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Posts posted by Metapod

  1. going out alone at RCA is just weird!

    standing, dancing and drinking alone people will think you are a freak! you not getting any ladies..

    It isn't weird. If you have confidence in yourself then you can do it easy. I think people who are so insecure that they can't do anything without their social safety net are weird.

    Nobody ever said anything about standing, dancing, and drinking alone.

    Seems YOU are the one who isn't getting any ladies. :)

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  2. That doesn't sound all that different from when I was young, dumb and full of cum as an immigrant worker in the US about 20 years ago. The best conquests were always when out with my mates and not really looking for flange. Of course language was never an issue, especially as my Scots brogue was a pretty consistent leg-opener. It sounds like anyone in the age bracket with half decent looks, decently dressed, with a pulse and the ability to converse easily in Thai will score.

    Pretty much.

  3. One single farang wants to infiltrate a group of thai boys and girls so he can have sex with one of them. Is that the end game................lol. Hilarious! I can see why single guys have a hard time there.

    I'm a guy, so yes of course it is smile.png Although a few numbers to keep me busy would do fine. What else is the point of clubs?


    Of course, it's much better to do that with women and a few drinks but you need to bear in mind that women can smell desperation a mile off. They know when a guy is on the rake cos most of the time, he's trawling around the establishment trying to make eye contact or conversation with every bloody woman there. It looks low-rent and there's few things a decent Thai bird abhors more than a low-rent guy trying to get laid.

    In response to HardenedSoul: yes, the best success I've had was when I was not occupied at all with scoring. Was with a group of farang male friends and we were just drinking and dancing and only minding the music, not paying attention to girls. This was a huge draw, as the girls later explained to me. This was in fact at RCA, Slim, but years ago.

    Thai women, any woman, know when a guy is on the prowl, and it usually does not work in the guy's favor.

    Of course, it is pretty clear from the OP that his main reason is to score. And for many guys, also Thai guys, that is the point of clubs.

    It is brave of the OP to go alone. It is very hard with the setup of Thai clubs with the table setting and all to get in contact.

    As other have said, it is better to go in small group, even better with Thai guys in that group.

    I have been in such a group with Thai guys, and have witnessed the guys 'go to work'.

    When we meet I always jokingly call them 'the Masters'.

    They call me the handsome farang (their words not mine), but they succeed far more than I could. They know how it works, what to say,

    when to say it. I've seen some scanning the place, locking in, and walking to a table, glass in hand, without hesitation.

    They don't look exceptionally good, they just know what to say. They are also not dance champions, neither am I.

    Dancing between those tables and stools is already a feat in itself.

    I've also found that it is very hard to judge whether the Thai guys with the girls are boyfriends or not.

    The last thing you want is chat up some Thai guy's girl, especially when they are getting drunk or are already drunk.

    That is another reason why you approach the group and win them over first.

    As for the "guys on the prowl and more success just dancing" This has nothing to do with the method, and everything to do with your state of mind.

    You project confidence and a relaxed attitude when you are not trying to pickup. A lot of guys on the prowl are not 100% confident. Girls sense and react to confidence (or lack there of).

    You will get 100x more girls by "being on the prowl" with confident energy, than "dancing with the boys" with confidence.

  4. One single farang wants to infiltrate a group of thai boys and girls so he can have sex with one of them. Is that the end game................lol. Hilarious! I can see why single guys have a hard time there.

    I'm a guy, so yes of course it is smile.png Although a few numbers to keep me busy would do fine. What else is the point of clubs?

    You didn't really just ask that question did you???!!!

    Are you one of those guys for whom a night ending without a woman in your bed is a disaster?

    An attitude like that might explain the difficulty you've had.

    Clubs are for listening to music that you love and expressing what that music means to you through dance.

    Of course, it's much better to do that with women and a few drinks but you need to bear in mind that women can smell desperation a mile off. They know when a guy is on the rake cos most of the time, he's trawling around the establishment trying to make eye contact or conversation with every bloody woman there. It looks low-rent and there's few things a decent Thai bird abhors more than a low-rent guy trying to get laid.

    Clubs are about fun, sure. And I agree, if the music is shit I wont go, and I like dancing. But thats not the main point of clubs. Thats why there are more singles, people dressed up nice, and dancing... you know where dancing comes from? How often do you go clubbing when you've got a girlfriend? Or even better.. how would she react if you told her you wanted to go to RCA with your buddies? My ex in Peru would have shit a BRICK, because she knows what would be on my mind and other girls minds.

    Yup. RCA isn't packed to the brim because all the guys love stuff like Beiber.

  5. One single farang wants to infiltrate a group of thai boys and girls so he can have sex with one of them. Is that the end game................lol. Hilarious! I can see why single guys have a hard time there.

    I'm a guy, so yes of course it is smile.png Although a few numbers to keep me busy would do fine. What else is the point of clubs?

