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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. A bit off topic , but I'm sure everyone will agree that Thailand,especially Phuket , has lost its sparkle .Phuket was once a beautiful island. Also the locals were always friendly and helpful. I spent years in Kata, and moved to Patong because of the taxi / tuc tuc rip offs that were stopping me moving about as I wish. Then that got bad too, so another move. Tourists are more savvy today, read up on the internet about all the tourist scams. Also, the world economy is bad. Europeans are taking less holidays, and staying closer to home. There's also the terrorist problem that is scaring people away from travelling far. Thailand has become much more expensive, and there are lots of good holiday destinations on everyone's list. Now you have the Chinese mass tourism to replace the " regulars". Then there's the bad publicity and reputation that Thailand is getting , bus/tour bus/ fatal accidents every day, attacks on tourists and scams. I'm quite sure the golden days of Thailand are over.

    Popular places frequented by seasonal tourists always suffer in the off seasons, however there are many districts where entertainment of all types are a constant. These place mostly lack foreign tourists, but have a become a vibrant local tourist destination which greatly encourages local business's to cater for them and so the town is never short of visitors including FIFO foreigners. The key to looking for these towns that cater for all even in the low season is to know where there is a decent expat population, which very much encourages reasonable and relatively inexpensive watering holes for that group. For example in Songkhla Province there are oil companies and supporting service organizations that employ many expats, some who work of shore and others on base and they provide local expats an opportunity to frequent or open entertainment bars and restaurants along with the eye candy. I've lived in many towns in Thailand and came to realize that the major centres, Phuket, Pattaya, Chang mai are too expensive and too seasonal for my small income. I believe there are better places to live than those towns.

  2. Too busy designing a new intrusive form for foreigners in Phuket to complete ?

    The recently introduced form here in Phuket contains three pages to be completed but at this stage only people extending their exemption extension or tourist visa, i.e not for any long term visa holders.

    I'm told that the volunteers there are refusing to complete the forms for any visitor, English speaking or otherwise, and apart from handing out the forms tell the visitor to take it with their application to a Thai officer. Just imagine the chaos in the coming high season starting around October. gigglem.gif

  3. Some people just do not understand that what is acceptable in Europe is unacceptable here.

    Why do tourists not check up on local customs etc before they travel?

    Absolutely correct. I studied fine Art at a recognised university in Australia 58 years ago.The class had nude models, male and female, for the students to engage in drawing the most difficult subject in art. The human body. Men and women models posed for the class, not all at once I hasten to add but human anatomy is a subject that must be understood by any budding fine artist. Recently I have continued my interest in Life Art but the response I get from many, when looking for suitable models, including foreigners, is one of horror. Michelangelo and Leonardo di Vinci were artists who led the art world in this art subject 400-500 years ago, plus many others in proceeding centuries. Recently in a discussion with a few Thai woman with their spouse's I posed a question, 'had they not ever seen a nude woman other than themselves? No, No, most almost reeled back in horror. Never. Never! they shook her heads.

    I'm lost for words. Thailand is a nation of contradictions. Sex opportunities for the erotic minded are boundless but narrow mindedness regarding the beauty of the art world for the majority is endemic. Thailand is still living in the dark ages.

  4. Most immigration offices will not provide an extension until during the last 30 days that 90 the Visa will permit but nothing will be lost by asking.

    If you are planning to return to Thailand before the 90 days expires you could protect the "O" visa entry with a reentry permit and apply for the extension on your return.

    Edit typo

    You cannot apply for an extension of any kind if you have are within the 90 days of an extension beyond the 'enter before date'. One day before maybe depending on the compassion of the Thai officer you deal with. however this maybe differ for some of the immigration offices in the 6 provinces of Thailand.

  5. I applied for a replacement pp at the embassy 10 days ago, I told the girl I didn't want to travel back to collect it. She therefore cut half the front cover off and let me take existing one home. The new one came yesterday, ems, quicker than she told me, 2?weeks.

    I can't answer your question about travelling on the 'cut' pp.

    If a cancelled Passport has a current Thai visa or re-entry permit they are still accepted by Thai Immigration on arrival toThailand provided you have a current passport.(new/old) with you (some people have 2 PP's). For example if you received a new passport in your home country while on holidays your entry to Thailand is unhindered.

  6. I wish the Doctor well, but sadly I don't like his chances. I attempted to raise the interest for this serious problem with Rotary in Patong three or four years ago. My plea fell on deaf ears even amongst some foreign retired professional medical professionals but for good reason. The problem of helping people in desperate need of support is tenfold. e.g.

    How do you get a HELP telephone line started, funded, managed 24/7 and with medically trained helpers?

    Where would on-going support facilities be located and with funding if needed?

    The awareness of a HELP line also requires support from the hotels including HELP line 'notices' that can be put in either rooms, lobbies, or hotel room pamphlets. And who would fund that effort?

    And last but certainly not least, Volunteers in Thailand require Work Permits these days and need to reapply every 90 days for an extension. This is a relatively recent requirement by Thai Immigration and would easily put off aspiring volunteers who would not want to give up their Long Term visa extensions.

  7. The man on the left of the picture is the only Swede in the group as far as I know. He's been doing that job for over 10 years and has a reputation of being very helpful and courteous. I would be most surprised if he was otherwise.

    Phuket Immigration Volunteers (PIV)

    Phuket immigration volunteers (PIV)



    Phuket Immigration Volunteers (PIV)
  8. Nothing happens to them.

    I know 3 girls who have been raped.

    One just a month ago by an American working as an English teacher at a language institute.

    Asked why she didn't go to the police , she said people will look down on her.

    I said that if he did it to her , he will probably do to others.

    "Yes" she said and told me that she believed he had.

    If he reads this I hope he wakes up, quits his job and leaves the country.

    I sincerely hope you encouraged the young lady to report him to the police. And what happened to the other 2 girls you mentioned? This guy should be locked up.

  9. I believe these applications are outsourced to a Thai agency in Bangkok. Not staffed or managed by Australians as one would expect. When we applied we got the same as you, 3 months. After the application was approved a Thai man from their office called my wife on the phone and said, "You come back! You come back! You don't stay long time! You get on plane!" LOL

    Spot on. I applied for a visa for my lady, after signing a required form if I wanted to act on her behalf in the application. I was called as was my wife by a Thai officer and asked a few questions.

    In my letter I outlined the flight details and days of travel most convenient for us and my family in Australia. Not long after my wife received a letter, application approved, but the dates of entry and departure the visa could be utilised were completely different to those I had submitted. I rang the agency, could we go on the dates I had informed them in my letter? "yes, but just make another application and payment first please."

    I didn't bother but it is obvious that writing a letter to the agency and expecting all to go well is a waste of time.

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