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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. I don't think it's a quick death, whatever chemical you use. Months maybe. You'll be taking out a home for a lot of unseen fauna too. What species of tree is it? Have you thought about cutting it back? Or having it cut back?
  2. 3 onto 1. Usual Thai style. And head stomping. They're security. They're not supposed to beat up customers. Restrain, yes. They've put this guy in hospital. Criminal charges should follow. If they're not trained properly, they're just dangerous thugs.
  3. And new fingers and new face.
  4. They would never have a majority in parliament nor anything like it. They would need to align with PT to really be a force in Thai politics. Then they could dispense with BJT, the Dems and all the old conservative military aligned parties.
  5. Be careful what you hope for. The Shins are far preferable to the military. You may not like them but ....
  6. I was recently contacted by Nationwide as I haven't touched my UK account in years. I explained I had moved abroad but they weren't interested. They still had a UK mailing address for me and that's all that seemed to matter. I'd forgotten all my login details but eventually managed to log in and discovered I had a very small amount in the account. But now they've started emailing me again about the absence of any activity on my account. I guess I'll take the money out or top it up just to keep them happy.
  7. Yes, I've already responded to that.
  8. Point taken. I've tried to unravel it further down.
  9. Seems I've misrepresented the facts of the case here. Initially, Parichat and her husband were involved, with them being conned into illegally entering Cambodia and her opening a (Thai?) bank account for which she was paid 3,500 THB. Why travel to Cambodia to do that? How do you open a Thai bank account from Cambodia? Why the elaborate sting with fake offices etc? What were the 20 Thais doing there? The beauty queen runner up was then conned into transferring millions of THB into Parichart's account by somebody impersonating a DSI representative claiming there were suspicious transactions on her account, but if she shelled out 4m THB everything would be ok and she would get the money back eventually, but never did. So she goes to the police. Right?
  10. 2 arrests for illegal entry, 9 overstays, 4 red notices, 5 drug busts, 79 scammers. Evenin' all.
  11. All these out of control crazies. Just use a tranquilizer dart and a lasso. Lasso first for restraint, then dart. Then it's a cup of water and rice porridge when you wake up the next morning in chokey, and on yer bike.
  12. He's right in a way. But what about his daughter skipping PMQT? Prime minister's question time? She's delegated a while posse of deputy PM's to handle the barrage of questions. She's obviously not up to it. At least Srettha was able to act like a PM and take questions. On her own she's hopelessly vulnerable and out of her depth.
  13. A bare bones Android TV box without any mods is surely legal. But once a streaming package is added, usually costing an annual sub, then I guess it gets iffy. The answer is, don't sell bundled software with the hardware
  14. All it does for me is to shine a spotlight on the increasing stupidity of the victims. At what point does an enormous red flag not get raised, causing you to figure something looks just a little sus? Illegal entry into Cambodia? Opening a mule account? Forcing you to transfer millions? Are these every day activities?
  15. What registration department, where?
  16. Police cracking down on crime? What will they come up with next?
  17. I never thought of it!
  18. Well, spider, I guess you can't please all of the people all of the time. The advances China has made in the last 30 years are spectacular, but, as you say, the CCP remains rooted in control and the continuation of their hold on power. But in a country of 1.6 billion, what are the alternatives? Democracy? The country would grind to a halt. Above all else I believe the Chinese love their country, and so sacrificing some personal liberties, abhorrent to us in the West, is not such a big deal there. China first!
  19. Brian Thompson seems to have paid the price for his company's perceived refusal to pay out on numerous occasions. Anger is finally boiling over. "Deny", "Defend", "Depose", "Prior authorisation". https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cm2eeeep0npo
  20. Yes, as you say, maybe. It's a risky business, insurance!
  21. I couldn't find an entity in Thailand willing to basically launder their money. I'm sure there are ways, but neither I nor the buyers were able to find one.
  22. She was a very nice, very well educated, and presumably very well heeled, woman but married. I used to encounter her and her friend in the sauna in Sands Spa bottom of Soi 5 Pratamnak. Stopped going there some time ago.
  23. I have afib (irregular heartbeat) and wrlife put a 2 year moratorium on it. Right now, I'm completely covered. Age 74.
  24. I had Chinese buyers interested in my house when I was selling a few years ago. But getting money out of China was almost impossible. I had contacts in Dubai and Hong Kong. Even for them, it was an extremely dodgy affair and neither would touch it.
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