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Posts posted by Metapod

  1. You mean when he's strung out on yaabaa and takes all her money to go drinking with his friends, that is preferable to staying with a clean cut, well dressed guy who takes her out to nice restaurants and stays in a beautiful home?

    You're right; if she prefers the loser Thai guy to a successful farang, then these girls have shit for brains.

    So now it is the girls fault because they don't see an OLD and pathetic whoremonger like you as a good catch? lol.

    Delusional reality indeed.

  2. If you haven't moved them already, mark which side is up where you found them, after a few days the embryo will attach itself to the side of the egg's wall and if turned upside down they will drown in amniotic fluid.

    to late for that. when I found them, they were already in the wheelbarrow and had been tossed around quite a bit.

    so like i told you before, cut one open.

  3. I'm certainly no fan of the OP but if you think that somebody who is 42 is "old", you must be about 15.

    Age is relative and 42 is OLD in the dating/relationship scene for girls in their 20s.

    Not only are you an old fossil, you are also not a very bright one. You basically proved my point by trying to label me as 15 (proving age is relative), while completely missing the context of my previous statement.

  4. So if you must support a girl in order for her to stay with you, please answer this one simple question:

    Why do so many beautiful Thai girls who work as dancers in a bar have a Thai unemployed yabba drunk as a boyfriend? He is a complete loser and sucks all her money off her yet she is happy to stay with him. Why can't I have the same minus the alcohol, abuse, and drugs and I never ask money from her?

    Because you are a pathetic excuse for a man, and your only redeeming quality is your financial position over third world prostitutes and girls in poverty?

  5. ok seen the photos which answers most of my questions.

    honestly it doesn't seem like a good deal at all.

    i've seen places in the same price bracket with nicer rooms and buildings. seems the location is the only defining factor of this place.

  6. ^^ If you could read or speak Thai language, you would come to realize that are many unairconditioned hotel rooms, in the BKK burbs, for 200 baht or under per night.

    they r really nice pics ill post some if I have time today, just to put a sock in some of the people's mouths here lol

    the rooms r 1800, 2000 and 2500 a month I was told, im in a 1800 one now


    Hot water?

    Keycard security for building?

    What common amnemities in building? Water machines? Washing Machines? etc

    WIFI in room?

    Furniture? Whats in the room? Fridge? TV? etc


  7. I am aware of a Thai community in LA,

    that is about all I know,

    small one in south florida,

    I did just get an awesome Se Wa De Ka, from a girl I know here who saw my Lao flag

    tee shirt and told me both her parents were born there.....

    I have known her 3 years, and never knew that!

    Are you still talking out of your ass Scarpolo?

    I doubt you were wearing a laos flag and I doubt a laos girl said hello to you in THAI because of it.

    You realize 'se wa dee ka' is not hello in laos?

  8. how much for monthly rentals?

    2000b lol

    I'm assuming no A/C and no hot water right?

    What about keycard security?

    I'd also be surprised if they had a fridge and tv,

    I've seen apartments at this price range before. It can really be a crapshoot in regards to what features and amenities the building and rooms have.

    Hard to call it a good deal without that information.

    Other thing is the price of electricity. I saw a place for 2,500 that charged 10baht a unit. Not too useful for someone who wants to run a computer / fridge / fan/ac

  9. you gotta buy a boatload of stuff for them, as is standard. I suggest you buy it on the way in, that way you can control the expenditure. I suggest a couple bottles of Laokhao and maybe a couple cases of beer. Maybe a couple super size tins of crackers or cookies for the kids. I would also invest in a styrofoam cooler for the beer.

    Maybe if you are an old fossil visiting a hooker's family.

    I've never been asked or expected to buy a boatload of stuff when visiting or staying with Thai families.

    totally agree, i have never been put in a position when i am expected to buy anything. i have always been a welcomed guest and treated well. then again i've never dated a prostitute...

    I don't know why you guys feel the need to crow about this issue every time (you think) it comes up.

    We old fossils buying prezzies for the SO's poverty-stricken family aren't deserving of your time and energy in mocking us for our choices, give it a rest.

    There is a difference between buying/bringing some gifts/presents, and footing the bill for an extended family and village during your stay. I've given gifts, but I haven't rocked up and been shipped off to Big C to shop for booze and food for 15 people like you fossils keep suggesting is the norm.

    That isn't how hospitality works. That is called them taking the piss out of you.

    • Like 1
  10. you gotta buy a boatload of stuff for them, as is standard. I suggest you buy it on the way in, that way you can control the expenditure. I suggest a couple bottles of Laokhao and maybe a couple cases of beer. Maybe a couple super size tins of crackers or cookies for the kids. I would also invest in a styrofoam cooler for the beer.

