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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 6 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    Misquote - I was being kind and you twist it into an insult - very trollish. I said defending the wrong side out of ignorance not that the poster IS ignorant - please stop the twisting and embellishments. Thank you.

    You weren't being kind at all. You were being condescending and patronising. We're not your pupils, nor your congregation. We're not kids. We don't need enlightening. If people reject your version of the truth, it's not out of ignorance. It's because they see it differently.

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  2. 1 minute ago, BobBKK said:

     I agree it should never have happened - the USA has blood all over its greasy, slimy hands. Just like Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Syria, Gaza, Iraq (WMD, where are you?) - nothing can be trusted, and some of us have to tell the truth - I'm sorry it grieves you, you are defending the wrong side not out of maliciousness but out of simple ignorance.

    You love to describe any opposition as ignorant. Why? You think you're the only well informed commentator? There you go blaming the US. Pathetic cop out whataboutist argument. You credit yourself with telling the truth, like it's some sort of white man's burden, it's so painful and difficult, but these ignorant people must be set on the path to enlightenment. What are you? An Essex evangelical? What's your real point?

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  3. 2 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

     Agreed - we need PEACE - all this war for nothing

    You change your tune pretty quick, don't you? Suddenly the war is pointless. Whereas the Russian playbook narrative is, it's a totally legitimate response to Western aggression, as Fat Boy Kim will tell you. Truth is, it's far worse than pointless. 1 million lives destroyed. How many wounded and disabled? If it was you having to live the rest of your life with a leg amputated, blind in one eye, or both, an arm shot off, your entire family blown to bits, would you feel quite so supportive of the instigators of this disgusting war? Families shattered. Communities ruined. This is a crime of enormous proportions. Yes, it's pointless. Always was. So why don't you speak out against the murderous sociopath who started it? And please, don't tell me it was Zelensky, or NATO, or the global north etc etc.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    That is an arguable point - it was agreed NO NATO expansion eastwards.

    Agreed by whom? And wasn't it agreed, by US, UK and Russia in the Budapest Agreement, no attacks on Ukraine in exchange for them giving up their enormous ex Soviet nuclear arsenal? Russia has and is expanding on at least 2 fronts. South in Crimea, east into Donbas, and possibly west into Transnistria in Moldova. Seems the pro Russian lobby is blind in one eye.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    Pro-Russia disinformation bot?  I'm from Essex, so don't insult anyone's point of view. They were deleted from YouTube as they don't want you to know the truth - wake up.

    Rubbish. What has being from Essex got to do with anything? Who doesn't want me to know the truth? I don't believe anything I see on YouTube so it makes no difference to me. I'm wide awake.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    I have—well, not lived as such—but been to Russia 17 times and the Ukraine 5 times. China less so, but I have visited. I worked in a hospital in Moscow on an exchange programme. 

    The one thing we can agree about - a challenging future. I'm telling you, Russia will NEVER LEAVE - it's better to negotiate Ukraine's neutrality and leave Donbas alone. Ukrainians were shelling Donbas daily - some say up to 13,000 shells. Whatever anyone wants or believes it must end in a compromise.

    It's not Russia. It's the migrant Russians who will either have to live as guests in Ukraine, or gtfo.

    • Agree 1
  7. 1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

    I agree. More division than ever before. America has not been a paragon of virtue with its leadership position. But, they have accomplished alot of good around the world. What has China done for the world, that did not have a loan attached to it? And Russia? One can only imagine the absolute hellhole the earth would be, with either of the two despots, Putin or Xi, leading the world. 

    Thanks @spidermike007, been wanting to say the same for some time. However much people knock the US, and of course it's knockability right now is in the ascendant, over my lifetime of 74 years, it's been an ally, and a source of huge pleasure. But like with any friend, you have to take the rough with the smooth. But I ask the Putinistas, what has Russia come up with in that time? 40 years of post war cold war. No artistic achievement, films, music, literature, the fine arts, very little of anything of cultural interest, doped up sports people, rubbish cars. Made in Russia? Not a brand name I'm familiar with. But oil and gas? Yeah, that's it's good fortune, is all.

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  8. Maybe not quite on topic as I'm not American. But up until a year or two ago I was a big fan. The 50s and 60s in America were the epicentre of radical thought, expression and avant garde art. Writers Kerouac, Burroughs, Ferlinghetti, painters Johns, Rauschenberg, Pollock, musicians Miles, Coltrane, Ellington, Parker and on and on. There'll never be two decades like them I don't think. When America was truly great. I find it sad to read endless gibber about Trump, Biden, woke, deep state etc etc. Wtf happened? It's all so beside the point! I still listen to my vast library of Grateful Dead. Don't care what you say. They were great days. Thank you America for providing the soundtrack and graphics for my late teens and pretty much the rest of my life. Hate to see you wasting your time on meaningless pursuits.

