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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Well, everybody's talking about WWIII, which I think is highly inappropriate. Russia has no military allies, except maybe North Korea. China's not interested. Japan and South Korea are totally western aligned, and could launch attacks in the east of Russia. Can't see any African or south American states getting involved. With the whole of Europe and the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia, new Zealand , Canada, Turkey's NATO so wouldn't have much choice, then various central Asian states who've had enough of post soviet domination, that's a lot of fire power. India? Forget it! And as for nuclear, I never believed Putin's threats. MAD. Hardly a world war. I can't see Putin taking on that lot. His army's and armaments almost exhausted. Now would be a good time to kick his butt to hell.
  2. Nah. Just looking at various scenarios. I'm fascinated to see how this plays out now. Sure, I was incensed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine but now? What can I do? Let the European politicians deal with Putin.
  3. And the Baltic countries who have been screaming at the rest of the EU since way before this war broke out about the Russian threat to their borders. They suffered under soviet communism like central Europe. Fortunately their memories are longer than Hungary's, for instance.
  4. Their western borders were already secure. This is just a land grab and total destruction of Ukraine. Securing their borders my ass. And what was Medvedev shouting about recently? The whole of Ukraine is Russian? Anybody that cant read Putin's real intentions is blind. Expansion and control. Europe is paralysed with fear. Caught in the headlights. Terrified, in short. The most shocking post WWII capitulation to the old soviet bloc.
  5. Met a girl last night who lost her baby after her Thai bf punched her in the stomach. The most the girls can hope for is a no show.
  6. Wow. That's some encroachment. Forget about a couple of steps and kickbacks, or kicks in the back.
  7. So where will they stop Russia? Calais?
  8. They've been outed along with every land office in the country. Nice little earner with backhanders galore. Now the wheels have all come off and for foreigners, it's man the lifeboats. We're going down! Apologies for the mixed metaphor.
  9. What gives you that impression? Sunak? Huh? Leyden? Seriously? Seems like you have the mentality, not them. Pure projection. They wouldn't even send troops or air cover to Ukraine let alone nuclear weapons. Never called Nukin's bluff. Now he's rehearsed for a full on European invasion.
  10. What is the advertised and actual bandwidth provided by AIS?
  11. Despite 3 of them not having any nuclear weapons?
  12. Yeah, vent their frustration on a foreigner. Next time, it might be you. See it everywhere. First, blame the immigrants. Same in your country, same in mine. But it doesn't make any difference. At first, I was against him. You can read my comments. But now this. Sorry, but the moral outrage is totally fake.
  13. No jury trials in Thailand. Too many people to bribe.
  14. I'm free to leave any time I like.
  15. Unbelievable hypocrisy. One foreigner in a fit of pique puts a foot wrong and the whole of Thailand yells for blood, never mind his Thai wife exploding in a foul mouthed rant. Meanwhile brutal domestic violence goes unchecked, teenagers roam the streets gunning each other down, land titles are issued according to size of accompanying wad, people have their lives destroyed by drunk drivers, illegal logging, human trafficking, scam call centres are flourishing, and fleeing little shxt parties on abroad after running over, dragging and abandoning dead cop goes unpunished thanks to broken justice system etc etc etc. Shame on you! Mob mentality. Back to sleep you go.
  16. And how many of them would you say might launch a nuclear attack?
  17. How can a 1 way be an improvement when nobody takes any notice of it? And I always used to enter from Beach Rd. What makes you think most entered from 2nd Rd?
  18. The one-way system(s) is a complete shambles. At night all roads pretty much revert to 2 way. No police. No checks. And no sign of any work commencing. Where's the plan, City Hall?
  19. Request to moderator. Could this be moved to a more suitable forum? Maybe just Pattaya and Jomtien general topics?
  20. When you say "working fine" do you mean only one way traffic?
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