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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Same goes for Head and Shoulders shampoo. Cures athlete's foot.
  2. Ahhh, Germolene. The smell alone.... not seen it here though. A number of antiseptic creams on Lazada.
  3. A very fair appraisal. She's not my girlfriend, so it was a sort of proxy debate for me. I do know there's been trouble in the past with immigration, of a similar description, locked up in the detention centre at the airport, no access by boyfriend, and involved the purchase of a return ticket for her on the spot. So you might say the treatment isn't working. She keeps coming back for more!
  4. Gosh, do you think that would have helped?
  5. Good points, but you have heard of an ed Visa, right? I personally don't like the "wealthy boyfriend" description. Partner might have been a better expression.
  6. She has a wealthy boyfriend here. They've lived together for over 5 years. Are you struggling with that, because it doesn't fit your profile of her?
  7. There's nothing in the rule book that says you can't upgrade or apply for a different visa once you're here. How many here did exactly the same? Classic finger pointing. Witch!
  8. Catch? She's done nothing wrong for heaven's sake. You think they were trying to catch her? What for? Entering illegally? On what grounds. Sure, they could have "used their discretion" and prevented her from entering at all, I guess. Just as they could with you. Or me. No reason. No obligation to provide one.
  9. I don't know why you insist on putting friend in quotes. Her ticket wasn't fake end of. Many are missing the point. We don't know what they suspected. They told her simply that she'd stayed too long in Thailand, which is not strictly true. She stages as she was permitted. They also accused her of coming here for enjoyment. Er, that's us lot barred straight away then. You're a member of a privileged class of tourist. White, educated, married, presumably well off, confident, entitled. She isn't. It's that simple. Like my mate said. The Thais tend to treat their ASEAN neighbours with utter contempt. I'm not going to argue about it. I've seen it time and time again. And this is just another example.
  10. So what? She still hasn't done anything illegal. She's hardly likely to come in and say it's ok I'm going for an ed visa, is it? And I know of at least one school that has extremely close ties with immigration, so they'd be looking forward to their Christmas bonus no doubt. Why get in the way?
  11. What on earth are you talking about? Yeah, I've no business for sure. Do you? Do you wave a WP? You assume a single (actually not, she has an English boyfriend here, been here for 15 years off and on) Filipina is going on the game, just like that?
  12. She was stuck here during COVID. She went home for 3 months. She came back. Where's the problem? It's just absurd. Destined for tourists? Like there's only so many they're going to issue? As Joe has pointed out, ASEAN citizens are allowed a 30 day visa. The IOs just have nothing better to do.
  13. Yeah, ok, so I'll tone it down and, leaving this forum aside, say simply according to what I read every day. But don't the IOs have bigger fish to fry? No. Those fish are not for frying, obviously. It would make sense if they really thought she was part of a criminal gang, or maybe even vulnerable to one scam or another. But I guess they go for the easy targets. Can't mess with the Mafia.
  14. No, you need an onward ticket out of the country. They check at check in at your point of departure. You have a choice there if you don't have one. Book one at the airport before checking in, which tends to be expensive compared to what you'd pay for a return, or abandon your flight.
  15. It's partly to avoid any repercussions from any one of a number of sources. Otherwise, nothing to hide.
  16. At the end of all this, I'm left wondering what the purpose of immigration controls are at all. According to many on this forum, Thailand is chock full of guys on the run. And in the news, there seem tobe call centre scams operating out of every condo. Human trafficking is a multi billion THB business. Drugs pour in and out of the country with just the occasional bust. Counterfeit goods are everywhere, alongside Ferraris and Rollers. But a young Filipina turns up. Has a return ticket. Has the correct entry visa. Has a wealthy bf with a totally legit address with whom she's lived for many years. Returning from a family visit. What do they think she's going to do here? Why is she of any interest to them at all?
  17. Good question. Why is it that "young" women are forced to undergo this treatment. My daughter flies out here usually twice a year. She's never had this treatment. I guess the problem is, young Thai women get the ball rolling by getting repeatedly caught and deported in, for instance, South Korea. Little ghosts? Yeah, nudge nudge wink wink. We men know what's going on, don't we? And even if we spend half our remaining years hanging out in bars and xxxxxing young Thais, doesn't mean we have to let the other ASEAN tarts in, does it? Oh, the wretched male ego!
  18. <defamatory comment removed> So how many of us have come in on a short term visa and converted to a non imm o? In fact I've no idea what her plans are, or were. They didn't accuse her of trying to flout any rules, just that they didn't like that she'd stayed here before long term, mostly due to COVID. Her mum died in that time and she wasn't able to fly back. It's just the way they denigrated her, insisting she buy a ticket and fly straight back. I know they do that. And like I said before, these are ASEAN countries. They seem to get the very worst treatment, as my mate pointed out.
  19. She lives with him. But that doesn't seem to have been the gist of their interrogation. They were concerned at the length of time she'd spent in Thailand. No questions about how she supported herself. They went on to say, "You just come to our country to enjoy enjoy". Bizarre.
  20. I guess I should add, I'm not really in a position to answer questions about this. I was just amazed at the hostility shown by the immigration officers at Suvarnabhumi. It's not the first time, either. She's been detained before against for no apparent reason. I've heard stories of them simply putting filipinas back on the next flight to Manila .
  21. To be with her bf. She's applying for another ed visa.
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