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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Keep digging in the trash, you're sure to find something to eat - eventually!
  2. Brilliant. 3 of the most discredited scientists on the planet. When will those 3 meet again, in thunder, lightning or in rain?
  3. "Vaxed people get so angry". And you just get virulent. Kind of ironic, don't you think?
  4. Cherry pick? I've commented several times in this thread. I actually said my comment could be construed as woke, not yours. Belittle you? You mean comment on your derogatory attack on another commentator? Where did I do the same as you?
  5. Your first paragraph makes no sense. Caught out without a valid explanation, as you are? I don't follow. You called somebody "thick" and when called to account, you suggest I reread what I've read so far to see how your personal attack and your use of the word is justified. Thanks, but no thanks. It's never justified.
  6. "Thick" is never correct. If you had children you'd know that. If you ever taught in a school you'd know that. Nor is "dumb". Elementary woke. You see, there is a point to it after all.
  7. "I guess you are too thick to comprehend English".... Under what heading would you put that comment? Offensive? Rude? Uncalled for? Arrogant? Gratuitous insult? Personal attack? Or, as they like to say, "ad hominem" attack? Etc etc.
  8. I just spent 9 days in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. 250,000 THB. But that was all inclusive, insurance covered. So I don't think a few thousand will cover one night. But, YMMV.
  9. Great post. In a nutshell. There are still people who claim it was a hoax. At least it's entertaining, the lengths people will go to, with their odd ball agendas. Xi and Putin were on board all along? Oh, come on!
  10. You mean my post prices nothing? Quite agree. This is a totally pointless thread. You started out by asking an interesting question and then proceeded to use it as a platform for promoting your own agenda. That's a troll.
  11. You mean arch quack Zelenko? Disowned by his own community? So not catching COVID proves what? Absolutely nothing!
  12. "Challenged the narrative"? What a joke!
  13. That's not gaslighting. I just questioned why he had it but never used it. If he thought it prevented infection, surely he would have? Gaslighting is what the anti vaxers indulge in as in the comnent several posts above concerning sheeple etc. It's as if to say, "if you disagree, it suggests to me you're a complete idiot". Or, "I'm wondering about your mental health". Several commentators, not on this thread, but I know who they are, are adept at that tactic.
  14. Then it was never used? Either for prevention or treatment? I thought it was for prevention too? Maybe you didn't trust it.
  15. Whereas we are sheeple, morons, idiots, spineless, clueless, etc etc. What a pointless argument. If you don't want the vaccines, why create hell about them? Just do as you please. The rest is just a neverending, unwinnable argument.
  16. Excellent post, thanks. I'm 74. I have afib, but that's not a major problem. Had it for about 15 years. Treated it myself for 10 then for insurance purposes, switched to medicating. Yeah, I know, sounds illogical, but ... I stayed most of the time in Pattaya which was completely deserted, so the pandemic had it's pluses! I see the WHO is once again pressing the Chinese government to release all their data on the outbreak. What chance, I wonder?
  17. Ok, maybe this is a more balanced appraisal: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35726131/ No vaccines claimed prevention, and it seems almost impossible to evaluate the prevention aspect of any drug, unless many thousands are involved and the results show unequivocal results. But all results appear to have some equivocality, so I guess the choice is anybody's to make. As it should be. Take this, or that, or nothing. I appreciate better now, that a member of any one group should not be ostracised for their decision. Jabs, pills or lifestyle. Seems some work for some, others for others. But the anti Vax approach became embroiled in conspiracy theories which just completely muddied the waters. I took my shots (partly in order to travel, partly as a form of maybe a misplaced sense of civic duty), when it was still possible, both at the beginning and end of the main pandemic. I survived 2 bouts, but now I feel strong in myself, and that's sufficient for me.
  18. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39457519/ "Conclusions: As the main finding, although Ivermectin, Chloroquine/Hydroxychloroquine, and Azithromycin might have mechanistic effects against SARS-CoV-2 infection, most phase III clinical trials observed no treatment benefit in patients with COVID-19, underscoring the need for robust phase III clinical trials." Your link is to tests conducted in 2005 against SARS Cov 2. I ask you again, and the others who advocate the use of these drugs, did you use them yourselves?
  19. Thanks, I totally agree. I think all you can rely on is your own experience of COVID. All the facts, figures, arguments, theories have become meaningless. For every hypothesis there's an antithesis, but there's no synthesis. In other words, nobody can agree.
  20. Yeah, I thought so. Just a flood of dial a denial figures. You must have used these a million times. Getting COVID wasn't the problem. It was the already immune-compromised who were at risk. You obviously weren't. Lucky you.
  21. Well, did you? Millions had to watch as their friends and family died. Because you love a good conspiracy theory (it's all just a game anyway, right?) you mock the real suffering that people endured. Fiction over fact. Maybe you'll have to face tragedy one day too.
  22. And you're alive, maybe, just MAYBE, because you're young and fit, and thanks to precautions other people took, lockdowns, curfews, masks, distancing. I guess you're not in a potentially vulnerable group either? No underlying? Where did you spend COVID? On a beach in Bali? Or in a Mumbai slum? It's ok for the privileged minority to castigate and excoriate the health authorities who were tasked with trying to manage the spread of COVID, and it's consequences, over 7 million directly attributable deaths. That was their job. And if they'd done nothing? You didn't have to watch your father slowly drown as his lungs filled with a fluid, did you?
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