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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. The big question is :- Do Thai's drink too much? Answer :- probably

    Will the new rules make a difference ?? Answer :- unlikely

    In the village I lived in the 2 biggest shops selling everything including alcohol were close to the 2 schools and are we surprised by this. If I wanted to open a shop in a village close to the school would be the perfect place.

    New Rules.

    Hmmm If we want to buy booze in Thailand there will always be someone willing to sell it, even if the shop is closed. The only way to reduce consumption

    is to put the price up.

    A bottle of whisky, coke and soda costs very little, less than 500 baht, if it cost 1200 baht that would slow down the drinking or make Farang poor

  2. what's this 'inactive posts' BS? anyway very best wishes for those girls locked into a life of misery

    Chances are those girls are ruing being caught by the police. They were not slaves, and they were earning money.

    Sad situation, yes. But "traficked"...I doubt it.

    I used to live in Udon Thani and the bars had "lots" of Lao boys and girls working. They all pop home every 3 months to

    visit family.

  3. Yes, they should investigate every lead, but just because they didn't review the CCTV footage it doesn't mean they didn't.

    They collected the footage, so evidently they checked out the pier but for some reason didn't consider it worthwhile to review the footage from the cameras, maybe they just established that no boats left from the pier during that time by interviewing people there; it's up to the defense to ask for the reasons behind that decision and see if they stand up to scrutiny.

    AleG asserts: ".....but just because they didn't review the CCTV footage it doesn't mean they didn't."

    Boomers; I would ask you to explain that assertion, but I'm not into self-affliction this morning. coffee1.gif

    The police job is to investigate everything, protect the evidence and bring the accused to court. It is not there job to withhold information and ALL the CCTV film should be made available not just the bits that fit their story.

    I just have to ask the question " if you had just murdered someone and were going to rape the girlfriend why would you use a

    condom? "OK I would use a condom to contain DNA evidence, then throw it on the beach!!!!!!!"

    Try an alternative thought :- Saw girl in bar decided to have sex with her so followed her to beach put condom on and started to rape her then boy comes along so I have to deal with him and he dies. My friends hold girl and when finished dealing with boy we kill her. In the meantime the condom falls off small cock.

    My friends the police edit the CCTV film and job done.

  4. This is a very good decision since coup government taken charge, probably 100-150 meters away from schools and universities is OK. Earlier governments were funded by drinks manufacturers who wants a free flow (wind fall?) sale!

    Big trouble will be 7-11s operating there. Anyhow regular drinkers can walk little bit more to get it from next shop, will be a good exercise too.

    There is a 7/11 in Udon Thani opposite the High School they just do not sell booze

  5. There is an ongoing problem all over the world with people fleeing poverty. The Muslims in Myanmar must bare some responsibility for the problems they face. Their situation is not dissimular to the separtists in the South of Thailand, in that they want to creat an Islamic state within the host country.

    If Islam spent it's wealth on creation rather than destruction there would be far fewer refugees in the world.

    As an example look at the middle east. Their imcombe per person is vast but what do they make. Yes they produce oil but even that uses foreign labour.

    They do not have any industry and so having nothing to do they creat conflicts.

  6. I voted 'yes', but actually, I think they should just kick them out. Setting up shop in a coffee house or anywhere else, is just plain wrong.

    Every few months I have to make an inconvenient trip into the heart of BKK for a routine medical appointment. I usually stop at the nearby McDonald's and get a quick bite to eat before going and once in a while I go back after for a cup of coffee. On numerous occasions I have been unable to find a place to sit because of freeloaders, many of whom are sitting there when I arrive and still their well over 2 hours later when I am finished.

    If you want to have a business meeting, then do it in an office. If you want to

    tutor students, then do it in a classroom. If you want to have a coffee and a snack, that is what these places are for.

    It is difficult to chuck customers out. Most of the problem is caused by students. A group of 6 arrive they buy 3 coffee's and sit all day. Solution turn the Wi fi off.

  7. Good. But why can't Thais set up a sting to nail a few Thai bankers and Thai Mr. Bigs? Instead, they endlessly bust these small time dealers and relish the photo ops/ Makes Thais look like asses to continuously bust small time dealers with nothing more up the food chain.

    Same all over the world. The last banking crisis directly caused by lieing cheating bankers, how many in jail?

    AND we end up paying the fines.

    Then the ass falls out the stock markets so they get smaller bonuses (note:- not NO bonus) then the market recovers and they earn fortunes coz their clever.

