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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Dirty Little Letters (new British movie) set in the 1920's has a black lady judge, and a female Indian police officer. They just can't help themselves.
  2. Some things stand the test of time and some don't.
  3. Sleeping Dogs with Russel Crowe, mediocre at best. Ex detective with Alzheimer solves 10 year old murder case. Sure.
  4. I agree, it's entertaining, but it doesn't vary much from the movie, so no surprises.
  5. Knox Goes Away with Michael Keaton and Al Pacino. Thought this was pretty good. Available everywhere.
  6. B & W gives an illusion of the era in which it's set. I don't mind it to be honest.
  7. Wasn't like that before, it was the same as on my PC.
  8. My YouTube layout has changed on my Android tablet since an update. Instead of showing multiple videos across the screen, same as my desktop, it now shows individual videos full screen and you have to scroll down to see the next one, it's horrible. I have looked at a few tutorials on Google but have yet to find one that works. Anyone have a fix?
  9. Amazing Rhythm Aces, The Shins.
  10. I already spent about 3000 baht on putting in a new condensor (something that looks a bit like a radiator) and it works fine except for no light on the sensor. Once again, not a lot of use in second bedroom, so a new one isn't justified for the sake of a bulb or whatever it is, which doesn't actually affect the running.
  11. Is 14 years old modern?
  12. The aircon in the second bedroom works fine, had a new condensor replaced a year ago, so it's as cool as. However the light that lets you know it's on no longer works. I presume this is part of the sensor unit, so does the whole thing need replacing (1200 baht) or can just a globe be replaced?
  13. I like Farrell as an actor but just couldn't get into this. Gave it away after 15 minutes.
  14. True or not, they all suggest that aircon be run for a while regularly to keep them in good nick. All I know is that things start to fail when you don't.
  15. What was the new part he soldered in?
  16. You know what? I think I'm going to go with the breaker idea. I only need to run it a couple of times a month for 30 minutes, so not a big deal.
  17. The manual switch wouldn't turn it off either.
  18. Some people used to park their (manual) car on a hill rather than buy a new battery.
  19. Like I said, rarely used, so it will be good enough for the times it does. It's 24000 btu.
  20. The aircon wasn't blowing cold air previously, so thatvwas a separate problem.
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