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  9. 45 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

    You MUST BE joking.   Do you know so LITTLE about this conflict that you don't even know the Donbas majority is Russian? 

    The ignorance on here is astounding... it really is.

    Yeah, Russian majority because flooded with Russian émigrés. Read your history. That's how they take over, then claim they're going in to rescue the Russian immigrants. And Russian taught in schools etc etc. So you didn't know Russia was once a colonial power? Russification all over Central Asia.

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, johng said:

    Well there you go I just gave you video evidence of the  prime culprit announcing his intent  he also had the capability and opportunity...and what do ya know it got blown up

    any clue as to who did it ???   no none at all !!!  :cheesy:

    Oh yeah, he announces the destruction of the pipeline, and lo and behold, it happens! Bit of a giveaway, don't you think? Is the US really that stupid? Apparently you're quite prepared to believe anything Biden tells you.


    But you still haven't said who you believe did it. That video has been seen a million times. So why is there still any question as to who did it? According to you, it's obvious.

  11. 5 hours ago, johng said:

    who do you think did it ?



    It would be patently ridiculous for the US to follow through on Biden's geriatric pronouncement. There would be no cause for any further investigation if anyone believed him. In fact he could well be up for criminal charges if it could be proved the US had anything to do with it. To make a threat like that...


    But you don't answer the question. You just repose it. Same with @Gweiloman.


    All huff and no puff.

    • Haha 2
  12. 4 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

    You asked a question, I gave an answer. Not my problem if you don’t like it. That’s how things work sometimes.


    The truth about Nordstream is clear for all to see. Correction, for most. You are an obvious exception. Much like my answer above, you don’t like the truth about the NS sabotage so no amount of facts will get your head out of the sand. Again, not my problem. So I stick by my earlier assertion that you are clueless if you think that Putin blew up the NS pipeline.

    You call me clueless but present no alternative version. Who do you think blew it up? And saying it's obvious is just condescending crap. You either state your position or....

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  13. 6 hours ago, Gweiloman said:




    And these are just your responses to me. So tell me, who got personal? Well, if you can’t stand the heat, you know the rest.


    Coming back to Nordstream. I guess you’ve never heard the term cui bono. No need for YT videos or expert analysis. Common sense and logic is all you need to know who the perpetrator really is. Unless you’re in denial of course.

    Yeah, so you've chopped off what prompted my responses, so your list is really a cut and paste job with no context. Fake, in other words.


    Unless I'm in denial? Denial of what? Your version of the truth? You haven't even presented one. Please enlighten us.

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  14. 4 hours ago, Photoguy21 said:

    You normally always have a secondary routing just in case such an incident occurs. It is basic design of an essential system. It isnt just messages between families and emails there is a lot of business traffic going over the network as well.

    If it is a server, again on an important system you always have several servers all looking at the same traffic. Should one fail, and they can, another server which has been also gathering the information but not acting on it comes into play.

    On such as system as 3BB it is very poor design to have a single failure take the network down.

    Well, I'm not answering for 3bb, just putting forward my take on it. They say it's unreroutable undersea cable damage. Make what you will of it.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Photoguy21 said:

    If that is the case then the system is basically floored. Normally you would have two separate feeds with different routings so a cable failure would be only a brief interruption whilst the second cable takes over.

    I suggested they reroute, but it's the main sub sea cable from Europe. Apparently no work around. It's a massively complex operation to repair the cable, bureaucratic hell, dive permits,security clearance (it's in the middle of axwar zone), manpower, logistics, etc etc. Yes, I understand, but like you say, with no backup route, their system is flawed (note spelling). But if the cable was really that badly damaged, I imagine data throughout would be seriously compromised for really a lot of ISPs and data centres, and we'd have heard a lot more about it. Maybe it's just a server issue, and not an undersea cable at all?

  16. 7 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:




    I don't get paid for my best advice.


    I just provide information out of the kindness of my heart.


    I have been using internet in Asia, East Asia, SE Asia, for many years.


    I have been using internet service in Asia since before 1992, in places like Taiwan, HK, Thailand, China, etc., since before you were born, maybe.


    I never lie.


    I just report the truth.


    I have no ax to grind.


    I am just trying to be helpful.


    Note:  I am NOT a troll, by the way....hope you agree.....


    Note2:  I NEVER post "purely troll posts", as some BIRDBRAINS seem to say.  I NEVER post purely troll posts.  As, I am sure that you also know.


    Hope this clarification helps to un-muddy the waters....about my posts....







    No, it doesn't. It doesn't explain why you keep posting the same message over and over. We got it! You love 3bb. Many of us don't. But the same people don't keep posting about it. It may not be 3bb's fault, but the service interruptions are tedious. Last time I called, 2 nights ago, they said June 25th there should be an update. But I'm not holding my breath.

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