Search Google for top 100 action, crime, comedy, romance, sci fi, horror etc, whatever your bag is, doesn't get any easier than that. Or ask Google for similar movies to......
I have the same pump with the same problem, and I bleed it exactly as shown in the video. I have replaced the tank with a stainless steel one from Lazada as the original rusted out. Bleeding seems to solve the problem for a while but eventually pulsing starts again. Fortunately we only use the pump as a standby for when mains water is turned off, which is rarely, so I put up with the "problem".
I think I need to go back and watch season 1 again. It would be pointless to watch season 2 if you hadn't seen 1, it switches between past and present randomly, very confusing. This is the problem when there's a long gap between seasons.
Under The Bridge. One of the best mini series lately, based on a true story. Has some of the most unlikeable characters in a series I've seen, especially the teenage girls.
It depends how much you have to lose. At 82, owning a house here (not land), and long term partner of 14 years, it might be kinda tough for me to be thrown out because of non-compliance and find myself back in Oz with just the clothes on my back.
Do you even live in Thailand? Because it seems you know very little about it. Falangs are charged more at public hospitals than Thais, also admittance prices to parks and other places is higher. Oh, I know bargain.
When I get all the same benefits as a Thai does, ie free medical, able to buy land etc, no price gouging because I'm a falang, no 90 day reports or visas required, then I'll fully integrate.