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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Of course, it's human nature to try to improve your lot. What's the American Dream? Getting rich, or richer than your neighbour.
  2. Sure, a massive pool of disorganised cheap labour essential to any well tuned capitalist system.
  3. The French are fond of blaming it on the Brit government for making life too easy for them when they get there. I guess millions of Brits would totally agree. But what's the deterrent? That seems to be what's needed. Channel patrols, lassoing the dinghies and towing them back to Calais? Or the Isle of Wight? A new prison colony? A prison ship? A special one way channel tunnel train journey back to France?
  4. Odd he suddenly loses his brakes at that point and not before.
  5. Same in the UK. People are prepared to die trying. Going back is not an option. No matter how bad it gets, they'll keep coming. There just doesn't seem to be a way to dissuade people, physically or by any other means. So it's really containment and mitigation that needs to be looked at. How to deal with an irreversible flow. I think it's called entropy. Like climate change. You may not believe it's man made in any way, but something's going on. Still have to deal with it.
  6. Like here for instance? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird Is this the same op you're referencing? Or are you talking Project Mockingbird? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Mockingbird
  7. "Shoigu stated in 2008 that he was baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church at the age of five, rebutting rumors that he was a practitioner of shamanism or Buddhism like many Tuvans" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Shoigu https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvans
  8. Great news. The EC is a pathetic crowd of yes men. The senate election was a complete farce. But I doubt the CC will act. After all, the BJT dominated Senate is proving a useful conservative replacement for the old Senate. The focus now is on isolating the PP. Old enemies will unite to keep them out.
  9. Rubbish. Yanukovich was elected on a pro EU ticket and welched on it. The Ukrainians kicked him out as a result. All this stuff about how the west engineered the 2014 "coup" is just Russian agitprop. I've been reading it now for months. Spouted by unregistered foreign agents such as yourself.
  10. Don't cry for me California The truth is, I never left you All through my wild days My mad existence I kept my promise Don't keep your distance RIP
  11. Bush, I guess.
  12. Vance made a point of saying it was fine to lie if it was in a good cause, like winning the election. My jaw fell on the floor. Just what kind of a cxxx is he?
  13. In many establishments, there's a tip box on the counter somewhere. It's highly visible (try running off with it!) and maybe the best place to anonymously or otherwise drop your 20 THB note. If I tip a masseuse I'll always give it to her personally, er, I mean the tip. And so on.
  14. They show the full price, but it includes layer upon layer of extras. What would you rather have? To see what you're really paying for, or just sign on the dotted line for whatever they've added? Agoda is the same. Displays a price then adds a whole host of local taxes etc etc.
  15. Here's what an airline adds to its basic fare of 2,646 THB to boot it up to 6,887.
  16. I don't remember inviting Vikings into England way back when. Rape, mass pillage, destruction was all they brought. Probably ate all the pets too.
  17. I found this in another forum. It outlines the sections in question. The man Thanakorn is objecting to any amendments. He's the DL of the UTN, Prayut's tailor made party when he split from PPRP. An ultra royalist/conservative. Already they're digging their heals in. Hands off the constitution! "The original intention of Sections 160(4) and (5) of the 2017 charter, for instance, is to keep people who do not meet certain moral standards from obtaining power in public office, Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana, deputy leader of the UTN, said on Friday."
  18. I fell prey to a serious bout of it when my Thai wife left me holding our daughter, in the UK. I had reports she was running around with anybody and everybody. Led to sleepless nights and seriously demented behaviour on my part. I didn't get to meat cleavering anyone, but did get warned by the old bill I was close to lock up if I didn't pull myself together. Divorce, or chokey. It's your choice and you've got a 3 year old to look after. What's it to be? I went to see a solicitor the next morning and got a divorce. Changed my life! Who says the old bill are all bastards?
  19. As Jack Dee wisecracked, as part of a road kill shawarma. Chili sauce, brake fluid?
  20. I often wonder how the police trace somebody that flees 100 miles or so. Maybe he went to relatives, or back home? In any case he didn't get far. Jealousy is a demon. The green eyed monster.
  21. I thought I read it only applied to companies that had 200 or more employees. Or was it 20? And there are othercstipulations. So it's already nuanced. Just get on with it. But it's being nobbled by the committee that overseas wage increases. Yes, there is such a thing. The employer's delegates have boycotted the meetings, meaning they're forever inquorate and can't pass a 66% vote. Time for the government to kick out these ridiculous committees that hold the whole country to ransom. Thailand is run by committees it seems. They come and go, so are never around to take responsibility for anything. Remember, a camel is a horse designed by a committee. All well and good if you wanted a desert roaming horse I guess.
  22. เจ or jay is Thai for vegetarian.
  23. Is that the place that has a great Massaman on Klang?
  24. Totally agree. I've not read of any pending amendments. They certainly won't touch 112 which is Taksin's next hurdle. 112 of course isn't part of the Constitution, but part of the Thai penal code, so I don't know what he is referring to.
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