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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 1 hour ago, NativeBob said:

    AFAIK all fake euros are coming from (who would imagine?) Europe, mostly those dwarf states. 

    Just as EU & US passports (fake one, not from KS Road) are coming from the Promised Land.


    That info was from some really freaky dealer from Middle East. He was in business since middle of 90s. Could arrange anything, real super connected man.


  2. 1 hour ago, oslooskar said:

    1. Overthrew Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 2. Tried to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad of Syria in 2011. 3. The U.S. supported pro-Western opposition groups during the Euromaidan protests contributing to Yanukovych's ouster in 2014.  Do you need more?

    1. He was a corrupt dictator.

    2. Assad is a corrupt vicious dictator backed by Russia. He was put there by his father. His regime tortures and assassinates innocent people. The only reason he's still there is because western parliaments refused to authorise bombing him to hell. Big mistake.

    3. Yanukovich sold out the electorate. He was voted in on a Pro western, pro EU ticket which most Ukrainians wanted. When he got into office he went begging to Putin. The Ukrainians kicked him out. He was a cxxx.


    Anything else? This is tedious. I don't know what point you're trying to make.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, itsari said:

    You as the house owner is obliged by law to apply for a TM30 for the duration of there stay under your roof.


    You can do it online. After my getting nicked, I used to do it after my trips abroad, and when I had guests. My condo concierge did it for me here in Pattaya too. It was always a problematic procedure, but if you can figure it, it works. Can't remember the website.

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  4. 2 hours ago, itsari said:

    Penalty is 2000 baht for each foreigner.

    I got fined 1600. Or rather, my daughter did, as I was living in "her" house. But she lives elsewhere, so I just asked how much, and paid. The IOs made a big deal of it. They'd come a long way just to nab me and one other. It was a tip off job from a nosey neighbour. Charming behaviour. I wasn't on overstay, but had never filed a tm30 as the building permit for the house was in my name, so I'd always assumed I owned it. Not so, A/C to the IOs. My daughter owned the land. Ergo, that includes the property. Rubbish, of course, but here's 1600, now fxxx off!

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  5. 40 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    The production was stopped because it was the criminals choice of bank note or so I read somewhere, nobody likes taking them these days.

    I used to bring in £50 notes from my trips to the UK. Easier to carry, and a better rate. Had to check every single note for flaws, pencil marks, anything that would get them rejected by exchanges. The fetish of completely clean notes is, or was, staggering. Even a crease from a fold would be rejected. Banks in the UK were happy to change £10s and £20s. This changed later when the anti laundering laws were tightened. You had to deposit the money first, then withdraw it in the requested denomination.

    • Agree 1
  6. 10 hours ago, oslooskar said:

    On the contrary, what's sad is your refusal to accept the the evidence you asked for. After all, it should be quite obvious to any objective observer that Operation Ajax was a criminal takeover of Iran. 

    50 years ago? Ancient history. Try again.

  7. 4 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Families are under no legal obligation to "offer up" their accused relatives.

    For sure but are they not then liable for a charge of harbouring a fugitive from justice if said fugitive is staying in family property? No exemption for families. My point was really, they know where he is but are not telling. That surely contravenes some law. It certainly contravenes any ethical code. Raised as a spoilt brat, remains a spoilt brat.

  8. 2 hours ago, JonnyF said:


    Because the left love to control language. They invent new terms and then shout BIGOT at anyone who refuses to use them. It's a power play, keeping you on the back foot.


    As for this "women's" team, why not just abandon women's sport at this point? It's ludicrous. 

    New terms like globalist, western hegemony, libtard, woke, mangina, global north, deep state, nanny state, snowflake, globalist criminal mafia, plandemic, sheeple, the great reset etc etc etc.

    • Confused 1
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  9. I'd ask his family why they are shielding him, and bring lawsuits against them for aiding and abetting, harbouring a wanted felon, and obstructing justice. They are complicit in his misdemeanours if they don't offer him up. He's more than likely shacked up in one of their million pound properties in the UK or elsewhere. What a disgraceful example they set. If their son hasn't got the balls to face up to what he's accused of, disown him or drag him in front of the beak to do so.

    • Sad 1
  10. 11 hours ago, uncletiger said:


    The only difference from what you call conspiracy theories is the very real US military action going on right now, and the espionage warfare they've been fighting against the globalist criminal syndicate to eradicate them. You are correct it doesn't matter what you or I think, because sometime circa 2026 (hopefully before) the truth will be undeniable. Until then we will all believe whatever we want.


    Globalist criminal syndicate? Espionage warfare? Any evidence of either? The best hackers are with North Korea, Russia, and China. I don't see any evidence of US or Western powers having any success in the hackosphere. Israel for sure. But they tend not to share their secrets. And as for the "globalist criminal syndicate", hello? Ground control to uncletiger. Where's the evidence for that?