    Clubs are for listening to music that you love and expressing what that music means to you through dance.

    Nah. 99% of clubs are purely for socializing and picking up. Hence, they play the most generic and popular rnb/pop stuff that is popular at the time.

    The people that go to clubs specially for music they love are in the minority and more likely to be found at clubs playing non-mainstream music.

    The big clubs at RCA are in the first category. Sometimes these clubs will get some big name DJs and you get more people from Group B, but that is the exception, not the norm.

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  6. the funny thing is oogster8 thinks we are paying the girls and that they are freelancers.


    i guess its been a good 30 years since someone had sex with him without money changing hands.

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  7. One single farang wants to infiltrate a group of thai boys and girls so he can have sex with one of them. Is that the end game................lol. Hilarious! I can see why single guys have a hard time there.

    Best to stick with the gogo bars old man.

    • Like 1
  8. Interesting stuff Metapod.. I'll keep it in mind if I go back tonight. It sounds like it is wise to get a table but it's so static... you're stuck there. What if the surrounding tables don't have any interesting women?

    The dynamics sound the same as scoring girls anywhere. I've had a good amount of success in Thailand, mostly friends-of-friends, people at the gym, etc. But thai clubs are a whole new challenge for me.

    That is just how the game is there. It isn't easy to move around and pick out a girl. As you probably experienced, it is NOT a pleasant experience to move between all the tables, and you can't exactly just pitch a tint up in the middle and spend the night there.

    It is also difficult to just join a table out of the blue. This is part of the concept though. Think of the tables as social security for the group. Like their own personal space. Picking up in Thai clubs still requires confidence, but not in that really aggressive "make the move' fashion that you would have to do in a western club. If you chat up a chick at a table the situation is 1 v 5 in their favor. So naturally it is a much more difficult situation and as Spade said before, this is how you will get cockblocked. You simply can't approach like this without getting shutdown a lot. So you need to understand the design of the club to and work with that.

    For best success you need to work with the group as I explained in my prior post.

  9. Just leave thai girls who go to rca alone. If they want a 1 night stand with a farang they know where to go...................lol.

    Do girls go clubbing and then decide to become a freelancer depending if they see hot guys or not...............you guys are hilarious!

    Have you been to RCA? Do you realize how many farang go there? Do you know anything about what thai girls in their 20s want or do?

    Of cause not, you are 50+ and your entire experience with them is the result of Nana and Cowboy. You are the one who is hilarious. :)

    You think that any girl that has sex with a farang is a prostitute. Sorry bud, but that is just your limited experience of the world.

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  10. Been to RCA plenty of times solo and pick up often there.

    Not hard to meet people if you are young, decent looking, and sociable.

    It isn't all that different to picking up at clubs in any other city.

    • Like 1
  11. It's generally a policy that renters pay for AC upkeep and repair. If your landlord is the exception, then good for you. In my experience they have no interest in spending anything to keep their rooms in good condition.

    They'll even try and keep your deposit sometimes.


    Have you ever even read a rental agreement in your life?

    Maintenance and upkeep is always the responsibility of the landlord, not the renter. The renter is only responsible if they break or damage something, or use something in a way that it is not intended to be used.


    I've had my A/C repaired twice and both times my landlord paid for it without any issues.

  12. So it's UK tag team? What business is it of mine? Absolutely none. And if you stuck to what is your own business you might say the same.

    These days I have a visible online presence though not cash generating via twitter, blogspot, scribd.com and a few well read legal and international diplomacy-type websites & beyond that I don't really care to say what it is I understand or not.

    BTW Not married to Jessica -- just a Thai girl who looks enough like her.

    Calling bullshit on this.

    If you are going to make claims like this then back it up with a photo.

    You are obviously over 60 years old and your wife most likely was turning tricks if she looks as good as Jessica Alba.

    Sounds like you are extremely bitter and jealous of young guys living the life you could only dream of, while you rot away with your ex bargirl Jessica Alba lookalike. :P

  13. This hero worship of violent thugs intent on knocking their opponent senseless is nauseating.

    Time to do your homework boys-school tomorrow and you really need your allowance this week, don't you?

    Violent thugs? Are you serious?

    You are probably some fat slob that has trouble getting off the couch or bar stool.

    Wouldn't know a thing about martial arts or combat sports.


    As for famous fighters who come out here? They are plenty every year.

    Huerta basically lives and trains out here now. You guys guys like Ebersole coaching at Tiger in Phuket. Pat Healy and Matt Pierce were recently up at Team Quest in Chiang Mai. Golden Glory bought the old Scorpion Gym in Pattaya and have been training there before their fights in Asia, etc.

    Most likely to run into them at the larger tourist gyms like PTT , Tiger, Team Quest, Fairtex, etc.

