Agreed. The most massive benefit fraud is Universal Credit. I believe the figure was, a few years back, in the region of £17 billion. Not to encourage "fraud", but a few pensioners being economical with the truth as to their geographical whereabouts is hardly likely to cost HM gov more than a few 000 quid. One of the arguments they use to shoot down protests regarding the unfreezing of pensions is the potential cost to the exchequer, which they estimate would be way into the £ billions. So turning a blind eye to the odd oldie claiming a little bit more than the widow(er)'s mite would seem a much cheaper option.
All this gets discussed endlessly on threads popping up every year on AN. One more for the archive!
Hold on. You've moved abroad. Somehow, the DWP has found this out. Your pension gets frozen. You moved back to the UK, or tell them you have? You have an address there that can forward their communications to you?
I don't get your plan. Move out then pretend you haven't, or move out and pretend to move back? Or move out, move back, and quietly out again, leaving you back where you started.
I meant by "warnings", the warnings HM government gives in general about moving abroad, not warnings about possible illegalities. For instance, proper planning, health care, emergency funds, return trips, loved ones etc etc.
And no rise! I read the whole thread. If you leave again, your pension reverts to the very first payment amount, ie pre frozen, with no increases.
And you have somewhere in the UK to stay for 6 months? Is the UK affordable? And the cost of the return flight? That alone will hardly be covered by any rise you'll see while back in the UK. Is it really worth it?
Return flight to Philippines about 6,000 THB. Ring the DWP. Tell them you've moved there. Pay pension into Wise account. YMMV and I would expect you to spend at least 6 months there...I'm not advising breaking any laws. It's only a suggestion which probably won't be useful to many. Like tax avoidance for the rich. It's not tax evasion. There's a huge difference.
Well, it's there in black and white for all to see on the government's website. With warnings about moving abroad and the possible consequences. Ignorance is not a sin, nor a crime, but it won't get you off the hook.
Sure, use a UK address or whatever. Many do. None of my business. But I don't pay UK tax on account of having stopped work there and having left 9 years ago so it would look a bit odd if I used a UK address for the DWP.
The UK pension is effectively frozen at the rate originally received by the pensioner, if the pensioner moves abroad and lives outside any one of the countries that has an agreement with DWP that includes increases. The list can be found on the DWP website, or on Most EU countries are included, Philippines, and I believe Turkey are amongst those that are included, but see below:
I know the risks. But if these guys pensions are frozen, or have been for god knows how many years,what choice is there? I do 6 months in and 6 months out of Thailand. 6 plus months in Philippines gives me my pension increases, 6 months minus a week or so gives me tax clearance in Thailand.
As evinced by you and @JonnyF. What a pair! You see Trump as the saviour of western civilization. Even Putin wouldn't go that far. Trump is a boorish, uncultured oaf. He has no claims on western civilization. In fact, he has nothing to do with western civilization. Maybe it would be better if the US cut all ties with Europe. Seems we have nothing in common under a Trump administration.
I haven't used the London one for a long time, maybe 15 years. They weren't a retail branch but they did handle overseas transactions. I sent money regularly when I was purchasing a land lease and off plan house in Thailand.
I asked in my Bangkok Bank branch in Pattaya about it and their procedures were a nightmare compared to KT. I'm non US. KT was utter simplicity. But bkk bank has an office in London too who were always very helpful. I was able to increase my transfer amounts by producing a copy of my HMRC tax assessment. Clean money, supposely!