    And I agree with the other posts - quietly book a hotel room nearby and then escape when you can. If it has a swimming pool and you are comfortable with it... you can have the kids over for a swim. They will love it. You can enjoy aircon and maybe just maybe it will have a TV with some sport on. A hotel will have a decent restaurant nearby.

    And any day you just gotta get out of there - claim 'tong seeya' (diarrhea). Very believable. And you may not need to fake it.

    Maybe if you are an old fossil visiting a hooker's family.

    I've never been asked or expected to buy a boatload of stuff when visiting or staying with Thai families.

    totally agree, i have never been put in a position when i am expected to buy anything. i have always been a welcomed guest and treated well. then again i've never dated a prostitute...

    Same as me.

    Last time I spent 5 days in Udon Thani staying with her family and her friend's family. Wasn't asked or expected to pay for anything. Offered multiple times and refused. Thais are very good hosts in my experience.

    • Like 1
  11. March 18:

    Started a search engine optimization business. Getting clients on day 1 through direct marketing. I've got a new lease on life! Happy days. Thank you for all your input.

    All to say, I still think friends should help a friend and not consider the friend in need a pest. I won't forgive my rich friends who didn't even want to know the amount I needed (3000-10,000 baht). I would never say no to a friend if I could afford it and that's the bottom line.

    You are a moron and a scammer. You can't even develop a website (you admitted it yourself), now you are magically an SEO guru with clients on your first day?

    lol. confirmed windup from another bored thaivisa fossil.

  12. you gotta buy a boatload of stuff for them, as is standard. I suggest you buy it on the way in, that way you can control the expenditure. I suggest a couple bottles of Laokhao and maybe a couple cases of beer. Maybe a couple super size tins of crackers or cookies for the kids. I would also invest in a styrofoam cooler for the beer.

    And I agree with the other posts - quietly book a hotel room nearby and then escape when you can. If it has a swimming pool and you are comfortable with it... you can have the kids over for a swim. They will love it. You can enjoy aircon and maybe just maybe it will have a TV with some sport on. A hotel will have a decent restaurant nearby.

    And any day you just gotta get out of there - claim 'tong seeya' (diarrhea). Very believable. And you may not need to fake it.

    Maybe if you are an old fossil visiting a hooker's family.

    I've never been asked or expected to buy a boatload of stuff when visiting or staying with Thai families.

  13. Thais love to gossip and talk about others. That is the first thing I noticed when my thai language skills improved.

    Not going to be abusive like the bored fossils in this thread. I'll just tell it to you bluntly from an objective standpoint.

    I'd say whatever they were saying was most likely negative. Your partner is dark skinned and not a model. You are also an aging foreigner wearing a singlet with tats. This combination screams "sexpat / issan hooker" to Thais. It could also be the way you both interact in public. Maybe you were both talking pigeon english. Maybe you both swear a lot. Maybe it could be a lot of different things.

    Now I am not saying this is the reality here. Just my assumption on their perceptions of you in public.

    You have to remember that Thais are very status orientated and that extends to appearances, specially in Bangkok.

  14. As a fellow American (now 58), I appreciate your post. Sounds like you offered to sponsor your tirak to the US. That would be a BIG mistake. Fortunately she said no. Just in case she changes her mind, don't do it! Once she arrives in the US, she will realize how popular she is with all the other American guys - young, rich, white, latin and black! Each time you say NO or she gets bored or angry, she will be at the bar picking up another dude. Your heart will be broken.

    Anyway, I don't think you will be able to date American women again. And Asian girls in the US will look right past you as if you are invisible. Therefore, I predict you will be back to the LOS. Chok dee kap...

    But all the fossils keep telling me that age doesn't matter and that girls don't prefer younger guys who are closer to their age???

    How can this possibly be????????

    Girls, maybe, but not "women"

    Women, who have been thru the proverbial mill, want security and bettter treatment,

    they will not get that from guys their age

    just my opinion, and, word for word from the girl i am with,

    people seem to object to my calling her a girlfriend,

    but that is what she has been,

    all the way


    women prefer a 50+ year old men........



  15. As a fellow American (now 58), I appreciate your post. Sounds like you offered to sponsor your tirak to the US. That would be a BIG mistake. Fortunately she said no. Just in case she changes her mind, don't do it! Once she arrives in the US, she will realize how popular she is with all the other American guys - young, rich, white, latin and black! Each time you say NO or she gets bored or angry, she will be at the bar picking up another dude. Your heart will be broken.

    Anyway, I don't think you will be able to date American women again. And Asian girls in the US will look right past you as if you are invisible. Therefore, I predict you will be back to the LOS. Chok dee kap...

    But all the fossils keep telling me that age doesn't matter and that girls don't prefer younger guys who are closer to their age???

    How can this possibly be????????

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