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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. I came across the Monty Python sketch recently, where the agent is explaining the policy the customer bought is the "Never Pay Out" policy. Hilarious. https://youtu.be/2n3M-0JDTCI?si=SuOukA8wb5-JU0VF
  2. I met a Russian lady who has 3 daughters all at school. Costs her 1.5 million pa. But of course there are many other benefits, as you say.
  3. MAGA - Member, Arse Gropers Anonymous.
  4. I heard the Scots store it in the bottom of a chest of drawers and cut a slice when peckish. Also, is it true that haggis is best served slow, left arm over?
  5. Don't patronise me. What is a mobile phone photo of a TV broadcast doing in a BBC news article? And you know perfectly well my comment was directed at the photo, not the MP. Troll.
  6. No, the image was taken from social media. It wasn't a BBC original. Why the heck they published it I've no idea. Look at the quality of the image. It's a complete mess.
  7. My question too. My bank a few days ago blocked 2 payments centres I was being directed to.
  8. It's fake. End of. It's been inserted into the BBC news item. There's no way that is the original.
  9. High carbs in oatmeal, get turned into sugar.
  10. That's pretty obviously an AI image. Look at the left hand. 2 fingers attached to an arm that looks like a piece of chicken. An unrecognisable mash up.
  11. Seems the data is there in the immigration database. Just needs somebody to run a few queries on it, and they'll get a set of all the overstayers. Surely not that difficult if the data is up to date and reliable.
  12. True. Somebody in the western medical world decided msg was not good for you, and it's stayed that way ever since. It's just umami, the Japanese 5th taste.
  13. I smell trouble. She wants "a more detailed legal review of the program". Activists filing a complaint?
  14. Thailand just forcibly repatriated 5 Cambodian activists. How does that sit with the UNHCR?
  15. 4 billion pa is roughly a pack a week for every Thai. I never knew there was a World Instant Noodle Association.
  16. And what of the 27 non Thai fishermen working as slaves presumably on the Thai boat? 31 seems a large crew for a fishing boat.
  17. Not sure how 100 people can lose 100 million THB on an airline booking website.
  18. Damaged the front bumper? That's putting it mildly. But what a story. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
  19. Sorry, I don't know who or what he did.
  20. Gaslighting. More stock in trade for anti left repomen.
  21. No, Putin did.
  22. Accused of, amongst other things "fiddling with computer systems using bogus or warped data." No mention of any specifics except maybe dodgy "foreign coins".
  23. From AI Overview on Google, "Who gets tattoos" Demographics In the United States, 32% of adults have a tattoo, including: Gender: 38% of women have a tattoo, compared to 27% of men Race and ethnicity: 39% of Black Americans have a tattoo, compared to 35% of Hispanic, 32% of White, and 14% of Asian Americans Age: 41% of those under 30 have a tattoo, as do 46% of those ages 30 to 49 Seems there's not much to distinguish between over a third of American citizens and the average Thai bar girl when it comes to tattoos. Your academics need to get inked!
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