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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 3 hours ago, Emdog said:

    "Thailand has a perishable inventory of 787,000 accommodation units of all types..." Perishable? say what? 2 week shelf life then building collapses?

    That photo looks like very very poor attempt at photoshop: bottom out of focus, wrong shadows section just sort of melts away... thank goodness not real: I would hate to be within miles of that scene if were real

    "Perishable inventory consists of products that expire or lose value over time, eventually becoming worthless."

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  2. On 12/24/2023 at 12:54 PM, NoshowJones said:

    I ordered a computer chair from Lazada, the one they sent was completely different from the one I ordered. I accept that it was my fault for not checking it when it was delivered. I just gave  package to the wife's brother to build it up for me.

     I cannot dismantle it and repackage it to return it. I checked on the Lazada website and the chair is not there any more. I wonder why that is.



    Maybe not much help now, but I too ordered and received a computer chair from Lazada. Ridiculously cheap and I was unable to assemble it. I got on the chat line the vendor had and he was a great help. Seems there was a definite order in which to assemble the components. If the vendor has a chat line, maybe try it?

  3. 7 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    Sorry, but how does this have anything to do with a sad 40 year in Songkhla who couldn't handle being rejected?

    Exactly. This guy is trolling. He's used the ill advised publication of the man's religion as an excuse to pour out his own agenda of invective and vitriol about Islam, for days now. It's really completely off topic. Just his agenda. Tedious and amateurish.

  4. 2 hours ago, Elkski said:

    I think it is such a poor idea that the fact the PM even talked about this with investor's tells the World all they need to know about the Thai education system.  Maybe speaks to the DNA as well. 

    Add in the known corruption, the condition of the average truck in Thailand, possible theft, delays, weather conditions on the Adaman side,  just crazy.  

    But it must be nice to be hiso in Thailand with a simple thought process like this. 


    Well, what's he got to lose. Even if you don't think Thailand is capable of researching, planning, designing and implementing a system to the specification, whatever it is, there might be players who are. That's business. Get nowhere by continually throwing it in the bin.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Stocky said:


    And what exactly has any of the above to do with a sad 40 year old man in Songkhla who couldn't accept his girlfriend rejecting his marriage proposal? Please note contrary to the topic's red meat headline the article actually says "according to the police investigation, Tarinee did not accept Massadee’s proposal because she was not yet ready to convert to Islam after the marriage."

    I would just add, that mentioning the religion of the man allegedly at the centre of all this is a new low. When do you read "A Buddhist man murdered his girlfriend in a fit of rage", or "A Catholic strangled a baby" or "A Hindu raped a woman"? Answer, never.


    But this misleading headline is followed here by page after page of uncalled for, hateful and unnecessary anti Islam vitriol. It's bait for the baiters. Irresponsible, sloppy and unprofessional journalism. The trolls had a field day.

  6. 3 minutes ago, LivingNThailand said:

    I used to import goods from Asia into the United States.  There are several other issues to consider here.  When a container ship docks in a foreign country, it has to go through some customs procedures, which can take a day or two.  Also, at least in the US, the containers are all X-rayed.  Not sure if they do that here.  Then there have to be enough trucks with cassis available for each container ship.  These are not always available right away, delaying some or all of the containers even further.  Not all the containers will necessarily need to be offloaded at the land bridge, so this would have to be sorted out somehow.  When arriving at the other side of the land bridge, there will be some sort of customs paperwork that will be needed to comply with going to the next foreign port.


    Now, does the container ship turn around at this point or go forward?  What about the new containers that need to be loaded onto the ship, or is this just a one way deal and the ships go back empty?   This is a logistical nightmare.


    That and all the other "negative" aspects everyone else has mentioned point to a very long shipment time.  Something no importer wants.  A  couple of days delayed in Singapore is much more desirable in a businessperson's mind and pocketbook.

    Thailand can't undertake this alone. It doesn't have the expertise or resources. A feasibility study from independent consultants would be a start.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Speedhump said:

    As I mentioned to another reply, they earn tiny money for working all day in hot sun. 20 or 30 Baht is nothing to me once or occasionally twice a week.


    In the 1960s my dad, a lowly London bus driver, used to tip petrol station attendants too. I learned compassion from him. Try it.

    I'm with you on this. Generally I don't tip every time I go to the same place, but maybe once a week. I always think, ok it's not much, but if everybody puts in, it means something.


    Mr Pink in Reservoir Dogs has a point, but in the end, he pays.

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  8. 3 hours ago, WhatMeWorry said:

    Thailand will sell its soul to China for money. Its all about money with the Thais, nothing else matters to them.

