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Posts posted by falangUK

  1. You need a colour copy of ever page in your passport--my advice is to get them done where you are--not cheap by the way. Same for your photos--dont you need someone to sign one confirming they know you?

    Dont forget you need to print a copy of your appointment letter.

    Thanks maccraw :),

    I got "all" the printouts today but forgot about the appointment letter! :) You are an absolute lifesaver!

    Will get the colour copies done from here. I think its about 10 Baht per page.

    dont you need someone to sign one confirming they know you? No, because this is a simple renewal, and the current PP is not damaged.

    Thanks again :)


  2. Hi all smile.png,

    Submitting next week, just to make sure that' I've go all the docs etc, to avoid a 1400 km return trip to Chiang Mai

    1. Proof of address (translated residency cert from immigration/ backup- letter from Ed visa school)

    2. Cover letter explaining the missing Naturalisation cert

    3. photo evidence - PP and DL as backup

    Should I include anything else ? (apart from 1. colour copies of the PP, 2. applicatoin form 3. Payment form,)

    Anyone been requested for any unlisted documents? (as they did 6 years ago at the Home Office in the UK, when I submitted my application for PR - with a t£1000 premium appointment sad.png , I guess a demand to see the minister incharge would not go so well at Trendy)

    Your old passport should be fine for photo ID and you need one item which is less than one year old for confirmation of name at an address in Thailand.

    Colour copies of the passport should be for every page.

    Covering letter for lost naturalisation certificate?

    Don't forget the photos.

    How do you plan to pay?

    Thanks digitalchromakey smile.png,

    1. Using a translated certificate of residence from immigration as proof of address

    2. For colour copies of the passport, I am hoping to use the shop located at trendy (is there one?), or should I take from here (Chiang Mai?)

    3. Photos, hoping to use the shop at Trendy,

    4 Paying by credit card (using the payment form), issued in the UK

    Covering letter for lost naturalisation certificate? This is Only for people who were not born in the UK smile.png my cert is in the UK sad.png

    Ok, looks like what you have lined up so far is fine.

    However, why leave anything to chance?

    Better surely to get all your ducks lined up well in advance of your appointment. That day could be the day when they are repainting the photography studio and/or copy shop, or the manager has closed down for a few days, or maybe they went out of business the week before - you never know.

    Some one recommended a photography studio in Chiang Mai just a few pages ago on this thread..


    Thanks digitalchromakey :),

    My appointment is on Tuesday, I will reach BKK on Sunday :) , staying at a hotel near Trendy :) will go there on Monday (or maybe sunday) and check out the studio for pics. I visited today, the shop here in Chiang Mai, but they looked very confused when I mentioned photos for UK passports :), also I didn't get the feeling that they were going to let me measure the pics for the specification.

    on second thoughts, I think, I will pop back in tomorrow, and get the pics sorted in chiang mai (now that I have the specification printed), and also the colour photocopies of the PP (hopefully Thai photocopy machines would do the trick :))

  3. I was advised that the confirmation of address should be a letter from the Uk to your stated Thai address--sent from eg a bank or credit card or any "official" UK site. I had a bank statement and a bookmaking firms letter.They are pernickety about photos--not at Trendy but at Lierpool--I was asked to replace mine.

    Thanks Maccraw,

    As backup I have a letter from my bank, addressed (partially) to me in Thailand.

    I am hoping, the residence certificate from immigration will do the trick smile.png

  4. Hi all smile.png,

    Submitting next week, just to make sure that' I've go all the docs etc, to avoid a 1400 km return trip to Chiang Mai

    1. Proof of address (translated residency cert from immigration/ backup- letter from Ed visa school)

    2. Cover letter explaining the missing Naturalisation cert

    3. photo evidence - PP and DL as backup

    Should I include anything else ? (apart from 1. colour copies of the PP, 2. applicatoin form 3. Payment form,)

    Anyone been requested for any unlisted documents? (as they did 6 years ago at the Home Office in the UK, when I submitted my application for PR - with a t£1000 premium appointment sad.png , I guess a demand to see the minister incharge would not go so well at Trendy)

    Your old passport should be fine for photo ID and you need one item which is less than one year old for confirmation of name at an address in Thailand.

    Colour copies of the passport should be for every page.

    Covering letter for lost naturalisation certificate?

    Don't forget the photos.

    How do you plan to pay?

    Thanks digitalchromakey :),

    1. Using a translated certificate of residence from immigration as proof of address

    2. For colour copies of the passport, I am hoping to use the shop located at trendy (is there one?), or should I take from here (Chiang Mai?)

