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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. If you read the article REAL CLOSE, you might spot it was a bracelet. And the trans person was sharing his bed, woke him up when she left, and that's the end of the story. The rest appears to have just been made up by the Indian. Interesting comments following The Thaiger article where it first appeared, from a southern Asian I guess, about how trannies are often treated in India. The social stigma there would be enough to completely destroy his reputation. Same for euro and yank ex pats I guess. Still get called a faggot etc. Putin might agree.

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  2. 2 hours ago, RobU said:

    Where is this reported. The original article doesn't mention that only toy guns were found

    From The Thaiger, the second of the linked sources.


    "Upon searching the house, only toy guns and plastic bullets were discovered, with no real firearms present. Despite the imitation nature of the guns, the army doctor is still liable to be charged under Section 392 of the Criminal Law for causing fear and alarm to others. The potential penalty involves imprisonment for up to one month, a fine of up to 10,000 baht, or a combination of both."


    10,000 fine? A month in jail? Or both? I'll have to hurry you... Hmm, a month in jail sounds quite pleasant. And the fine's not to be sneezed at. I'll take them both! Doh!

    • Agree 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Those are the old regulations...  they were updated with: Regulation NE14ABJ  a decade ago.

    According to the United Thai Masseuses and Allied Trades Union codes of practice, 1993 and revisions, the clock starts at the masseuse's discretion if and when she fancies the job. Foreigners pay a surcharge cos they're mostly big buggers.

  4. 13 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    bonking is different to a shop massage

    Now he tells me! 🤣 Well sure, but anything on the clock is a bit fuzzy in my experience. I know my masseuses. It really doesn't worry me if they time it from toe tweak to neck snap, or whatever. If it's a good massage, 50 or 60 minutes... Does it matter that much?

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  5. 4 hours ago, bradiston said:

    I think 5 minutes either side of start and finish is allowable. She has to set up, and clean up after. So 50 minutes would seem fair to me.

    So you hire a girl on Thai friendly. You going to bonk for an hour and then she's out the door? When does the clock start? Is undressing included or not? Shower before and after? She's on the metre, same as a massage. Included in the one hour is essentials for hygiene etc. That's my take. Can't see how you can benefit from a clock watching exercise. It's supposed to relax you.

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Morch said:

    IMO the traps are useless. Especially in a small confined place where you cannot change their placement often. They learn pretty quick, and will out breed their 'losses' anyway. Also, those stuck in the glue will take a long time dying, in the meanwhile making a racket as they try to get away. Any rat killed and not immediately disposed of will make a horrible stench and can cause other issues. Cage traps just mean you'll have to deal with killing them yourself later on (and careful when handling the trap with the rat inside).


    Mothballs never worked for us. They shy away at first, then learn and ignore them. If you choose these - change the brand or scent every couple of cycles for better results.


    Poison works, and most seem to make them thirsty so they go to die outside. Problem is with this being a potential danger for pets.


    If you have someone with a not-fancy aggro cat, that would sort things out quick. And the cat would get some exercise. One place I stayed (not in Thailand) long ago the cat was also kind enough to bring back the corpses for treats by owner. There are guys providing a similar service with snakes. Doubt it's very effective.


    Another thing you could look into is installing some light in the ceiling area, maybe with a random blinker option. And as it's a confined space, one of them sound emitting gadgets may be effective (we had mixed results).

    Yes, I saw the lights suggestion, and also a radio. They don't like some kinds of noise and lights. Maybe I'll experiment with flashing LEDs. And electric shock. But better to keep them out altogether. Will report back.

  7. Third time these critters have returned. They are extremely noisy. The local "cure" is mothballs. It's a wooden ceiling and a sheet metal/foam sandwich roof. I'm convinced the only way forward would be to cut a section out of the ceiling big enough to get head and shoulders through, and check to see just what is going on. Otherwise we're just working blind. There is a vine growing all the way to the top floor which is probably their access route, but nobody has ever actually seen one. Previous attempts to deal with them involved blocking their entrance but eventually they find away in.


    Any ideas? I've no qualms about poison/traps etc. I'm not in residence so I have to figure it out from afar. Thinking I might have to travel down there to try and sort it.

  8. 2 hours ago, ezzra said:

    Horrific murders, evidence of the rape of women and girls, subhuman conditions in the captivity of Hamas - nothing shakes the UN from its indifference towards Israel. The lax and disapproving responses provided by the UN since October 7 oblige Israel to change its conduct towards the organisation..

    All the masks have fallen. The weak and hypocritical reaction of the United Nations organisations to the murderous attack by Hamas on October 7 symbolises one of the deepest moments of moral depression for the organisation since its foundation in 1945. It obliges Israel to change its strategy towards the organisation that claims to make peace between nations, and to see All human beings are equal.
    The acts of horror perpetrated by the Hamas murderers are indescribable. A horrific genocide was committed innocent people, which was accompanied by one of the largest mass kidnappings in modern times, including of infants in the cradle. Not one of the abductees was visited by the Red Cross. What did the United Nations do in the face of the horror This inhumanity? Not much. In fact, from a nation. The conduct of the UN since October 7th is a disgrace and a stain that will not be erased.


    The biggest disappointment came from the UN Women's Agency. How do you think the UN WOMEN organisation responded in the face of dozens of testimonies of rape, accompanied by horrific torture and murder? Well, it did not. For 50 days, the UN Women Organisation, under the direction of Dr. Sima Bachos, all in order not to stand up for the victims - unfortunate Israeli women who fell prey to Hamas brutality.