  14. can someone tell me when you are old, what is the number,

    im 53, just,,lol,, i dont know whos side to be on, the old or the young guns,,lol,

    im confused,,i must be old,,lol

    i cant see what it matters what people spend, if there happy then they must be spending enough,

    some will spend 100k some will spend 25k,

    you get that in every country,

    all ive got to say and i dont want you young guns chasing me round this site,

    is that it would be a good idea if you could be putting just about the same amount away every month, just in case things go tits up,

    you can be ill young just the same as you can being old,

    if things go wrong with the internet sales,

    and i no your all not selling on the internet,

    but just think, what if!!!

    yes i still work at 53, and yes i was even operations manager in bkk, but not enough monet very very good money for thailand, but i was still away from my farm, so i thought i might as well be working in africa away from my farm earning 4x as much,


    I don't think this is a young vs old thing. Just seems to be a few old blokes who are very ignorant to how young people live. Very bitter vibes coming from them. I posted in here to correct that information.

    And you are right. It doesn't matter what people spend. I don't think anyone has had an issue with that. Everyone has different budgets and different ways to live their life.

    The issue was some people calling our budgets "living like local poor people" and thinking we live substandard lives. Pure ignorance with a hint of jealousy.

    And things can always go tits up.

    That is one of the reasons I am happy to spend 30-40k instead of 60k and bank the rest every month. I could stop earning for over a year or more and still maintain my lifestyle just fine.

    My budget isn't how much I earn, it is how much I spend, hence the word budget.

  15. Mid fifties if you really want to know. Hardly old.

    Jealous now that really is a laff. Why would I be jealous of someoe who doesnt have a pot to piss incheesy.gif .

    45k a month, living in a bedsit with no career, no money and no futurecoffee1.gif

    Yes you are right I cant fathom that at allblink.png

    No career? No money? No future?

    How do you know any of this just from the amount of money I spend each month? You are so clueless it is hilarious. I probably save more money each month than you do.

  16. MrHammer said:

    I don't even know why I got into this discussion, most likely because TheSpade made it out like he was living a comfortable life with all amenities at 35K and we then found out he doesn't own anything else than a laptop and a backpack. That is fine, but I have a strong aversion to bullshitters and most people of a certain age are just not going to consider his lifestyle as comfortable.

    It's interesting, isn't it ? A hippie (or hipster - your choice) who claims to have the nightlife in Thailand wired, but spends an inordinate amount of time on TV bemoaning the lifestyle of various aging punters in 'his' backyard. The thing that really puzzles me about the young Turks on this board is WHY the hell they feel the need to post at all - how many of the 50+ brigade would waste hours each day on the Net with their (alleged) combination of money, looks and sexual stamina ? This is the internet - we can ALL be 30 years old, independently wealthy and gorgeous, but the older blokes who form the bulk of TV - my assumption - cant be bothered measuring their dicks every time they log in. OK - most of them cant be bothered wink.png

    Lads, if you really ARE living the life of Riley in SE Asia, more power to you, but I'm mystified as to why you feel the need to constantly wave your 'credentials' in our faces. For all the stereotypes, the majority of retired TV'ers seem to be folk who put in decades with their noses to the grindstone - does it really matter to you what they do in their retirement ? If you want to impress me, open an orphanage in SE Asia with your millions - I guarantee that you'll rapidly forget all about internet forums.

    Pretty sure the only one waving his dick around here is MrHammer. The guy is full of shit and I showed it.

    All I have done in this thread is refute ignorant claims people have made.I couldn't care less about how other people spend their money. Read my posts in this thread.

  17. I think all of us long-stayers have experienced similar before. It is funny and cute, but I don't think it really improves their English skills, just gets them out of class for a day. They are still way too shy because the Thai system doesn't encourage them to be independent and asking questions in class is very rare (students asking teachers that is...)

    i agree. The exercise is handled very poorly.

    I think an improvement would be to have them be required to ask a follow up question to their original question. This way they can demonstrate that they are interpreting the answer and participating in an interview. In most of these videos they just read a generic question off a piece of paper that they already memorized, and either get a "yes" answer back (due to poorly formed question), or just ignore/misunderstand the response.

    They also seem to ask the same exact questions. I have been interviewed by different students in different cities in Thailand and I got answered the exact same stuff.

    As it stands now, the exercise is basically meaningless for the advancement of their English.

  18. Were you paying yourself? I'd assume "work" means paid employment. The objective of the law is to stop you taking a job from a Thai. As someone pointed out, if it extended to every task you could possibly outsource (like wiping your arse or shagging your missus) it would be ridiculous.

    The legal definition of work in Thai also includes non-paid work. That is why the situation is a lot more vague and tricky.

    Here is the official definition..

    "to engage in work by exerting energy or using knowledge whether or not in consideration of wages or other benefits"

    Thanks for that. So, yes, it is ridiculous as it could technically include me shagging my missus. How bizarre.

    Just don't put any energy or knowledge into it and you should be right.

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