    Nothing to do with the fact that a 5 year old can make money in a recovering market.

  8. Im against the death penalty but I wouldnt mind if this Kamrul animal becomes dispatched to hell ASAP.

    They beat him with an iron bar for 30 minutes and laughed while they did it.

    When they arrested the one in Jeddeh he cryed.

    There were about 6 men involved and the sentence should be 50 lashes every day for a year followed by beheading with a blunt knife.

  9. "He instructed Isoc Region 4 Front Command to speedily resolve the situation, provide aid to the affected and beef up security in the region, Pramote said."

    Just for once I'd like to read a headline along the lines of "Motorcycle Carrying Bombs Detained at Police Checkpoint", or "Bomb Manufacturing House Raided, 6 Arrested".

    All this "beefing up" of security seems to do nothing.

    If Thailand had a shorter tail going south how would it affect the rest of the country????

    I suspect the result would be a huge saving in police and army budgets also saving about 500 lives.

    Cut the South off, let them be independent BUT make it clear that the killing stops or they will be declaring war.

  10. I keep saying the same thing :- give them the southern provencies and creat a border. Cut off ALL utilities and remove ALL police and army.

    Any Thai's who do not wish to stay can be re homed and any Thai Muslims who wish to stay in Thailand

    should be welcome.

    After the separation any aggression will be considered an act of war.

    The alturnative is to carry on being killed and maimed by these animals.

  11. As ever there's the very ' minor ' matter of enforcement by the govt, the agencies involved and the courts.

    it doesn't matter how many laws are on the books and how severe the penalties if they are only applied selectively, if at all.

    Got to agree with that.

    Execution exists for drug dealers but when is it ever enforced?

    Oh blast I,ve just been out and invested in 5000 tons of charcoal and there may not be any bodies to deal with.

  12. I have not seen any discussion of the testimony of Dr. Chasit Yoohad as reported in http://bigstory.ap.org/urn:publicid:ap.org:eab0f9d26be242048e4dae7a83a9334e.

    A second witness, Dr. Chasit Yoohad, gave testimony about his examination of the victims' bodies. He said he also performed a medical checkup of the two accused, and found them in good health. He said he asked through a translator if they had committed the crime, and they replied that they had.

    This strikes me as strange. Why would the doctor be interrogating the Burmese? Of course, if the doctor was part of a frame up, the testimony is extremely convenient. It also does not state when this examination of the Burmese took place. I assume the translator was the pancake seller who has been accused of participating in the torture of the two accused. Even if the doctor's interrogation was carried out fairly, the two Burmese kids would probably not have dared risk renewed torture by claiming innocence. Further, how does anyone know that questions and answers from the pancake seller were correct translations?

    Will the "translator" give evidence at the trial? Should this claim of the Burmese admission of guilt be regarded as hearsay if he does not?

    Do the RTP not have recording equipment ?

  13. Failed brakes are said to be cause of the accident,

    Nothing to do with excessive speed then?

    They really can't take responsibility for anything, can they.


    Disgusting cultural trait.

    Brakes can indeed fail. Not just in this country. Tires blow and many other technical problems are causing accidents worldwide.

    It seems that the driver had some issues with the brakes and crashed into another tram.I don't think that such an accident is wanted.

    He stated among the tram’s motorists lost control because of an issue with the vehicle’s brakes and crashed in to the tram in-front, leading to both to overturn.



    Two trams in convoy have a crash because the "brakes failed" hmmmmm do we believe, I think not because we are not stupid. Of course they were racing and the passengers left alive will confirm that.

    Now for the brakes :- Modern vehicle, I do not believe.

  14. What can one say.....he's going to face a very tough life here....!.....

    I assume his child has British rights and will stay.

    Immigrants globally are under the spotlight all the time....one small error of judgement, and your rights vanish

    The guy seemed to have a decent job and would not have been on minimum wage. He stole £2300 from his employer and was also convicted of an assault

    in 2011.

    It may seem hard but he should know the rules.

    The UK has been messed around for years with criminals appealing over and over and costing up millions.

