

    and those over 60 years of age


    Well that covers most foreigners - so where do we apply ?

    I believe as of May 1st there is supposed to be a new downloadable app that takes care of all registration issues. In the meantime, maybe try the private hospitals' websites and check Sheryl's postings.

  13. 9 hours ago, bradiston said:

    I made a will here in Thailand, as I did back home. The Thai one was because I have a Thai bank account, and winding the estate up in that regard can I heard get complicated without a Thai will. I have property here too, but it will automatically go to my daughter who is Thai as she owns the land the house is built on.


    The will consists of 5 pages, 2 containing the details, bequests, executors etc etc, a page of signatures and witnesses, a very high resolution glossy photograph of myself signing the will, flanked by the two witnesses. I thought that was a nice touch. Also, photocopies of my passport main pages, including the page containing my last 12 month extension of stay based on retirement.


    They issued 3 copies. One he kept. One for my daughter and one for me. Total cost 4,000 THB. A snip if you ask me. A lawyer in Pattaya Nua who speaks excellent English and has probably drawn up more wills than I've had hot Tom Yam.




    I've checked what I said here as still applicable. Unfortunately, his office is shut and the office number is disconnected. There is a mobile number posted on the shop front, which I rang. I was told he will be there at 1pm tomorrow. But more than that they weren't able to confirm. I can confirm it was 4,000 THB. The office is just about opposite the great big gems centre on North Pattaya Rd, which is just up from Terminal 21.


    This is the number I rang. It will more than likely be removed by the mods!




    If not, the woman who answered offered to give me the lawyer's number but I had no pen. At this rate, I'll be needing that Will sooner rather than later!

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