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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 5 minutes ago, MJCM said:

    nope it doesn’t have a swift code, I can only transfer money in via the wise app, but can withdraw from it (in THB) with my wise debit card or pay for online goods via the virtual cards (withdraws direct from the THB balance).


    i used it a lot because you have something called “auto conversion”, where you can set a desired rate for EUR -> THB and as soon as the rate was reached they transferred / converted the set amount (which you needed to keep in your EURO balance) automatically to your THB balance. 

    In the Wise help files under THB, it says


    "You can’t currently send money from THB."


    Which makes me careful about sending foreign currency to my Thai bank accounts, as getting it out again via Wise is impossible. I have to use Dee.

  2. 6 minutes ago, MJCM said:

    There is. Again my account is registered in my home country and that is why I also have the Debit card (which I am not going to renew just use their virtual cards). I can even open a GBP balance with its own sort code (I am not from the Uk). I cleared my balances recently after the threatened to freeze the account unless you answered their intrusive questions which I did but just don’t keep any balances with them anymore. 



    I have £ and $ accounts with Wise. The £ account has a UK sort code and the $ account a US equivalent in a bank in the US. Does your THB account have a swift code, or the equivalent? Can you transfer into and out of, it? My Wise account is linked to my Thai bank accounts. But Wise make it clear they don't deal in THB.

  3. 4 hours ago, MJCM said:


    Wise do charge a lot more then what the Thai Banks charges for usage of their ATM (Thai Bank charges the 2xx THB).


    Wise ATM Card (last week when I used it) charged more then double that when withdrawing 25k THB and they labelled it as "Our ATM Fee".


    Ps: No currency conversion as it was from my THB Balance at Wise.

    A THB balance at Wise? There's no such thing, is there? Wise doesn't deal in THB. It displays your balance in both THB and the various currencies you hold with them, that's all. I think! I don't have a Wise card though.


    With a Thai ATM card I'm charged 15 THB for a 20k THB withdrawal, and I have an out of town account.


    And my tax paid UK income won't be taxed here as the UK and Thailand have a tax agreement covering dual taxation. But, income from untaxed assets abroad could well be taxed once transferred to a Thai account.


  4. 6 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

    No context given at all in the article. A possible interpretation from viewing the video is that two lazy-arses were told in no uncertain terms to assist in the task at hand. 


    Standard practice back in the day to cuff the younger lazy employees across the back of the head for laziness and/or stupidity. The world made sense back then though.:coffee1:

    Brain damaged I maybe. Woke I ain't.

  5. 21 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


    I give thanks every single day of my life that I chose not to go the route of parenthood. When I read something like this, it makes me extra thankful. Such nonsense. Cannot even imagine having to dish out that kind of money here. That is London, or Chicago money.

    I met a Russian lady here in Pattaya, married with 3 kids. It costs them 1.5m pa to educate their kids here. ASEAN Now gives a very warped idea of expats.


    But I certainly agree that renting a house here for 70k pm for a single man seems surplus to requirements. A decent condo might cost half that.


    And what would a live-in girl cost? Or a regular girl friend?

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. Just to question a government policy is cause enough for a charge of destroying a reputation. Since childhood, Thais are brought up to believe you never ever question your elders. It causes disharmony and likely will result in civil war, famine, floods and complete collapse of Thailand's "democracy". Unless of course you're a paid lackey attacking the opposition.

    • Agree 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    Another issue with Chinese medecine is that it usually takes time and multiple visits. OP is traveling to Thailand from I think Bangladesh for a short visit. So may nto be a very practiucal option for him.Language barrier also an issue.

    Still worth a try. Doesn't have to follow through on it. Surely the same applies to a Thai quack?

  8. 6 minutes ago, carlyai said:

    Illegal wiring in Pattaya condos has been going on for years. 

    Bankok owners just visiting for a weekend, power has been disconnected, just temp. Run power for their visit.

    Condos must have such a high chance of catching on fire due to all these suspect electrical re-configutes.

    3 meters for 1 condo, equates to the mindset of the managers. Spread that over the whole condo.

    Death traps.

    Have you ever checked your fire escape, right to the outside road?

    I bet a clear path doesn't exist. Check it in the evening when the fire escape doors are locked.

    Scary. Always live on the ground floor.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    Yes a great area for walking, i usually go up the steps at Bali Hai lighthouse past the helicopter pad

    Yes, I used to but got vertigo! They're really steep. But great exercise. Can go up or down those ones then up or down the ones that go past the view point and come out further down the Bali Hai harbour road. Love it round there. Always new things to see. And Royal Cliff! I can but dream!

    • Like 1
  10. 21 hours ago, Monir087 said:

    where is the authentic location for chinese medicine. Do they really works/

    The thing is with Chinese medicine, in my experience, every patient is treated differently. The doctor examined my daughter's arms where it was worst affected. Paused and then continued her diagnosis. She wrote down the prescription, different for every case I imagine, and said no seafood, no beef, and a few other things. We went upstairs with the prescription, and the assistant collected an array of dried plants, bark, leaves, mushrooms and so on. Made up 7 packets, one per day. I had to boil the contents of each packet daily. It produced a fantastically bitter, black liquor. My daughter absolutely refused to drink it and I had to become an abusive parent for 10 minutes every day forcing it down her throat. But, it worked, and I consider, and I think she would agree now she's in her 30s, it was worth it. Tough love.


    The western steroid creams do not work in my experience .The itching is intolerable and the scratching produces bleeding and more broken skin. It's heart breaking for a parent. But, YMMV as ever. Best of luck. The doctor was Dr Luo in Soho. She wore down the BMA's resistance to her practice and she eventually became a consultant at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. World renowned children's hospital.

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