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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. You're guaranteeing a probability?
  2. They don't say what the evidence is. Just some reference linking his and his wife's accounts. They've been repeating that for months, exactly same phraseology, but nothing with which to back it up. They should put up or shut up, just like everybody on this forum. Here, it's all circumstantial. TIT so he must be guilty. I ask you!
  3. Don't call me a sycophant you run with the lynch mob member. You don't have any evidence, do you? It's just bs to say TIT what do you expect? If it was Australia or wherever, would you say "it's Oz, what do you expect?". Tell me what you know. Or better still, tell the RTP what you know and see how it goes down.
  4. His money is all accounted for. It's your obsession with his guilt that isn't.
  5. They can say that, but where's the evidence? "Tied to a bank account"? Wth does that mean? Might turn out they were "tied to" your bank account!
  6. That's what I said about the MFP and Pita. Where was their legal team? Asleep it seems. And here we have yet another petition against her, amongst many. These lawyers are professional litigants, vexatious, you might say. They probably have a whole team of junior law students doing the research. Combing through the statute books, the constitution, the penal code looking for any clause to try to bring down the government. No doubt who's behind it. Prawit and co. And more than likely the Privy Council, the Opus Dei of Thai politics. I think it more and more likely that it is they who are running Thailand. Deep State. Thai masonic lodge equivalent.
  7. I was also in complete agreement with your post, Gottfrid. I get irony too, which most don't.
  8. Oh blah blah, platitudes, corrupt Thailand blah blah blah. Any evidence apart from smear?
  9. Exactly that. No surprise that the previous military backed government faced none of these challenges and/or petitions. They're using every means possible now to destroy all opposition. Opposition to PPRP, that is.
  10. Respect for a lifetime of abuse? Like the west? Any more platitudes to cram into your post?
  11. More smear without a shred of evidence. Gossip and hearsay. Clickbait.
  12. It's a total disgrace. They got an enormous pay rise, they get endless benefits, preferential rates, pensions etc etc. And all they do is .... NOTHING! I think a 400,000 plus army of paper shuffling, ethically challenged, uniformed for no reason, government lackeys. Freeze their pay. Scrap their benefits. Take away their ridiculous uniforms.
  13. https://bbc.com/news/articles/cn8jg11ynj7o Kamala is a commie according to Elon Pus.
  14. Agree. Thailand is at the mercy of these over endowed institutions, the EC, the CC, and all the silly committees they set up at every opportunity. Wage committee, weed committee, casino committee, land bridge, economic corridors, floods, rice, bananas, peanuts... Ha!
  15. Sure, I understand. But there again, I don't suppose Bangladesh imports an exploitable impoverished desperate army of cheap labour, unless you count the Rohingya. The rich countries do it in the main. I guess communist china doesn't as they have a ready made source of cheap labour - the much less well off Chinese, probably from ethnic minorities, not Han. And Russia definitely imports cheap labour from all those annexed central Asian satellite soviet countries. And India has a conveniently nuanced caste system where the West has class. So yes, I guess you have a point. But to run an economy or a business successfully, your income must exceed your expenditure. That's called profit. And that to me is a sine qua non of capitalism. And probably of any other business model. To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability. Apparently there's a huge disinformation campaign backed by the Kremlin branding Kamala a communist, especially targeting Latino voters from heavy socialist fxxx ups like Venezuela and Bolivia. This has been bought by the MAGA morons who wouldn't know a Marxist dialectic if it grabbed them by the testicles and and swung them around the room. But they love expanding and promoting this utter BS. Like Vance said, lying's completely acceptable in certain circumstances. Put that on his gravestone.
  16. That was the point. It wasn't FYI.
  17. It has everything to do with capitalism. Keeping wages low, exploiting the poor, makes for enormous profits. Apple and the luxury brands industry use cheap labour anywhere and everywhere. Back street Bangladeshi sweat shops knocking out Gucci and Nike and getting paid peanuts. How else do you think people get fabulously rich? And billions inescapably poor.
  18. I think Thai immigration has put up warning signs regarding the export and import of weed from and to Thailand, and that though it might have been decrimmed in Thailand, the same doesn't necessarily apply at your point of origin/destination. You have been warned.
  19. True, the photo is for reference only.
  20. 100kg? I think not. Even a few ounces (50g) of weed would bring tears to your eyes, I'm sure. And getting visas for 20 ladyboys...
  21. Got the brains of a gooner, too. Chelsea!
  22. Maybe this? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principality_of_Sealand Have to say it doesn't look too inviting. Not sure I'd make the trip for that!
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