    Evidence of the murder of women, photographs of the kidnapping of women with cuffs and bleeding between their legs, none of this interested Mrs. Bachos, a Jordanian by origin. Only on December 1st, Almost two months after the slaughter and rape, and after heavy pressure from dozens of women's organisations around the world, only then did Bachos "agree" to publish a condemnation of sexual violence by Hamas against Israeli women on October 

    Also the UN special rapporteur on gender violence, Mrs. Rim Al - Salem, also of Jordanian descent, was not particularly shocked by dozens of reports of the atrocities. Four days after the massacre, on October 11, al-Salem was quick to publish a hypocritical tweet that said "reports of crimes should not be believed until they are investigated." ME TOO? Not if you are an Israeli and Jewish woman. In this case, your pain is of no interest to the special envoy from the UN. She believes every woman who reports rape, but Israeli and Jewish women - no.

     These two senior women, who receive their salary from the United Nations, exceeded their position, betrayed the trust that women around the world placed in them, and they must not continue to serve in this important position for even one more day. Instead of standing by the side of the women who were tortured, raped, murdered and kidnapped, they aligned themselves with The wave of hostility in the Arab world against Israel. Israel demands that both of them terminate their duties immediately.

    The United Nations children's organisation, UNICEF, also caused enormous disappointment among those who expected fair treatment and humanity. 39 Israeli children were violently abducted to Gaza on October 7, some of them witnessed horrific atrocities. A 4-year-old girl was taken captive all alone, after her parents were murdered in front of her eyes. Some of the young children were separated from their parents in captivity and were victims of psychological terror, such as forced viewing of horror videos of murder and burned people. Children, women and men, are kept in subhuman conditions in basements and suffer from hunger, lack of medicine and poor hygiene conditions.

    Recently released abductees testify that they have not bathed for 50 days. They all lost weight. Did you think that UNICEF would issue a call for the immediate release of abducted Israeli children, for example on International Children's Day on November 20? Nothing like that happened. The Executive Director of UNICEF, Catherine Russell, visited Gaza but cancelled her parallel visit to Israel, which was supposed to include a meeting with the families of the abducted children. A new date for Russell's visit to Israel has not been set until this moment. Almost two months after the great slaughter, UNICEF only announced on the 6 December A tepid and laconic condemnation notice, without specifically mentioning Hamas. Shame.


    The saddest thing, perhaps, is the equanimity shown by the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, towards the Israeli suffering. The Secretary-General did indeed condemn the terrorist attack, using minimal language, when he insisted on adding the significant word - "but" to every sentence. Innocent people, including children and mothers. Instead of clearly and unequivocally blaming the aggressor, Guterres implied that the victims were to blame for their death.

    Compared to the lean and dry language in which he talks about the victims on the Israeli side, Guterres uses exuberant and emotional language when he talks, for example, about a Palestinian ambulance that was damaged: "I am shocked , the images of the bodies thrown in the street are horrible." Nothing is accidental. One can only learn from this that the images of hundreds of young Israelis, half of them women, lying dead and tortured on the ground after the mass slaughter in southern Israel were much less shocking to him...



    Omg. Blah blah blah. Rehash. Recycle. The endless sob sob story for Israel. What a joke.

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  9. 48 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    I hadn’t mention Bill Clinton at all; you’re the one that brought him into the conversation, criticising him for as you put it, not lifting a finger towards solving the Palestinian problem. Then after I inform you about the Camp David Conference, you are suddenly rude to me and want to dismiss Clinton’s efforts because they were 23 years ago. I have never been a fan of Clinton, but he put in a lot of work (the conference spanned 2 weeks) so to say he never lifted a finger to help, again shows your overall lack of knowledge on this whole issue.


    Furnishing you with knowledge that you previously did not have is not gaslighting or bullying, it is edification.

    I'm not as ignorant as you think. I'm sick of being lectured by you. You're talking 23 years ago. Anything more recent than that? I mean, effective finger lifting? Oh, you mean the $4 billion "aid" the US votes Israel every year? You didn't inform me of anything I didn't know. You overvalue your worth.

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  10. 2 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    So, you really didn’t know about the Camp David Summit that Clinton convened in 2000; if you’d known you couldn’t possibly have said


    “The US, in particular, Bill Clinton, were heavily involved in the Good Friday Agreement. But it seems they can't bring themselves to lift a finger towards solving the Palestine problem”


    Your lack of knowledge on these issues is breathtaking.

    Oh take a rxxxxxx jump. It was 23 years ago as I've already pointed out. And this form of belittling is called gaslighting. It's reportable but I'm not going to bother.

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    This is a classic disclaimer from an apologist for terrorism … read what you said again, and think about what actually happened on 7th October 2023.




    "By all accounts" 

    There are many. I don't run with any one of them as gospel. Do you?


    And I suppose anyone not aligned with the Israeli narrative becomes a de facto apologist for terrorism. I see this line of argument a lot. If I'm not with you, ie actively making statements that chime with your beliefs, I am against you. Well yes, you'd be very damned right I'm against you, but not against Israel nor Palestinians. I'm against the kind of bullying that goes on on this forum. You're somehow stupid if you don't see it the way others do.

    • Confused 2
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  12. 8 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


    I suppose the Camp David Summit, convened by Clinton in 2000, bringing together Barak and Arafat, is something else, like the appointment of Ali Bahraini to chair the UNHRC, that escaped your attention. Your profound lack of knowledge about issues pertaining to the ME, probably explains why you just post sensationalist slogans, nonsense, and conspiracy theories


    ….. “not having any Arab ancestry in any recent potus doesn’t help their cause”  ¯\_()_/¯

    23 years ago? And this is the result? Boxxocks to Bahraini. That's already been done to death. Clinton had Irish ancestry, like many US presidents.

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