    3. Photos, hoping to use the shop at Trendy,

    4 Paying by credit card (using the payment form), issued in the UK

    Covering letter for lost naturalisation certificate? This is Only for people who were not born in the UK :) my cert is in the UK :(

  5. Hi all :),

    Submitting next week, just to make sure that' I've go all the docs etc, to avoid a 1400 km return trip to Chiang Mai

    1. Proof of address (translated residency cert from immigration/ backup- letter from Ed visa school)

    2. Cover letter explaining the missing Naturalisation cert

    3. photo evidence - PP and DL as backup

    Should I include anything else ? (apart from 1. colour copies of the PP, 2. applicatoin form 3. Payment form,)

    Anyone been requested for any unlisted documents? (as they did 6 years ago at the Home Office in the UK, when I submitted my application for PR - with a t£1000 premium appointment :( , I guess a demand to see the minister incharge would not go so well at Trendy)

  6. Well here is some more information i would like to share with everybody.. I was sent my Embassy letter via email they just scanned it as i requested taken around a day to be done ..

    Next it has taken just over a week for supporting documents to come back to trendy house .. Am not best pleased with the whole service we have been given and have made my voice known to people higher up the ladder about everything even how vfs global deal with everything abroad .. It also amazes me how they sign for stuff so important and where some security flaws could be exploited ...

    I will keep people posted with how things come on .

    Next it has taken just over a week for supporting documents to come back to trendy house . >> According to an official in Liverpool, they never send original documents to Liverpool, only copies. Originals are kept at Trendy.

  7. Has anyone travelled using an ETD? and come back to Thailand?
    Currently I am on Ed Visa, travel will be during the first immigration extension. but the passport will not be usable for international travel, since it would have been sent for renewal.

    1. will I be able to come back to Thailand using an ETD? I will be going to Sri Lanka (According to FCO, Sri Lanka, allow travel to and from using an ETD).

    2. What will happen to my current Ed Visa (extension)? if the Thai immigration allow me me come back, the will that be on a 30 day on arrival stamp? or will my Ed visa still be valid (of course I will take a reEntry permit, if that's possible on an ETD)?

    3. Can I apply for and receive an ETD from the British Embassy in Chiang Mai?

    Thanks in advance for any experience or advice you might be able to share.
    Best regards,

  8. I am renewing my sons UK passport at Trendy.

    How soon are appointments for submitting the application? Can I select dates in the coming week or is there a wait-list of a few weeks?

    Does he have to attend personally? Or can I submit by myself? He is 6 years old.

    What do they accept for 'Name and address and/or residency evidence'? Will a residence certificate as issued by a Thai Immigration office be accepted?

    Err .. The lead time on the appointments was / is around 4 weeks, and at 4 weeks your sure not to get the time / day you ask for.

    Sent for appointment on 1st October got appointment on the first day I asked for on 24th October

    That's great ! .. I have just been through the whole process, I started my requests giving them a 3 week lead for a Monday and every Monday after and ended up with the Friday after the last Monday ( 5 weeks ) after I applied .. The application was before a long weekend so my application was put in the out tray until Tuesday if the following week.

    If trendy could have processed the request in 3 weeks it wouldn't have put me in a position where I had to plead with immigration to extend my non-o for 1,900b.

    was the extension for an ED visa? did they refuse to let you extend on the old PP?

  9. My Passport is finished in 6 months, when should I be going to Bangkok?

    Do I still have to apply in person and pick it up in person?

    Can I use my yellow book as proof of residence?

    1. Email them today!, for an appointment, they will give you probably beginning of next month.

    2. YES/NO

    3. No idea

    But if I were you, I would get it done ASAP considering the delays, it will take atleast 9-10 weeks to get the new PP :(

  10. Cheers Delboy :) This is most useful :)

    I will head over to the shop and get it done today :)

    BTW, when you said it was accepted in Liverpool, that was recently, for the new (submit at Trendy) application right? :)

    I got my photos done in the Digital Photo shop on the 3rd floor of the Airport Plaza in Chiang Mai, near the 3BB shop. The guy has a selection of photo sizes to choose from and a ruler so that you can measure them to see which one will satisfy HMPO. He asked if I wanted the photo photoshopped, and I said no and I chose the white background. 70 Baht for 4 photos. Accepted in Liverpool.

  11. Thanks digitalchromakey, smile.png Absolutely smile.png I was planning on going there 1 day before the appointment (I am yet to ask for an appointment, just collecting all the documents) for

    1. Photos - they at Ground floor Trendy, might have a higher success rate than if I were to take photos from a shop here in Chiang Mai

    2. Translations (Letter from my language school- Ed visa School smile.png + Residence certificate)

    Thanks again smile.png


    Huh .. You attend a language school and you are paying for something translated ??

    Why not get a letter on headed notepaper in English from the school saying Mr. Faranguk is studying Thai at are great school from x until y dates, we can confirm he lives at z, best regards Ed-visa language school .. Then get it stamped by the school with one of those stamps Thai companies love:

    Job done and a lot cheaper than a translation service.

    LOL :) Thanks recom273 :)

    That's exactly what I was thinking :), they issued the letter in 2 stages

    1. without my address in it :(, letter is in Thai

    2. with my address but the letter is still in Thai

    the next step will be to get a letter as you have suggested in English

    so this is a Kaizen process :)

    You attend a language school and you are paying for something translated ??

