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Posts posted by Metapod

  1. We looked at a dump of a condo just out of curiosity - (450K THB - but it needed about 350-400K worth of repairs/renovations from 20 years of leaks) a couple of months ago. We wouldn't let our dog stay there! Monthly fees were 550 THB. Actually it wasn't really a condo. It was a studio apartment - one room and a toilet, about 34 square meters. So if you want cheap, that is what you get.

    monthly fees of 550 baht when you can prolly rent a room like that for 3k.

    doesnt seem like a great investment to me.

    better off renting

    • Like 1
  2. Not in Chiang Mai but here in Bangkok you attend the MOE after 12 months study and answer four simple questions in the Thai language.





    I personally have never been tested at immigration.

    Hope you find someone who can help in Chiang Mai.

    What is your name?

    How old are you?

    What is your nationality?

    What is your favorite food?

    One year for that? I knew how to answer those questions after the first week in Thailand.

  3. try to know white collar Thai girls and this is the real Thai girls

    You must be joking. First of all they are a tiny percentage of the population, poor rural girls much more representative and authentically Thai.

    Also the office girls have no interest in fat old unattractive farang, very tough to find one that will go at a reasonable price, way too much effort IMO.

    And they are usually SO up themselves, No thanks, give me a nice upcountry farmer's daughter fresh off the farm any day.

    If I didn't have the language or language skills for that even a nice honest sex worker is better than those pretentious superficial bubble-brained Barbie dolls.

    add to that,

    they are robotic and live boring lives, and generally if still white collar, non imaginative and deep in debt,

    add to that,

    all the family baggage,

    not sure there is a difference worth debating, except maybe,

    harder to get in bed?

    will still require money, ie., tangible effort

    What would you know? Your experience of thai women is a hooker in chiang mai and a visit to pattaya.


    you are so delusional it is hilarious.

  4. try to know white collar Thai girls and this is the real Thai girls

    You must be joking. First of all they are a tiny percentage of the population, poor rural girls much more representative and authentically Thai.

    Also the office girls have no interest in fat old unattractive farang, very tough to find one that will go at a reasonable price, way too much effort IMO.

    And they are usually SO up themselves, No thanks, give me a nice upcountry farmer's daughter fresh off the farm any day.

    If I didn't have the language or language skills for that even a nice honest sex worker is better than those pretentious superficial bubble-brained Barbie dolls.


    god forbid a girl not want to have interest in a fat old and unattractive fossil.....

    oh no, you actually have to put in some effort? what is this madness!

    up themselves? because they refuse to lower themselves to your disgusting level? i guess almost every girl in thailand who isn't poor and destitute is "up themselves' then. you obviously do not know these girls on a personal level like I do.

    I love how you call these girls stupid when a lot of them are very educated and working good jobs. But no, you would rather roll around with a girl who can't speak English and left school at the age of 14. Good job.

  5. Take the MRT to Rama9 and go to Fortune Town. It is an I.T Mall. I've seen laptop stands in there before. Not sure if I have seen ones from the floor though. The ones I have seen have mostly been the ones you rest on your lap for the couch or bed. It is still worth a look though. Place has almost everything I.T related you could want. Failing that, order online.

    Do I walk from the MRT? I will check it out as Ive only ever been to Pantip

    The building is directly outside the MRT station. So yes I think you can manage the walk. :P

  6. Take the MRT to Rama9 and go to Fortune Town. It is an I.T Mall. I've seen laptop stands in there before. Not sure if I have seen ones from the floor though. The ones I have seen have mostly been the ones you rest on your lap for the couch or bed. It is still worth a look though. Place has almost everything I.T related you could want. Failing that, order online.

  7. spring break coming up


    The age pool ratio in florida sweeps the early 30's female crowd, into non approachable range for a 54 year old, no matter the capabilities,

    The life and comfort here though, cannot be matched in most of Thailand

    It is the same as Thailand. Difference is you do not have a large financial advantage over these women, so they want nothing to do with you.

    Just like most Thai girls want nothing to do with you, other than the poor and destitute.

  8. You mean when he's strung out on yaabaa and takes all her money to go drinking with his friends, that is preferable to staying with a clean cut, well dressed guy who takes her out to nice restaurants and stays in a beautiful home?

    You're right; if she prefers the loser Thai guy to a successful farang, then these girls have shit for brains.

    So now it is the girls fault because they don't see an OLD and pathetic whoremonger like you as a good catch? lol.

    Delusional reality indeed.

  9. If you haven't moved them already, mark which side is up where you found them, after a few days the embryo will attach itself to the side of the egg's wall and if turned upside down they will drown in amniotic fluid.

    to late for that. when I found them, they were already in the wheelbarrow and had been tossed around quite a bit.

    so like i told you before, cut one open.

  10. I'm certainly no fan of the OP but if you think that somebody who is 42 is "old", you must be about 15.

    Age is relative and 42 is OLD in the dating/relationship scene for girls in their 20s.

    Not only are you an old fossil, you are also not a very bright one. You basically proved my point by trying to label me as 15 (proving age is relative), while completely missing the context of my previous statement.

  11. So if you must support a girl in order for her to stay with you, please answer this one simple question:

    Why do so many beautiful Thai girls who work as dancers in a bar have a Thai unemployed yabba drunk as a boyfriend? He is a complete loser and sucks all her money off her yet she is happy to stay with him. Why can't I have the same minus the alcohol, abuse, and drugs and I never ask money from her?

    Because you are a pathetic excuse for a man, and your only redeeming quality is your financial position over third world prostitutes and girls in poverty?

  12. ok seen the photos which answers most of my questions.

    honestly it doesn't seem like a good deal at all.

    i've seen places in the same price bracket with nicer rooms and buildings. seems the location is the only defining factor of this place.

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