    I see this proclaimed on every topic on this forum. What do people expect? They're trying to earn a living. You aren't. All about money? What else is there? Charity? Everything free today? Anywhere you go, it's all about money. Timbuctoo, Fulham Broadway, it doesn't matter. Money does.

    • Confused 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


    I agree,


    And I despise all religions equally 


    However, Bradiston or whatever he calls himself seems to have this massive unjustified fetish for Islam.


    The world has been spinning for 4.5 billion years at least, and the dreamers ask us to partake in these make believe imaginery Gods etc because they can't face the fact that we are just organisms, and when it's over, it's over.


    Religions haven't be going longer than 6000 years maximum.


    The earth managed for billions of years without them.

    You've just spent 3 days demonising Islam. How can you say now, you don't give a damn? What a wally!

  10. 1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:



    Just a load mouthed ranting clown.


    I have asked you, but now I won't bother because you can't answer, to name the positives in the religion of Islam.


    Name them! There aren't any.


    Instead, you spout about historical nonsense hundreds of years ago.


    I won't be answering further as you are a nonsensical bigot, go get some fresh air and stop drinking the Kool aid, it's having a bad effect on you.

    Kool aid? Do you even know what that is, or was? Historical nonsense? Catholic priests are still abusing kids. The mafia and 'Ndrangheta are still operating. I don't recall you ever asking for positives about Islam. And Catholics are still worshipping the devil in their cannibal cult.

  11. 1 hour ago, Scouse123 said:



    Just a load mouthed ranting clown.


    I have asked you, but now I won't bother because you can't answer, to name the positives in the religion of Islam.


    Name them! There aren't any.


    Instead, you spout about historical nonsense hundreds of years ago.


    I won't be answering further as you are a nonsensical bigot, go get some fresh air and stop drinking the Kool aid, it's having a bad effect on you.

    Good riddance then.

  12. 50 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


    You are just a foolish individual whose arguments don't stack up in the face of scrutiny 

    Roman Catholicism. It's priests. The greatest bunch of child molesters in the history of mankind. It's nuns, cruelly persecuting Irish women. It's armies, raping and pillaging all across South America, Asia and Africa. It's cardinals, torturers and corrupt. Even now! The Mafia, mass murderers with God's blessing. Blackmailers, drug dealers, human traffickers, kidnappers, rapists, murderers. 'Ndrangheta. The Vatican can't clean itself of the low life in high places. You've got a bloody nerve calling the shots here. A religion that worships a tortured corpse, drinks his blood and eats his flesh. Ugh. Nauseating rubbish.

    • Confused 1
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  13. 41 minutes ago, hotchilli said:


    Yes, eco friendly backpedalling.


    I think what Bangkok needs is a congestion charge and Ken Livingstone to take over as mayor. Come to think of it, Boris needs a job. Cycle lanes, bus lanes, speed humps, the whole works. There's so much they could do to really screw things up. Bring it on, I say. And make Buakhao one way, reversing every 24 hours to make it fair.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Peterphuket said:

    That means when you compare that to JGon's explanation, by road becomes even less advantageous, and people will choose to sail around Singapore.

    And rail? Would seem to be the best choice. Containers fit nicely onto wagons. But oil? I don't see that happening unless they build an oil line across too. Cars? Easy by rail. Etc etc.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  15. 35 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    Even if you go for the land bridge as opposed to the canal option, the unloading and reloading facilities at BOTH ends would have to be super efficient & economical to justify the shippers' participation.


    Which might be a challenge ...

    Yes, that would be the challenge, I agree. But strategically it has to make sense. Chennai, Kolkata, Yangon are all major ports in close proximity. Cutting out the piracy prone Malacca and Sunda straits would be a huge boon, plus those waters are too shallow for some of the largest container/tankers. Of course everyone will cry foul on China - when don't they - for tipping money into it if they do. But Sretta's looking for a consortium. This would help all maritime trading nations, including the oil states in the Middle East.




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  16. 2 hours ago, JGon said:

    This makes zero sense to me.


    First look at the topography of that area. The only area "feasible" (as in it would cost less) is where I put the red line. You are still cutting through 200 meter elevation of soil. Any other area you're cutting through Mountains! The canal would be roughly 70 km long. I highly doubt that would cost 28 Billion USD.  


    Second... all this work for what?! To save a few hundred kilometers? Both the Panama Canal and Suez save thousands of kilometers (Weeks) from voyages. This Thailand proposal would be as long as the Panama Canal, but it doesn't have a lake in the middle which means even more digging and cost.


    This will never happen! :glare: 


    Land_Bridge 2.png

    Land_Bridge 3.png

    It's not a canal they're planning. Rail and road link. The ships won't sail across. They will unload and reload at each end.

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