    LOL, have you met anyone from Walan School of .... ? I joined (Not walen!) 2 months ago, some of my classmates are still struggling with the Thai alphabet (reading level 1, even though we are studying at Level 8) after 2 years of studying :).

    I could translate but I will have to forge the Beautiful official stamp :) so I am going to chat the principal up again this time, anyway she was so nice about the previous 2 letters :)

    Emailed the appointments Coldline, hopefully I will get an appointment some time next week :)

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Has any body used the Photographic service at Trendy and is it ok to wait till renewal before getting pictures taken there

    It's a photo shop at the ground floor of trendy towers on the RHS as you go in, nothing to do with trendy/HMPO.

    A couple of posters used the service and had no specific problems.

    Specific advice is available on photos at the following HMPO link.


    Probably much better to have your ducks all nicely lined up in advance - less stress.

    HI again smile.png,

    Can anyone please confirm that it's still OK to use the shop at "the ground floor of trendy towers on the RHS"

    Thanks smile.png

    Again, why leave it to the last minute and chance?

    Surely it is much better to get this important matter properly sorted prior to you visit.

    The photo shop in trendy towers is nothing to do with trendy or HMPO, they just happen to be in the same building.

    Thanks digitalchromakey, smile.png Absolutely smile.png I was planning on going there 1 day before the appointment (I am yet to ask for an appointment, just collecting all the documents) for

    1. Photos - they at Ground floor Trendy, might have a higher success rate than if I were to take photos from a shop here in Chiang Mai

    2. Translations (Letter from my language school- Ed visa School smile.png + Residence certificate)

    Thanks again smile.png


  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Has any body used the Photographic service at Trendy and is it ok to wait till renewal before getting pictures taken there

    It's a photo shop at the ground floor of trendy towers on the RHS as you go in, nothing to do with trendy/HMPO.

    A couple of posters used the service and had no specific problems.

    Specific advice is available on photos at the following HMPO link.


    Probably much better to have your ducks all nicely lined up in advance - less stress.

    HI again :),

    Can anyone please confirm that it's still OK to use the shop at "the ground floor of trendy towers on the RHS"

    Thanks :)

  14. Thanks smileplur :), such a constructive and useful post :)

    I will definitely report back.

    If I may ask a couple of clarifying questions...

    In the statement below, are you referring to an estate agent ? Or are there such people who would locate condos for a fee.

    “Tell the man you will give him 20 baht for each apartment he shows you that is within the parameters of your search. Offer an additional amount if you find and move into an apartment. 300-500 baht should do the trick.”


    It is quite easy to find a reasonable apartment to live in for under 4,000 a month. I rent a two bedroom, two bath townhouse for 6,000 baht a month. Some people living in my area stay around the corner in rooms that are 2,500 - 3,0000 per month. This is in the On Nut area of Bangkok, but these cheap rooms exist all over the city. You should probably tell us where you want to be in the city; otherwise, you aren't likely to get any specific information. So, that answers your question. It is possible. They are located all over the city. Some of them are nicer than others, but I have no idea what your standards are.

    As for the swimming pool, I pretty much think it is safe to say that having one is out of the question with the limited cash you are bringing to the table. If you really want to go swimming, you could use one of the many public facilities around the city. Some places will allow you to use their pool for a small. The aforementioned Ratchaparop Tower Mansion allows this. I believe the price was 60 baht for a day of lounging by the pool.

    The biggest obstaclt you are going to encounter is the fact hat you only want it for one month. While you didn't state explicitly, your writing leads me to believe that you want to rent the room for the duration of only ONE month. That's a problem, as most will want a longer commitment. 1 year is the most common. 6 months is mentioned sometimes. However, when the duration of the rental contract gets smaller, the price becomes larger.

    These places generally haven't got any kind of Internet presence, so you are only going to find them by hitting the pavement. Walking around searching for a room in Bangkok us less than ideal. A friend offered me this advice a long time ago which I find to be helpful. To find this mystery place, you must:

    1) Choose a location. Bangkok is a massive city.

    2) Go to the chosen destination

    3) Make a deal with the devil ... Kidding of course ... You do have to make a deal. Tell the man you will give him 20 baht for each apartment he shows you that is within the parameters of your search. Offer an additional amount if you find and move into an apartment. 300-500 baht should do the trick.

    So, get out there and hit the streets. Good luck to you! Please report back and let us know how you went about finding the room, what kind of rent you are paying, etc. All too often, people come to this forum, ask questions, get advice, and then fail to retun to update their thread. This becomes painfully evident when you attempt to use the search function.

  15. Be very careful with the cheap ones, they do not give anesthetics. Took my girlfriend to a place near Ratburana, but endedup in a mess. No anesthetic , had to get a prescription from the ignorant dentist (they assured she was not trained in the Philippines but in Thailand !) to buy morphine painkillers from Bangkok international hospital. Ended up costing a fortune !!!

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