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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Yeah, already admitted that.
  2. Already explained why. I can't help you with understanding it.
  3. I wasn't complaining, I accepted full responsibility for accepting and paying for something I hadn't ordered, hence the "I should have known better". I ignored your rudeness because I know some people just take pleasure in belittling others.
  4. I'm a creature of habit.
  5. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Don't know how many times I have to admit to it being my fault, but I will still continue to use COD. I'm out of pocket a whopping 280 baht, my god I'll have to start a gofundme page.
  6. Because it works for me. I've literally had hundreds of items from Lazada delivered this way without a problem. Today's scam is nothing to do with Lazada.
  7. I'll say it once more. Been using COD to pay Lazada for at least 10 years and never had a problem. This scam is on me and my curiosity. My Thai partner told me not to accept the package, but I did anyway. Mea Culpa.
  8. I take full responsibilty for allowing myself to be scammed. As I said, I knew I had ordered nothing of the value of the item, but went ahead and accepted it anyway. I will continue to use COD for Lazada, but obviously won't accept anything I haven't ordered again.
  9. I have been using COD exclusively with Lazada for more than 10 years and never had a problem, My common sense told me not to accept the package, but my curiosity got the better of me. I thought maybe it was something I'd ordered some time ago and either forgot about or had cancelled, but fool me once......
  10. I order quite often from Lazada, in fact awaiting three small items at the moment, nothing worth more than 130 Baht. Courier just turned up and said has a parcel for 280 baht, but I have ordered nothing of that amount. Against my better judgement I paid the courier and opened the box and found a grubby used nylon jacket, worth maybe 20 baht. I don't know where these scammers get my name and address, but lesson learned and they won't catch me again.
  11. Not my Thai partner, she loves it, especially braised shanks.
  12. Cat Person. When Margot, a college sophomore goes on a date with the older Robert, she finds that IRL Robert doesn't live up to the Robert she has been flirting with over texts. A razor-sharp exploration of the horrors of dating. Thought this was very good.
  13. Thank god my taste buds peak at 399 baht.
  14. I don't like rats either, but I have no wish to make another creature suffer unnecessarily.
  15. Had a similar problem a few years back. As fast as I was setting spring traps I was catching rats, refused to use those sticky traps, that's just too brutal. As a last resort tried scattering a few mothballs around the roof cavity, rats disappeared and never had a problem since.
  16. I'm sure they don't want them all in orphanages.
  17. Not much good if the owners are there for 30 years.
  18. She'll probably continue to pump out more that she can't look after. There is absolutely no excuse for unwanted pregnancy in this day and age.
  19. You'd probably have to see the lease out if rented. If I'd rented for the 13 years instead of buying the house, I would have paid at least 3 million baht in rent, dead money. When I cark it my partner still has over 4 million baht equity in the house.
  20. At the moment it is 6 monthly, but it's flexible, you could choose to pay monthly if you wished. I pay 14000 baht a year.
  21. AFAIK renters don't pay maintenance, the owner does.
  22. Did you own the house or were you renting? We never had a problem in our village until the last year or so. There were always late payers, but not 8 houses refusing to pay.
  23. There are scumbags wherever you live in the world, probably more in developed countries.
  24. Already been in our house 13 years, still standing.
  25. If the cost of recovering the outstanding debt is outweighed by the legal costs then it's a no win situation. Even if it forces the resident to cough up what's owed, there might still be an ongoing refusal to pay, then the whole process has to be repeated.
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