  15. My condolences to the family of the fallen man. Things like this are always a tragedy. However...

    Ships are safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for. There is an element of danger in most adventure activities. We can strive to minimize the risk but we can never eliminate it completely, no matter how much some might want to. This isn't a Nanny State. If you want that sort of mommy/daddy protection, having your hand held while you walk down a paved road, you can find it back home. The various zip-line companies have been in business for quite a few years, with a safety record that, for Thailand, is pretty damn good. Folks can say 'I just knew something like this was going to happen...: Well yeah! Wait 5-7 years and it probably will. Wait, and someone will probably get hit in the head with a golf ball or drop a free weight on their chest. Just give it enough time.... Skiers now wear helmets on the slops in most major ski areas, and all have ski patrol personnel monitoring, watching for potential problems, yet every year in several ski areas, someone skis out of control, slams into a tree and dies.

    Adventure sports are for people who live in the fast lane. Most of us don't play golf. We tend to live on the edge. And while we all say we want safety, what we really want is an element of danger. And sometimes we fall off that edge. “Live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse!”

    I agree that accidents do happen however too many people are killed or hurt in Thailand. It's nothing to do with nanny state lets look at a sensible alternative.

    ALL the people and companies dealing with tourists should have COMPULSORY insurance. This should cover for personnel accident and third party cover. If a tourist is injured through faulty equipment or negligence then the payout should be similar to the payout in their home country.

    If thy can't afford the premium then they should not be in business. If they are negligent then the premium will be high next year.

  16. 25 Baht for a unit of well water? Crazy ripoff.

    20 (!) cubic meters (?) for a single person (?).

    Do you shower for an hour per day?

    Fill a pool?

    You are ripped off/cheated by all means.

    electricity; this is coming in at only about 3800/month

    Government rate and "only" 3800?

    Single person? How many aircons? Running 24/7 or what?

    (I am just asking, I don't want to exclude that 3800 is possible)

    My electric used to cost around 2000 baht per month, that's for a house with 1 air and 2 people. The water was 100 baht and that included water for the garden.

    I can understand water in a condo costing more because they have to pump to water to the roof but 500 baht is too much. There are Government agencies you can complain too but what does your service charge agreement say??

  17. How can they know the unemployment rate when people don't register as being unemployed?

    Because all the hookers pay taxes maybe?

    More like unemployment doesn't exist, as it might affect the image of Thailand.

    And....that's why prostitution is illegal.

    It's a vicious cycle.

    What's with the "Hookers and Prostitution" show a little respect for those hard working boys and girls.

  18. When will the West and peaceful Muslim majority accept the fact that treating IS as part of the Human Race will not work.

    We need to obliterate their strongholds. This may sound as though I advocate using the same tactics as they use and that is exactly what is required.

    We in Europe only see part of the atrocities committed all over the world.

    Stop being nice

  19. They need WAY more 'highway police' - and some that actually do their jobs by catching and prosecuting dangerous drivers, rather than providing escorts for hi-so 'VIPs'

    In my lifetime? Na

    Don't be too sure, there is much pressure and focus on Thailand to address the issues, I know they are long standing issues and TiT but there is huge pressure for change,

    Each year hundreds die on the roads during the seven dangerous days of Songkran. This year was no different. At least 364 people lost their lives, making Songkran 2015 the most deadly since 2009.


    These figures come as a blow to the military government, who recently stepped up their efforts to reduce traffic accidents for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. Under the UN mandate Thailand must halve its road death rate by the year 2020. Considering the current average stands at 26,000 deaths per year, this is no short order.


    Also big bike sales are going up

    Double-digit growth was also seen in Asia, where Ducati said it achieved an all-time sales record (up 11% with 5,787 units sold).

    Performance was particularly strong in Thailand (up 22%) and in China, where sales volumes nearly doubled (up 97%) vs. 2013, the OEM noted.


    So the road traffic accident rates are going to keep going up while more and more pressure is applied to see them brought down.

    Problem is there will also be knee jerk reactions as different ways are considered to address the situation.

    364 killed in the 7 days of Songran, as the average is 71 per day there would normally be 498.63 killed in 7 days

  20. What kind of religious studies teaches one to carry a gun?

    Islam, where you been ?. Why do we have to accept these people back.

    And what do they study:- man goes to cave meets someone who says his name is Gab and he is a friend of God. Now God was busy so when Gab said he had been talking to some bloke in a cave God said you deal with it. So he meet cave man and gives him a list of instructions.

    Now this is where it all gets a bit messy coz neither of them have paper or a pen not that it matters to the cave man coz he don't write. 3 years later someone wrote some stuff down but all they could remember was kill people, treat women like 2nd class citizens and kill some more.

    It's strange how few Muslim countries actually make anything. In fact if they had no oil what would they do.

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