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, uncletiger said:


    Not sure why you think Europe is not socialist, or what you have against the British Commonwealth countries, but otherwise I understand your point.


    What I will say if you don't believe what I said is just wait until this psyop is over and then come back to this again.


    The vast majority of what you are seeing right now on the global stage is scripted nonsense to A) keep people distracted and B) force such an absurd situation that people have to take notice and question what they believe to be true. It *IS* a psyop. The US military has been engaged in espionage warfare with the globalist criminal syndicate for the last several years, and the war is nearly over. The final result is going to be the end of the globalist criminal syndicate controlling Western governments. The USA is NOT in charge. It has never been in charge during our lifetimes. It has merely been the public enforcement arm of the globalist cabal. The actual headquarters of the syndicate is in Switzerland (or thereabouts), but the factions are everywhere.  This is the mafia element that is being defeated and eliminated, and this is what the coming DECLAS will eventually show. Have a conspiracy theorist friend handy to explain to you what is going on when this all comes out.


    If you can understand how mafias were able to control municipalities like Chicago and New York in the early 20th, you should understand how they can control larger world governments. It's the same process. The globalist mafia just keeps themselves secret. JFK told us all there was no place in the US for secret societies, and he was going to break apart the CIA into a thousand pieces. He then went after the Rothschild's controlled private central bank, and shortly thereafter was assassinated. What is happening now is the final chapter of a war that was started back then.

    I'm sorry but it just reads like some futuristic sci fi movie synopsis. Or, more likely, a computer game that's leaked into your brain and taken it over. I know the buzz you get from coding, it's like no other, and I think conspiracy theories are linked to that. They make you feel empowered, somehow you're smart enough to have figured out what's REALLY going on in the world. How it all works and fits together. All you have to do now is sit back, watch it happen, and be proved right. I read the same thing on comments sections on the Ukraine war, the US elections, BRICS, Western hegemony, Deep State, the globalist cabal, the globalist mafia etc etc. There's nothing new in these theories. They've been around for centuries. Every now and then they get updated. With the arrival of the internet in the 90s they really came into their own. Believe what you will! We all do!

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  12. 20 minutes ago, oslooskar said:


    I'm not a lawyer, but it might be a requirement to shorten a post to the part you are replying to because the last sentence of number seven of the Standards of conduct says, "Only quote the person you are replying to, and only quote the relevant section that you are discussing."

    Well I hope you'll take it all on board in future. It's a matter of common sense to me. As I said before, if you just press "Quote" it works. If you want to quote only the bits you think are relevant, well, thats a subjective judgment you're making. Others might disagree, including the OP. Most posts are short enough that they don't normally need editing in a reply. I've seen posts outrageously and wilfully mangled in replies. I'll stick with the "Quote" button unless editing is obviously required for brevity. Another technique is to simply use the "Quote" button and then quote the bits from within the OP that you want to comment on.

  13. 3 minutes ago, oslooskar said:


    I only make changes in the posts of others by shortening them. So, that does not appear to be a violation of rule 28.


    28. You will not make changes to messages quoted from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. Do not shorten any post in a way that alters the context of the original post. Do not change the formatting of the post you are quoting.

    Hard to see how you can shorten a post without erasing a certain amount of context. In any event, I took issue with what you did and it seems the moderators did too. I would have been happy to argue your point of REDUCTIO etc, as I don't believe my comment actually was guilty of that. I merely pointed out, albeit using a phrase i think you found objectionable, ie "back to the jungle" or some such, simply to illustrate the possible outcome of a totally laissez faire policy, where anything goes, a phrase I used to qualify the jungle remark. From what I've read, we actually agree on the notion of an individual taking responsibility for what they post. But in an anonymous forum, stuff gets posted which I think is unacceptable, as nobody can realistically be held accountable, and that may be where we differ. But who's to say what's acceptable? Americans seem to lean towards anything. But as I think we agree, actions have consequences. People are within their rights (don't laugh) to call foul. Otherwise there's nothing to discuss. You can say what you like, as can I. Until it gets personal, as it often does. Does anything get resolved? No.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Will B Good said:


    Yes, just did a quick search ....all related to approvals being delayed......which immediately makes me think of brown envelopes.....no idea why

    I was thinking maybe he handed out 4 or 5 of the phones to the IOs, and was released. Whereupon he scarpered. Stupid to come back, but I don't think back then they had finger printing or face recognition, but if he used the same name even with a different passport, well, asking for trouble.

    • Haha 1
  15. Just now, Mavideol said:

    hard choice between a convicted (in Australia) drug dealer and a sleepy/fatty gold watch good for nothing guy, what is Anutin getting

    I think the headline is misleading. The PPP has actually put forward Thammanat as a candidate for a government post, so it's not a question of Prawit or him. Seems like Prawit backed down. Originally he wasn't going to back him. That's why Thammanat had a hissy fit and threatened to take his cronies out of the PPP. Ung Ing would be mad to go anywhere near him. And everybody knows it.

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